International Journal of
Livestock Production

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Livest. Prod.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2448
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJLP
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 287

Table of Content: December 2016; 7(12)

December 2016

Effects of tanniferous browse plant supplementation on the nutrient digestibility and growth of Djallonké rams

Two separate experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of tanniferous (CT) browse plant supplementation on the growth, nutrient digestibility and blood biochemical properties of Djallonké sheep. The browse plants were Albizia lebbeck, Gmelina arborea, Senna siamea and Ceiba pentandra and were harvested from natural grazing fields within the vicinity of Nyankpala in Ghana. In experiment I, 20...

Author(s): Terry Ansah, Robert Wilkinson and Herbert Kwabla Dei

December 2016

Performance and Haematological Parameters of Rabbits fed graded levels of Bitter kola (Garcinia kola)

The need to reduce cost of production of meat animal has necessitated the use of plant materials with medicinal properties as feed additives capable of minimizing the influence of pathogenic microbes and improving performance of the animal. This study investigated the effect of such medicinal plant materials Garcinia kola on the growth performance and the haematological parameters of 20 weeks old rabbits. Thirty six...

Author(s): Ebenebe, C.I., Nwankwor, A.O., Izukanne, R.O and Ufele, A.N.

December 2016

Effect of three different diets on sensory attributes and meat quality of feedlot finished Tswana yearling steers

The study was conducted to assess the effect of roughage source on meat quality and sensory attributes of yearling Tswana cattle. The sensory traits and meat quality of yearling Tswana steers fed maize stover diet (treatment A), sorghum stover diet (treatment B) or commercial beef finisher diet (treatment Control) were evaluated and allotted feeding trial by adopting Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The commercial...

Author(s): Machete J. B., Baleseng L. B., Molemogi E., Mpho K. , Bahta S. and Ntokome K.

December 2016

Fertility and Hatchability Performance of Pure and Crossbred Indigenous Chicken Strains in the High Rainforest Zone of Nigeria

The effect of strains on fertility, hatchability, and embryo mortality of indigenous chicken reared in the high rain forest zone of Nigeria was investigated. In this investigation, indigenous chicken with normal feathered phenotype, naked neck, and frizzle feathered phenotype which consisted of 10 cocks and 35 hens as the parents were used. They were put in 7 breeding groups: (1) Normal feathered cock with normal...

Author(s): F.O. Ajayi and B.O. Agaviezor