Journal of
Ecology and The Natural Environment

  • Abbreviation: J. Ecol. Nat. Environ.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9847
  • DOI: 10.5897/JENE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 408

Table of Content: July 2015; 7(7)

July 2015

Drought, desertification and the Nigerian environment: A review

Drought and desertification are twin global environmental problems. Nigeria is faced with rapid desert encroachment affecting fifteen northernmost states from moderate to severe rate. Out of the 909,890 km2 of the country’s land area, about 580,841 km2 accounting for 63.83% of total land is impinge on by desertification. Climatic variability and anthropogenic activities such as deforestation, extensive...

Author(s): Olagunju, Temidayo Ebenezer

July 2015

Salinity effects on growth of four Artemia franciscana (Kellogg, 1906) populations, cultured in laboratory conditions from Yucatan Peninsula

The aim of is study was to determine the growth performance of Mexican A. franciscana Yucatan Peninsula strains in different salinity tests. Four populations from different habitats were studied: Real de las Salinas (RSAL), Cancun (CAN), San Crisanto (CRIS) and Celestun (CEL). Nauplii from each population were inoculated in 200 L plastic tanks with 160 L of dissolved rock salt water at 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 g L-1. The...

Author(s): Castro, M. J., Castro, M. G., Castañeda, T. H., Monroy, D. M. C., Ocampo, C. J., Cruz, C. I., Ponce-Palafox, J. T. and De Lara, A. R.

July 2015

Floristic composition and structural analysis of Gelesha forest, Gambella regional State, Southwest Ethiopia

The study was conducted on Gelesha Forest, Godere District and Gambella Regional State, Southwest Ethiopia to determine floristic composition and structural analysis of the forest. Systematic sampling method was used to collect vegetation data from 60 plots (20 m × 20 m) for trees and shrubs, 5 m x5 m for seedlings and saplings and 1 m × 1 m for herbaceous plants. Vegetation classification was performed...

Author(s): Bilew Alemu, Kitessa Hundera and Balcha Abera