2024-07-17T11:43:00Z https://academicjournals.org/oai-pmh/handler
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:43D3D8516179 2007-02-28T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Crime and HIV/AIDS in the Western Cape: business support organizations and business owners’ perceptions Eslyn Isaacs and Chris Friedrich Full Length Research Paper Economic growth will be severely curtailed if crime and HIV/AIDS is not effectively dealt with. Despite the fact that the business support organizations and the SMME owners are dissatisfied with the crime situation, the government reports that it is showing a decreasing trend. The research shows that 92% of the respondents are of the opinion that crime negatively affects small and medium enterprises and these owners are spending between $21 and $87 per annum on crime prevention. It was surprising when 52% of the owners mentioned that they have no measures in place to combat crime, whilst 17% have a double inventory and cash control system in place. A further 14% reported that they do a thorough background check before appointing new employees. Sixty percent of respondents believed that unemployment and low self-esteem (15%) are consequences of crime and it was therefore not surprising when 30% indicated that job creation should receive a priority; another 30% believed improved police visibility and 23% was of the opinion that youth programmes and a further 17% suggested that the prosecution system should be more effective. Hundred percent (100%) of the business owners indicated that they do not have a HIV/AIDS policy. Eighty eight percent of the respondents were of the opinion that HIV/AIDS have a negative impact on the small and medium enterprises. Fifty four percent of the respondents believed that HIV/AIDS reduces the workforce and forty six percent opinioned that it decreases the purchasing power of the affected employees. Fifty four percent of the respondents were of the opinion that awareness programmes; 23% thought treatment programmes and it was surprising when 20% of the respondents reported that they do not know what can be done to reduce the HIV/AIDS situation. Key words: South Africa, SMME, business support organizations, crime, HIV/AIDS, poverty alleviation. Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/43D3D8516179 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000164 en Copyright © 2007 Eslyn Isaacs and Chris Friedrich
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:9031F5015982 2007-02-28T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Heterogeneity among Zimbabwe’s rural micro-enterprises and the determinants of their inclination to agro-dealership Richard Foti, Nyararai Mlambo, Violet Muringai, Zira Mavunganidze and Cletos Mapiye Full Length Research Paper Rural micro-enterprises play a pivotal role in developing country agriculture as the major sources of inputs and ready markets for agricultural produce. This makes an understanding of their diversity and dynamism vital to issues of sustainable food security and poverty alleviation. This paper uses cluster analysis and a logit regression model to establish the factors underlying the heterogeneity of micro-enterprise firms with a view to unearth the reasons behind their inclination towards agro-dealership. Rural micro-enterprises were found to vary greatly due to size, firm life, capital intensity and their motives for entry into business. Capital intensity in tern determines firm size, willingness to expand and the firmrsquo;s likelihood to stay in business. Larger firms with a long firm life and a high capital base were found to have a greater tendency to deal in agribusiness commodities as opposed to small firms with lower capital intensity and a short firm life. It was concluded that firm proclivity to agro dealership could be increased through increasing capital base and provision of incentives for voluntary entry into business. Key words: micro-enterprises; cluster analysis; agro dealership; logit model; capital intensity. Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/9031F5015982 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000316 en Copyright © 2007 Richard Foti, Nyararai Mlambo, Violet Muringai, Zira Mavunganidze and Cletos Mapiye
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:FDDB70C16328 2007-05-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Does branded product placement in film enhance realism and product recognition by consumers? DLR van der Waldt, LS Du Toit and R Redelinghuys Full Length Research Paper Product placement in films receives renewed focus in integrated marketing communication (IMC). One of the main concerns with regard to product placement as a marketing communication tool is that marketers have little knowledge if consumers are aware of product placements or recognise products that are deliberately placed in feature films by markerters and advertisers. The following specific research objectives were put forward to determine; if product placements in films increase realism of the film and respondentsrsquo; recognition of brand name products placed in a film. These objectives were tested by questionnaire, distributed to 220 undergraduate respondents in the age bracket of 18 to 24 years. Respondents were exposed to film stimuli containing product placements and thereafter were required to complete the questionnaire at a university in Pretoria. A conclusion drawn from the findings was that product placements in films do have an effect on the realism of the film. Branded products placed in films are thought to inject a sense of realism into the film. It was further concluded that product placements in films prompted brand recognition among respondents. The main findings and conclusions of this research maintain that the prominence of a product placement in a film affects the consumersrsquo; ability to recognise the placed product. The more prominent a placement is in a film, the greater the likelihood that consumers will recognise it. It is recommended that marketing and adver-tising managers should strategically place their products prominently in films and television program-mes in order to guarantee the desired impact thereof. Key words: Product placement, prominently placed brand names, advertising, Integrated Marketing Commu-nication (IMC), product recognition, exposure to products. Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/FDDB70C16328 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000217 en Copyright © 2007 DLR van der Waldt, LS Du Toit and R Redelinghuys
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:1786EA616363 2007-05-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
A conceptual framework for the strategic analysis and management of the brain drain of African health care professionals Rubin Pillay Full Length Research Paper This paper presents a conceptual framework for the analysis and management of the brain drain of African health professionals. It is a synthesis of information drawn from an exploratory study of the literature on the international migration of skilled workers. It outlines the causes of this phenomenon as well as the impact on, and interrelationships between, health systems, knowledge production and the economy at large. The paper concludes by outlining an integrated policy intervention strategy aimed at the different variables in the framework. Key words: Brain drain, health professionals, Africa, conceptual framework. Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/1786EA616363 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000007 en Copyright © 2007 Rubin Pillay
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:27CED7616403 2007-05-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Standard deviation or variance: the better proxy for large hedgers and large speculators risk in U.S. futures markets Ikhlaas Gurrib Full Length Research Paper Using CFTCrsquo;s COT data, both GARCH and PARCH volatility based models found the lagged volatility and news about volatility from the previous month to be significant in explaining large hedgersrsquo; and speculatorsrsquo; volatility. The greater reliance on the ARCH term for speculatorsrsquo; suggested their greater reliance on past information to extrapolate for their current decisions. Furthermore, hedgersrsquo; volatility in Treasury bonds and coffee, and speculatorsrsquo; volatility in gold and Samp;P500 futures have experienced increasing volatility persistence to shocks over the 1990s. In all remaining markets, hedgersrsquo; and speculatorsrsquo; volatility has shown a tendency to decay over time in response to shocks, supporting that both players are informed and react well to news volatility. The PARCH model explains volatility of both players better by exhibiting more negative components of volatility than the GARCH model. Both models, under normal and t distribution, supported that most futures returns in the 29 US markets were leptokurtic. Key words: CFTC, Cot, Garch, Parch, volatility. JEL classification: G13, G14, G15, G18 Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/27CED7616403 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000518 en Copyright © 2007 Ikhlaas Gurrib
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:E2DA02016522 2007-05-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
A review of the literature on employee turnover Henry Ongori Review ldquo;Employee turnoverrdquo; as a term is widely used in business circles. Although several studies have been conducted on this topic, most of the researchers focus on the causes of employee turnover but little has been done on the examining the sources of employee turnover, effects and advising various strategies which can be used by managers in various organisations to ensure that there is employee continuity in their organisations to enhance organizational competitiveness. This paper examines the sources of employee turnover, effects and forwards some strategies on how to minimize employee turnover in organisations. Key words: Employee, turnover, sources, effects, strategies. Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/E2DA02016522 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000027 en Copyright © 2007 Henry Ongori
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:8E7E4A916578 2007-05-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Unity and division: the dialectics of the Nigerian trade union movement Funmi Adewumi Full Length Research Paper This paper takes cursory look at the development of the Nigerian trade union movement. Using the historical approach, it is argued that a combination of ideological, political, structural and personal factors has made it virtually impossible for the movement to attain a level of unity needed to secure concessions from the Nigerian state and the owners of capitalist industry. The paper then concludes that given the unfolding developments within the global and local economies which continue to confer advantages on capital, the Nigerian trade union movement needs to overcome internal divisions and confront the prevailing situation as a class for itself. Key words: trade unions, unity, capitalism, ideology. Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/8E7E4A916578 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000666 en Copyright © 2007 Funmi Adewumi
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:301E75F16684 2007-05-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Peer influence on young adults’ products purchase decisions R Makgosa and K Mohube Full Length Research Paper There are some people that an individual keeps in mind when making a purchase. Usually, such people disseminate opinions and other individuals are pressured into following their trend, becoming associated with them and using them as a standard of their purchase decisions. Such people are known as reference groups and they include entertainment figures, sports heroes, political leaders, parents, co-workers, teachers and peers. This paper seeks to contribute to the existing body of the literature on reference group influence. Specifically, it focuses on peer influence among young adultsrsquo; products purchase decisions. A convenience sample of 101 university students participated in this study. The results of Analysis of Variance and t-tests indicated that there is more normative influence for a public luxury (sunglasses) than for a private luxury (cell phone) and private necessity (toothpaste). Informational influence was also more for a public luxury than a private necessity. Additionally, a public necessity (shoes) had more normative influence than a private luxury and private necessity as well as a high informational influence than private necessity. Overall, these results demonstrated that the influence of peers varies across various product categories. Key words: Peer influence, product conspicuousness, reference group Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/301E75F16684 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000454 en Copyright © 2007 R Makgosa and K Mohube
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:2A772BA21009 2007-06-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Peer influence on young adults’ products purchase decisions R Makgosa and K Mohube Full Length Research Paper There are some people that an individual keeps in mind when making a purchase. Usually, such people disseminate opinions and other individuals are pressured into following their trend, becoming associated with them and using them as a standard of their purchase decisions. Such people are known as reference groups and they include entertainment figures, sports heroes, political leaders, parents, co-workers, teachers and peers. This paper seeks to contribute to the existing body of the literature on reference group influence. Specifically, it focuses on peer influence among young adultsrsquo; products purchase decisions. A convenience sample of 101 university students participated in this study. The results of Analysis of Variance and t-tests indicated that there is more normative influence for a public luxury (sunglasses) than for a private luxury (cell phone) and private necessity (toothpaste). Informational influence was also more for a public luxury than a private necessity. Additionally, a public necessity (shoes) had more normative influence than a private luxury and private necessity as well as a high informational influence than private necessity. Overall, these results demonstrated that the influence of peers varies across various product categories. Key words: Peer influence, product conspicuousness, reference group. Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/2A772BA21009 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000455 en Copyright © 2007 R Makgosa and K Mohube
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:ED416F220992 2007-06-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Unity and division: the dialectics of the Nigerian trade union movement Funmi Adewumi Full Length Research Paper This paper takes cursory look at the development of the Nigerian trade union movement. Using the historical approach, it is argued that a combination of ideological, political, structural and personal factors has made it virtually impossible for the movement to attain a level of unity needed to secure concessions from the Nigerian state and the owners of capitalist industry. The paper then concludes that given the unfolding developments within the global and local economies which continue to confer advantages on capital, the Nigerian trade union movement needs to overcome internal divisions and confront the prevailing situation as a class for itself. Key words: trade unions, unity, capitalism, ideology. Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/ED416F220992 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000667 en Copyright © 2007 Funmi Adewumi
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:D54556B20975 2007-06-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
A review of the literature on employee turnover Henry Ongori Review ldquo;Employee turnoverrdquo; as a term is widely used in business circles. Although several studies have been conducted on this topic, most of the researchers focus on the causes of employee turnover but little has been done on the examining the sources of employee turnover, effects and advising various strategies which can be used by managers in various organisations to ensure that there is employee continuity in their organisations to enhance organizational competitiveness. This paper examines the sources of employee turnover, effects and forwards some strategies on how to minimize employee turnover in organisations. Key words: Employee, turnover, sources, effects, strategies. Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/D54556B20975 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000028 en Copyright © 2007 Henry Ongori
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:2D1C0DE16759 2007-07-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Critical review of literature on workforce diversity Ongori Henry and Agolla J. Evans Review Workforce diversity is a primary concern for most of the businesses. Todayrsquo;s organisations need to recognise and manage workforce diversity effectively. Many articles have been written on this topic but there is no specific definition of workforce diversity. The main purpose of this article is to review the literature of workforce diversity. What is workforce diversity? What are the benefits of workforce diversity in organisations, what management can do to enhance work force diversity in organisations? What are the disadvantages of workforce diversity? .This questions would be main purpose of this article. Key words: Workforce diversity, disability, old age, human resource management, equal opportunity Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/2D1C0DE16759 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000171 en Copyright © 2007 Ongori Henry and Agolla J. Evans
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:F6F2A0A16950 2007-07-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Technical efficiency and regional market integration of cross-border bean marketing in western Kenya and eastern Uganda L. W. Mauyo, J. R. Okalebo, R. A. Kirkby, R. Buruchara, M. Ugen, C.T. Mengist, V.E. Anjichi and R.O. Musebe Full Length Research Paper This study was conducted to assess the status of cross-border bean marketing patterns in the border districts of Kenya and Uganda. Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important legume crop in East and Central Africa, providing protein, calories and cash income for rural households. Smallholder farmers in Kenya and Uganda have adopted improved bean varieties. However, the demand for common bean in Kenyan market far outstrips local supply and the country is a net importer from Uganda and Tanzania. In the recent years, Kenyarsquo;s bean production has been declining mainly due to bad weather conditions and poor pricing policies. An efficient bean marketing system enhances food security. The objectives of this study were to assess the technical efficiency in terms of marketing margins and assess the regional market integration in the bean marketing system. Purposive and systematic random sampling methods were used to select the study districts and bean traders respectively. One hundred and six respondents were interviewed using structured questionnaires. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data. The Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) was used to generate the Pearsonrsquo;s bivariate Correlation coefficients. The study revealed that marketing margins earned by the middlemen, agents and exporters in both Kenya and Uganda though in excess of transfer costs were justified, given the existing institutional and legal barriers. The results further revealed low levels of technical efficiency due to market imperfections. Correlation coefficients analysis of wholesale bean prices revealed that regional bean markets in the study area are integrated. Key words: Bean, bean prices, cross-border marketing, market integration. Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/F6F2A0A16950 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000541 en Copyright © 2007 L. W. Mauyo, J. R. Okalebo, R. A. Kirkby, R. Buruchara, M. Ugen, C.T. Mengist, V.E. Anjichi and R.O. Musebe
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:1D358D017045 2007-07-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Why are so many managers not “managing?” Louise van Scheers and Simon Radipere Full Length Research Paper This research investigates whether lack of managerial skills of small business owners is the main cause of business failure in South Africa. It is evident from the conducted research that small business owners lack certain managerial skill such as financial management, marketing and human managerial skills to operate their businesses successfully. The research findings confirmed that entrepreneurs of MSEs are in need of support services. It is equally evident that entrepreneurs of MSEs are constrained not only by financial factors but also by non-financial factors such as lack of education, inadequate technical skills, poor access to markets, lack of information and unreliable infrastructure. The research conducted confirmed that there is relationship between problems experienced by MSEs entrepreneurs and the managerial skills they possess. The research established that the lack of managerial skills has a negative impact on the success and viability of small businesses. The research concluded that the challenge would be to increase the pool of capable small business owners in South Africa. Improving the managerial skills of small business owners is of crucial importance, as small business is considered to be the panacea for South Africarsquo;s unemployment problems and a stagnating economy. Key words: Small business, managerial skills, Nepad,GEM Report, macro and market environmental problems Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/1D358D017045 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000682 en Copyright © 2007 Louise van Scheers and Simon Radipere
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:374E3C117077 2007-07-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Technical efficiency and regional market integration of cross-border bean marketing in western Kenya and eastern Uganda L. W. Mauyo, J. R. Okalebo, R. A. Kirkby, R. Buruchara, M. Ugen, C.T. Mengist, V.E. Anjichi and R.O. Musebe Full Length Research Paper This study was conducted to assess the status of cross-border bean marketing patterns in the border districts of Kenya and Uganda. Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important legume crop in East and Central Africa, providing protein, calories and cash income for rural households. Smallholder farmers in Kenya and Uganda have adopted improved bean varieties. However, the demand for common bean in Kenyan market far outstrips local supply and the country is a net importer from Uganda and Tanzania. In the recent years, Kenyarsquo;s bean production has been declining mainly due to bad weather conditions and poor pricing policies. An efficient bean marketing system enhances food security. The objectives of this study were to assess the technical efficiency in terms of marketing margins and assess the regional market integration in the bean marketing system. Purposive and systematic random sampling methods were used to select the study districts and bean traders respectively. One hundred and six respondents were interviewed using structured questionnaires. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data. The Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) was used to generate the Pearsonrsquo;s bivariate Correlation coefficients. The study revealed that marketing margins earned by the middlemen, agents and exporters in both Kenya and Uganda though in excess of transfer costs were justified, given the existing institutional and legal barriers. The results further revealed low levels of technical efficiency due to market imperfections. Correlation coefficients analysis of wholesale bean prices revealed that regional bean markets in the study area are integrated. Key words: Bean, bean prices, cross-border marketing, market integration. Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/374E3C117077 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000542 en Copyright © 2007 L. W. Mauyo, J. R. Okalebo, R. A. Kirkby, R. Buruchara, M. Ugen, C.T. Mengist, V.E. Anjichi and R.O. Musebe
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:A7A099417107 2007-07-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
The effect of consumer price knowledge and gender on retail marketing strategy Louise van Scheers and M C Cant Full Length Research Paper Secondary research shows that consumer price knowledge and gender has an effect on retail management strategy. Consumer knowledge and expertise of industries prices, products and store location add to the ease at which consumers are able to cherry pick. Consumers are informed of discounted prices on products as well as the product assortment of a particular store, through marketing and store promotions. Cherry picking can be defined as taking the best and leaving the rest and therefore cherry picking is used to portray both buyer and seller behaviour in retailing. Various sellers can be viewed as those who are selective about which consumer profile they choose to target, whereas consumers are selective about which products or services they purchase. This article aims to establish the effect of consumer price knowledge and gender on retail management strategy. Consumers who are branded as cherry pickers are price sensitive shoppers with no brand loyalty but this market segment has been found to be sizable, heterogeneous, and potentially attractive for retailers, contrary to the myth that they are a retailersrsquo; nemesis. Price knowledge means the ability of buyers to keep prices in mind; it influences what, when, where and how much they buy. Cherry pickers build price competitions between retailersrsquo;; therefore they should strive to have the most attractive offers and weekly advertisements, in order to draw the cherry pickers in and obtaining a greater turnover. Key words: Cherry picking Consumer knowledge consumer price knowledge price sensitive shoppers Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/A7A099417107 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000564 en Copyright © 2007 Louise van Scheers and M C Cant
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:21F3C1E17113 2007-07-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
The effect of consumer price knowledge and gender on retail marketing strategy Louise van Scheers and M C Cant Full Length Research Paper Secondary research shows that consumer price knowledge and gender has an effect on retail management strategy. Consumer knowledge and expertise of industries prices, products and store location add to the ease at which consumers are able to cherry pick. Consumers are informed of discounted prices on products as well as the product assortment of a particular store, through marketing and store promotions. Cherry picking can be defined as taking the best and leaving the rest and therefore cherry picking is used to portray both buyer and seller behaviour in retailing. Various sellers can be viewed as those who are selective about which consumer profile they choose to target, whereas consumers are selective about which products or services they purchase. This article aims to establish the effect of consumer price knowledge and gender on retail management strategy. Consumers who are branded as cherry pickers are price sensitive shoppers with no brand loyalty but this market segment has been found to be sizable, heterogeneous, and potentially attractive for retailers, contrary to the myth that they are a retailersrsquo; nemesis. Price knowledge means the ability of buyers to keep prices in mind; it influences what, when, where and how much they buy. Cherry pickers build price competitions between retailersrsquo;; therefore they should strive to have the most attractive offers and weekly advertisements, in order to draw the cherry pickers in and obtaining a greater turnover. Key words: Cherry picking Consumer knowledge consumer price knowledge price sensitive shoppers Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/21F3C1E17113 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000565 en Copyright © 2007 Louise van Scheers and M C Cant
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:D29106B17447 2007-08-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Determinants of technology adoption in the production of horticultural export produce in Kenya Full Length Research Paper The horticultural sector is currently the second largest foreign exchange earner in Kenya after tea. It employs more than a half a million people in the formal sector and over two million people in the informal sector. The major export destinations demand some minimum quality levels of the produce entering their market. There have been technological innovations with regard to seed priming, treatment, disease and insect resistance and overall quality improvement. However the increased profitability associated with such technological advancement has not been fully enjoyed in Kenya and other developing countries due to non-adoption, partial adoption or inappropriate adoption of the improved technologies. This necessitates the application of the full range of the available technology in the production process to maximize output and profits. This paper investigates the determinants of technology adoption in the production of horticultural export produce. Multistage and random sampling methods were used to select the study areas and horticultural export producers respectively. One hundred and twelve (112) respondents were interviewed using structured questionnaires. The study covered Nakuru, Kiambu, Laikipia, Thika and Machakos districts. The data was analyzed using the omnibus logistic function employing the SPSS software Version 10. Regression results indicated positive coefficients for levels of education, role of government, funds availability and membership to professional bodies by the firms alongside other variables. Results further revealed that failure to utilize technologies was due to financial constraints, inappropriate technologies, technical knowledge, nature of the businesses, poor infrastructure, access to information as well as the technologies themselves not being available. This paper concludes that education levels, government involvement, access to finance and membership to professional bodies positively influence technology adoption. Key words: Adoption, technology and horticulture Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/D29106B17447 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000202 en Copyright © 2007
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:8C361B617434 2007-08-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Determinants of voluntary disclosures in Kenyan companies annual reports Dulacha G Barako Full Length Research Paper In recent years, the Kenyan Government has initiated reforms at the Nairobi Stock Exchange aimed at transforming the exchange into a vehicle for mobilising domestic savings and attracting foreign capital investments. Consequently, the corporate financial reporting, and in particular, the level of voluntary disclosure is a vital part of the process for building investor confidence (local and foreign) and trust. Drawing on prior corporate disclosure research, this study examines factors associated with voluntary disclosure of four types of information: general and strategic, financial, forward-looking, and social and board information in the annual reports of Kenyan companies. This study provides longitudinal examination of voluntary disclosure practices in the annual reports of listed companies in Kenya from 1992 to 2001. The study investigates the extent to which corporate governance attributes, ownership structure and company characteristics influence voluntary disclosure of various types of information. Due to the panel nature of our data, to estimate the determinants of voluntary disclosure of various types of information, we use pooled Ordinary Least Square (OLS) with Panel-Corrected Standard Errors (PCSEs). Our results indicate that, disclosures of all types of information are influenced by corporate governance attributes, ownership structure and corporate characteristics. In particular, the results also suggest that size and companies in the agricultural sector are significantly associated with the voluntary disclosure of all four types of information disclosures. Keywords: Voluntary disclosures, companiesrsquo; annual reports, Kenya Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/8C361B617434 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000203 en Copyright © 2007 Dulacha G Barako
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:468726617391 2007-08-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Stock market returns and volatility in the BRVM Nrsquo;dri, Konan Leacute;on Full Length Research Paper This paper studies the relationship between expected stock market returns and volatility in the regional stock market of the West African Economic and Monetary Union called the BRVM. Using weekly returns over the period 4 January 1999 to 29 July 2005 and, an EGARCH-in-Mean model assuming normally distributed and Student#39;s t distribution for error terms, the study reveals that: 1) expected stock return has a positive but not statistically significant relationship with expected volatility. 2) volatility is higher during market booms than when market declines. Key words: Regional stock market, BRVM, WAEMU, EGARCH-M, Risk-returns tradeoff Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/468726617391 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000520 en Copyright © 2007 Nrsquo;dri, Konan Leacute;on
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:B971AA617371 2007-08-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Determinants of effective productivity among service workers: the case of nurses in Botswana Ntonghanwah Forcheh and Thabo T. Fako Full Length Research Paper The study proposes a measure of effective productivity among service workers and seeks a parsimonious predictive model of ldquo;effective productivityrdquo; among nurses in Botswana. Employee productivity has become a concern of organisations in all economic sectors world wide. In Botswana, it has also become a national priority issue and has been listed as one of the goals of the long term vision for Botswana due to perceived low productivity among the workforce. Productivity among nurses is of special significance because of their critical role in the primary health care system. Nurses working under local government control in Botswana provide a good case study since they all have to perform certain routine activities from which their productivity could be measured and compared. Self completed anonymous questionnaires were used to collect the relevant data from all health facilities under local government control in Botswana. A representative sample of 325 questionnaires were returned and analysed. Chi-squared test of association was used to identify univariate factors associated with effective productivity from among a list of 38 variables. Hierarchical stepwise multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify a predictive model for effective productivity among nurses. Thirteen of the 38 variables were found to be significant univariate predictors of effective productivity (plt;0.05). Only eight of these factors were retained during a search for a parsimonious predictive model. These in order of importance were midwifery training, involvement with the Village Development Committee, involvement in making health policies, peer support, religious affiliation, ability to complete the Botswana Obstetric Record, quality of health after posting and involvement with the community. The overall impact of these factors was found to be additive. The results underline the importance of midwifery training for effective productivity among nurses in Botswana. It is concluded that all nurses in Botswana should be encouraged and accorded the opportunity to do midwifery training. Nurses should further be encouraged to become more involved in the communities in which they work, as well as develop supportive relationships and a friendly atmosphere at the work place. Key words: Botswana nurses, effective productivity, logistic regression, midwifery training, peer-support, primary health care. Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/B971AA617371 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000197 en Copyright © 2007 Ntonghanwah Forcheh and Thabo T. Fako
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:10EA92017524 2007-09-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Factors affecting job satisfaction among academic professionals in tertiary institutions in Zimbabwe P. Chimanikire, E. Mutandwa , C. T. Gadzirayi, N. Muzondo and B. Mutandwa Full Length Research Paper The broad objective of this study was to determine factors affecting job satisfaction among academic professionals in tertiary institutions of Zimbabwe against the backdrop of high brain drain in the sector. A total of eighty respondents were selected randomly from departmental lists and interviewed using structured questionnaires. Key informants such as administration personnel were also interviewed using semi-structured schedules. The results of the study showed that a greater proportion of the academic staff was not satisfied with their jobs. Reasons for dissatisfaction include high volume of work, inadequate salaries, allowances, loans to facilities purchase of housing stands and cars. There is need to craft a responsive incentive package that addresses the concerns of academic staff on issues related to job satisfaction and thus stave off international migration to other countries. Key words: Job satisfaction, academic staff, migration, Universities, Zimbabwe Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/10EA92017524 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000284 en Copyright © 2007 P. Chimanikire, E. Mutandwa , C. T. Gadzirayi, N. Muzondo and B. Mutandwa
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:48426CA17508 2007-09-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Determinants of parents’ choice of a paediatric dentist: an application of factor analysis Barbara N. Muzondo, Noel Muzondo and Edward Mutandwa Full Length Research Paper The broad objective of this study was to identify factors that parents consider when choosing pedodontist services for their children in Harare, Zimbabwe. This study was done against the backdrop of lack of consistency between expectations of consumers and quality of the service provided by dentists. Structured questionnaires based on a 19-item importance scale were administered to a convenience sample of 51 respondents from 5 selected dentists in Harare. The results of the study showed that quality of service rendered, accessibility of dental clinic, friendliness of the dental environment and the manner in which the dental process was conducted were the main determinants influencing choice. A major implication of the study is that dentists should consider marketing as a critical component of practice management. Key word: Dentistry, service quality, Zimbabwe, pedodontics, consumer behaviour, dental services, marketing. Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/48426CA17508 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000201 en Copyright © 2007 Barbara N. Muzondo, Noel Muzondo and Edward Mutandwa
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:80F534317489 2007-09-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Problems of recruitment in civil service: case of the Nigerian civil service Biobele Richards Briggs Full Length Research Paper This study probed to identify the problems of recruitment in Nigerian federal civil service and to determine the extent of the utilization of job description and job specification in the recruitment process. Stratified random sampling method was used to draw a sample of 190 from five federal ministries grouped into the four major categories of grade levels. Descriptive survey design was employed and descriptive statistics used for the analysis. The survey identified factors such as increasing pressures for employment, utilization of informal sources of recruitment, long military era, federal character principle, lack of independence of the service commission and delegation of recruitment functions as the prevalent problems affecting recruitment in Nigerian federal civil service. As results of these problems, job description and standard personnel requirements were not adequately used in the recruitment process, especially at the lowest category of grade levels. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the federal government should promulgate laws that will protect employees in the private sector in order to reduce consistent pressures for employment in the public sector. Subjective and informal sources of recruitment should be de-emphasized, and instead sources from educational institutions and professional organizations should be encouraged. The number of federal civil service commissioners should be increased with the establishment of zonal and state offices. It was also recommended that the remuneration of the federal civil servants should be increased. Federal civil service should utilize job description when embarking on actual recruitment exercise and personnel requirements should be developed to match position classification in the service. Finally, a proposal of further research agenda was made on the re-examination of the reliability and validity of employee selection instruments in the civil service. Key words: Civil service, recruitment. Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/80F534317489 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000469 en Copyright © 2007 Biobele Richards Briggs
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:EAF6AC417472 2007-09-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Key changes in profile and characteristics of individual investors on the Johannesburg securities exchange (JSE) over the past two decades Pradeep Brijlal Full Length Research Paper Factors influencing investment behavior in South Africa are a matter of considerable interest among stockbrokers, business strategists, public officials and ordinary people. This paper attempts to characterize and profile the individual investor on the Johannesburg securities exchange (JSE) in order to establish if there have been changes in this grouping over the past two decades. In addition, the paper considers how these changes affect the investment community in current times. The paper draws on data collected in the 1980s as well as data collected by the author more recently. In the latter case, self administered questionnaires were electronically mailed to on-line investors. The responses were analyzed using univariate analysis and frequency tables and the data were compared with those of Firer, who conducted a similar study in the 1980s. Some of the key changes over the past two decades were investors who are now more concentrated in the middle age group, have higher qualifications, hold fewer securities in their portfolio, most invest for the long term, use the all share index to compare performance and feel that they could achieve a much higher return on their investment than previously. These findings provide some opportunities for purveyors of financial services to be selective in their approach to various groups of individual investors. Key words: JSE, demographics, individual investor, risk. Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/EAF6AC417472 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000378 en Copyright © 2007 Pradeep Brijlal
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:4F1945F17587 2007-10-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
A conceptual model of asset portfolio decision making: a case study in a developing economy S. O. Akinwale and R. O. Abiola Full Length Research Paper Asset allocation decisions in general contribute to the efficiency or otherwise of financial management, determine the wealth of investors, including pensions and insurance funds, and underpin the allocation of scarce economic resources in the economy. This area has remained under researched in the developing economies and it is argued that the results of this study reflect on the shortcomings of the orthodox rationalistic approaches to decision making in finance. The study is in the tradition of naturalistic decision-making and adopts a modified grounded theory approach to the discovery of the core concepts that guide investment managersrsquo; decisions. The paper presents the results of a case study of the decision-making processes of investment managers in the Nigerian Insurance industry. The naturalistic setting highlights the importance of the security of the investment, social networks, consistency of returns, competency of management, stable environment and legal and regulatory controls as core investment decision making concepts. The emerging conceptual model is delineated and the results reflect in particular on those factors likely to impact upon financial decision-making in a developing economy. Key words: Asset portfolio, risks, returns, naturalistic decision making, grounded theory, Nigeria Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/4F1945F17587 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000008 en Copyright © 2007 S. O. Akinwale and R. O. Abiola
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:A801A4917572 2007-10-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Paid versus unpaid celebrity endorsement in advertising: an exploration Van der Waldt D. L. R., Schleritzko N. E. A. and Van Zyl K Full Length Research Paper Advertising and marketing managers spend a great deal of money to have celebrities endorse their product. Some view it to be an effective form of advertising as evidenced by the number of celebrity-endorsed advertisements that have increased. Despite numerous amounts of research on celebrities endorsing a single product, little research has been conducted regarding the use of multiple-celebrity endorsements in advertising. This study is based on the research by Hsu and McDonald (2002), who documented the use of multiple-celebrity endorsement advertising in the milk moustache campaign in the USA. This study investigated the tendency towards correspondence inference of 200 respondents and researched their attitudes towards celebrities, the product being advertised, and the advertisement as a whole. The main findings are that there is a significant correlation between correspondence inference and attitudes towards the celebrity, but suggests that the levels of correspondence inference between the paid and unpaid situations depend on the celebrity. Implications are that marketers need to realise that correspondence inference might have an influence on peoplersquo;s attitudes towards the celebrity who endorses the product. Key words: Celebrity endorsements, paid versus unpaid, advertising, campaign, marketing, attitude, message appeals. Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/A801A4917572 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000451 en Copyright © 2007 Van der Waldt D. L. R., Schleritzko N. E. A. and Van Zyl K
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:7B75A0417552 2007-10-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
An empirical study of the relation between stock return volatility and trading volume in the BRVM Nrsquo;dri Konan Leacute;on Full Length Research Paper This paper investigates the relation between stock return volatility and trading volume in the regional stock exchange of the West African Economic and Monetary Union called the Bourse Reacute;gionale des Valeurs Mobiliegrave;res (BRVM), and draws implications for market players. Using daily data on stock prices and trading volume over the period 2 January 2002 to 29 July 2005, the study tests for the Granger causality between stock returns volatility and trading volume. The result of this test shows that volume has predictive power for stock returns volatility, regardless of the measure of volatility used. This finding seems to support the sequential information arrival hypothesis of Copeland (1976). The finding also suggests a degree of market inefficiency in the BRVM. This finding is useful for regulators, practitioners, and market participants for their success depend on their ability to forecast stock price movements. Key words: Regional stock market, BRVM, WAEMU, trading volume, stock return volatility, granger causality. Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/7B75A0417552 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000069 en Copyright © 2007 Nrsquo;dri Konan Leacute;on
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:D696E0317699 2007-11-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
The role of organizational culture in modeling buyer-seller relationships in the fresh fruit and vegetable trade between Ghana and Europe Amos Gyau and Achim Spiller Full Length Research Paper In this paper, a model for buyer-seller relationships between Ghanaian fresh fruit and vegetable exporters and their buyers in Europe is provided. Organizational culture is brought into the limelight as an important dimension in the study of buyer-seller relationships in agribusinesses. Based on interviews with 101 managers of fresh fruit and vegetable export firms, the study revealed that certain organizational cultural dimensions (communication and team orientations) influence the firmrsquo;s relationship skills which in turn influence relationship quality. It is concluded that export firms can improve their relationships with their buyers if they look inward and evaluate certain aspects of their own internal organizational practices. Key words: Organizational culture, relationship skills, exporters, importers, Ghana, Europe Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/D696E0317699 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000633 en Copyright © 2007 Amos Gyau and Achim Spiller
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:7E186A817673 2007-11-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Assessment of the capabilities for innovation by small and medium industry in Nigeria Full Length Research Paper The study assessed the ability and competencies of the manufacturing SMEs to innovate. A sample population of 100 companies located in Ibadan and Lagos cities were purposively selected among these manufacturing industries operating in the Food and Beverages; Pulp, Paper and Paper Products; and Plastic and Rubber Products industrial sectors. The primary data were collected through questionnaire, and then analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that none of them achieved major innovations that could be considered unique and science-based. However, some (43%) obtained average innovative index score (prod;2) between 0 and 2, which showed that the innovation type in all these companies was mostly incremental. Among the few (14%) that showed some level of originality their innovative abilities was significantly related to some internal factors which included higher academic degree, education in science or engineering, and relevant working experience in large corporation/multinationals and university/research institute of the founder/manager. Other variables that significantly related to the innovative index prod;2 are the extent of investment in the research and development, and on employees training. Similarly, an external factor, which was exposure to research and development outputs from the universities and research institutes, had significant relationship with their innovative ability. In addition, the results also indicated that the external inputs which the companies needed for internal learning and innovation came through interactions with other external agents. It could then be concluded that specialised knowledge, educational background in science and engineering, accumulation of the technological capabilities through continuous investments on research and development (R amp; D) and training, and experience from large corporations and the research institutes, are important in enhancing technological learning and achievement of innovativeness in SMEs. Key words: Technological innovation, innovative capabilities, innovation determinants, manufacturing SMEs, Nigeria Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/7E186A817673 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000105 en Copyright © 2007
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:10BDCA317649 2007-11-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Effects of ““susu”” - a traditional micro-finance mechanism on organized and unorganized micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in Ghana Joshua Alabi, Goski Alabi and Anthony Ahiawodzi Full Length Research Paper This paper seeks to examine the effects of ldquo;ldquo;susurdquo;rdquo; as a micro-finance mechanism on organized and unorganized MSEs in Ghana. It is a comparative analysis of how ldquo;ldquo;susurdquo;rdquo; contributes to the development of organized and unorganized MSEs in Ghana. In doing this, the paper draws a sample from a group of organized and unorganized MSEs and assesses changes in total turnover on investment and number of people employed after five years of involvement in any ldquo;ldquo;susurdquo;rdquo; system. Analysis of paired observation tests of the results reveals that ldquo;ldquo;susurdquo;rdquo; as a micro-finance mechanism favours development of unorganized MSEs but not Organized MSEs. The paper recommends that for ldquo;ldquo;susurdquo;rdquo; to effectively support sustainable development of Organized MSEs, other economic and operational factors must be put in place. Key words: Organized MSEs, unorganized MSEs, ldquo;ldquo;susurdquo;rdquo;, micro-finance Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/10BDCA317649 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000243 en Copyright © 2007 Joshua Alabi, Goski Alabi and Anthony Ahiawodzi
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:9D5627617942 2007-12-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Enhancing motivation and work performance of the salespeople: the impact of supervisors’ behavior Mohammed S. Chowdhury Full Length Research Paper This study examined the importance of authoritarian and positive achievement motivation behavior of the supervisors in enhancing salespeoplersquo;s motivation and work performance. Survey data were collected from all 105 sales employees in two retail organizations. Supervisorsrsquo; ratings were collected on all 105 of the salespersons. All hypotheses were tested using regression analysis and Pearson correlations controlling for background variables of gender, marital status, and ethnicity. The findings indicated that to the extent that supervisors engaged in positive motivational behaviors, salespersonsrsquo; intrinsic motivations were increased, which, in turn, increased their performance. Implications and a number of recommendations are discussed. Key words: Authoritarian behavior, positive achievement motivation behavior, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, work performance Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/9D5627617942 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000259 en Copyright © 2007 Mohammed S. Chowdhury
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:F312F0117909 2007-12-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2007
Measuring the determinants of brand preference in a dairy product market Denford Chimboza and Edward Mutandwa Full Length Research Paper Branding is increasingly being used as a strategy for managing markets in developed countries while developing countries still lag behind. The objective of this study was to assess the level of brand awareness and factors underlying brand preference of dairy brands in Chitungwiza and Harare urban markets in Zimbabwe. A total of 90 respondents who included individual and institutional consumers were selected using judgmental and simple random sampling respectively. Primary data was collected using structured interview schedules developed for each category of consumers. Consumer product awareness indices, cluster analysis and factor analysis were the main tools used in the analysis. The findings of the study showed that 52% of the respondent consumers were aware of ARDA dairy brands despite having come across few ARDA DDP advertisements. Four factors were identified as key determinants of dairy product choice namely promotion, price and availability of product, attractive packaging and product quality. There is need for agricultural marketers to incorporate these findings in the formulation of responsive marketing strategies. Key words: Brand awareness, brand preference, urban, dairy products, Zimbabwe. Academic Journals 2007 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/F312F0117909 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000402 en Copyright © 2007 Denford Chimboza and Edward Mutandwa
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:BCC73A316298 2008-01-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
Taxation of pentecostal churches in Africa: paradigm of pentecostals in Uganda Biobele Richards Briggs Full Length Research Paper The study sought to determine if Pentecostals in Uganda were qualified to maintain their status quo as tax exempt organizations considering their vast financial resources. The study also investigated the impact of such exempt status on the principle of equality. Purposive sampling technique was used to draw a sample of 250 and they were categorized into membership structure in four districts (Kampala, Kira, Luwero and Mukono). Descriptive survey design was employed for the study. Also, descriptive and inferential analyses were used. The findings revealed two distinct opinions with regard to taxation of Pentecostals. First, the Pentecostal members indicated that Pentecostals should not be taxed. Second, non-members of Pentecostals opined that they should be taxed. With regard to the principle of equity, the findings also identified two different considerations. First, maintaining the status quo of Pentecostals tax wise was considered as tax inequality between Pentecostals and business organizations in the country. Second, taxation of Pentecostals without taxation of other faith based institutions in the country was also considered as tax inequality. Recommendations were made that the revenue authority should screen all environmental variables in their tax planning process before the derivation of tax policy with regard to taxation of Pentecostals in the country. Also, numbers of other recommendations have been made based on the findings. Key words: Business, pentecostals, public character, taxation, tax equality. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/BCC73A316298 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000540 en Copyright © 2008 Biobele Richards Briggs
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:24195F816323 2008-01-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
Infrastructure optimization and performance monitoring: empirical findings from the water sector in Uganda Silver Mugisha . Full Length Research Paper There are a number of infrastructure water utilities, especially in developing countries that have tended to use climatic change challenges as scapegoat for unreliable water supply to citizens. In this paper, we argue that there are significant gains that infrastructure managers can realise, in the short to medium term, while addressing water scarcity problems as the wider climatic change challenges are being globally tackled! We single out effective infrastructure optimization through high-impact change management plans and incorporating strong water loss management strategies. In addition, we pinpoint use of economic criteria for plant capacity expansion, raw water source protection and effective stakeholder coordination as key ingredients to infrastructure optimisation. Further, the paper investigates modes of infrastructure performance monitoring. Using a quantitative survey method and empirical data from 14 NWSC water utilities, the paper concludes that both process and output oriented monitoring approaches (measured by attitudinal indicators) are positively correlated with monitoring effectiveness and subsequently the technical efficiency change (catch-up) of infrastructure utilities. This study outlines an important issue that has not been adequately researched: the extent to which feedback and information flows from the principal to the agent could improve the capacity of the agent to conduct business. Key words: Infrastructure management, water scarcity, efficiency change, water loss management, source protection, monitoring. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/24195F816323 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000354 en Copyright © 2008 Silver Mugisha .
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:1FD799E16398 2008-02-28T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
The role of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, security and privacy, and customer attitude to engender customer adaptation in the context of electronic banking Nadim Jahangir and Noorjahan Begum Full Length Research Paper This research intends to propose a conceptual framework that will investigate the effects of perceived usefulness, ease of use, and security and privacy on customer adaptation mediated through customer attitude in the context of e-banking. To test the framework, structural equation modeling techniques have been applied to data collected from 227 customers of private commercial banks in Bangladesh. Primarily this study aims to test the theoretical models to measure the causality whether perceived usefulness, ease of use, security and privacy, and customer attitude can foster customer adaptation. The initial results of the study indicate that perceived usefulness, ease of use, security and privacy, and customer attitude are significantly and positively related to customer adaptation. Implications for practicing managers and for future research are discussed. Key words: Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, security and privacy, customer attitude, customer adaptation, electronic banking. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/1FD799E16398 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000634 en Copyright © 2008 Nadim Jahangir and Noorjahan Begum
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:132083C16552 2008-02-28T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
Customer service in the retention of mobile phone users in Nigeria Oyeniyi, Omotayo and Abiodun Abolaji Joachim Full Length Research Paper Customer service has received considerable attention in marketing literature. This paper attempts to find the relationship between customer service on customer retention in telecommunication industry in Nigeria. If retention is not managed, customerrsquo;s loyalty may be lost. This study examined the potential constructs in customer retention by investigating the chain of effects of retention from customer service, satisfaction, value and behavioural intention. The hypotheses are supported except that a higher level of customer satisfaction does not lead to customer loyalty. Key words: Customer service, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and customer retention. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/132083C16552 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000176 en Copyright © 2008 Oyeniyi, Omotayo and Abiodun Abolaji Joachim
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:765C29516573 2008-02-28T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
Redefining organizational practice through narratives: Unraveling the Eskom backstage Petra Pelkman and Marcel Veenswijk Full Length Research Paper This article is focused on discursive responses which emerge in the backstage of a large scale South-African Energy company as result of the governmental planned change program of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE). It is argued that most of the current literature on BEE deals with issues regarding the rsquo;frontstagersquo; rationale in terms of economic and policy impacts as well as structural implications. By analyzing specific cultural practices, especially narratives which emerge in the various sub-domains of the organization, it was aimed to contribute to the further development of BEE related theories. Three alternative types of coping responses to the dominant BEE narrative of lsquo;liberationrsquo; were identified: (1) a narrative of lsquo;threatrsquo; (2) a narrative of lsquo;co-creationrsquo; and (3) a narrative of lsquo;corrosionrsquo;. While threat deals with emotions of lsquo;exitrsquo; and felt injustice, co-creation and corrosion are manifestations of organizational lsquo;voicersquo; and attempts to deal with internal tensions and ambiguities of the BEE program. The research illustrated that backstage dynamics in (BEE) change programs not only provide an important platform for narrative production, but also for modification and meaning destruction. Key words: Narrative, micro stories, planned change, Black Economic Empowerment. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/765C29516573 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000480 en Copyright © 2008 Petra Pelkman and Marcel Veenswijk
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:0CFD23016627 2008-03-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
Web communication: An Indonesian perspective Dulacha G. Barako, Rusmin and Greg Tower Full Length Research Paper This research analyses all the Indonesian companies on the Jakarta Stock Exchange in terms of its ability to communicate via the internet. Analysis is conducted to understand the level of web communication and predictor variables to explain website presence or absence. The results show that 63.8% of such firms have websites. Using logistical regression, statistical differences are found with size and age of firms. Larger and older firms are far more likely to have websites. Indonesian firms are still recovering from the Asian Currency crisis in the late 1990s, the findings in this study show that internet communication to external stakeholders of financial reporting data is still not at an optimal level especially in regards to foreign investors that are more likely to use web technology. Key words: web communication, listed companies, Jakarta Stock Exchange. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/0CFD23016627 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000675 en Copyright © 2008 Dulacha G. Barako, Rusmin and Greg Tower
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:902603716656 2008-03-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
Assessment of effectiveness of marketing communication mix elements in Ethiopian service sector Rajasekhara Mouly Potluri Full Length Research Paper Creating effective communication with customers is the most important aspect in services marketing.To date we still have poor understanding of the role of effective communication with customers in attracting and maintaining prospective and present customers. This research article evaluates the effectiveness of advertising and personal selling practices of Ethiopian Service Sector in communicating with its customers with the aim of finding solutions to improve the existing communication and customer satisfaction. After reviewing related literature, a questionnaire was prepared and distributed to 500 customers, out of which 30 percent from the telecommunications and 10 percent each from the remaining seven service industries viz. banking and insurance, education, travel, tourism and hotel industry, and hospital industry used to gather the data about the effectiveness of advertising and personal selling activities. The participants were selected randomly once the service type is determined by stratified sampling. The data collected was analyzed based on predetermined rating factors and expected results of performance with the help of SPSS software package. In conclusion, the findings of the analysis showed that Ethiopian Service Sectorrsquo;s advertising and personal selling indicated moderately effective in providing information, creating awareness, and changing attitude and ineffective in building company image and enforcing brand loyalty. The research also identified lack of integration between advertising and personal selling. Key words: Advertising, Personal Selling, Elements of Marketing Communication, Marketing Communication Mix, Ethiopia. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/902603716656 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000104 en Copyright © 2008 Rajasekhara Mouly Potluri
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:56E67E716750 2008-03-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
Structural change in fertilizer procurement method: assessment of impact in sub-Saharan Africa Jonas N. Chianu, Akin Adesina, Pascal Sanginga, Andre Bationo, Justina Chianu and Nteranya Sanginga Full Length Research Paper In June 2006, African Heads of State declared support for increase in quantity of fertilizers used by farmers from about 8 to about 50 kg ha-1. Following realization of the structural weaknesses in African fertilizer industry, regional joint procurement capable of reducing fertilizer farm gate price and increase demand has been noted as a potential route to attain this goal. Structural changes in fertilizer procurement in Africa can reduce farm gate price by 11 - 18%. This study compares the effect of fertilizer market structural changes on demand and farm income for 11 countries with base situation under three price elasticity of demand scenarios (-0.38, -1.43, and -2.24). Data analysis combined simulation techniques with regional farm enterprise analysis based on ex-ante information to assess the impact on farm income of alternative fertilizer pricing policies. Result showed that structural change in fertilizer procurement (reducing price by 15%) led to 6% additional income (US$125 million) under low elasticity (-0.38), 22% (US$472 million) under medium elasticity (-1.43), and 34% (US$730 million) under high elasticity (-2.24) compared with base. Switching from one scenario to another indicated the potential for 20 ndash; 32% further increase in farm income. The paper concluded with a recommendation for increased support for structural interventions that reduce farm gate price of inputs because they increase production, productivity, and total income, leading to improved livelihoods. Key words: Farm gate price; Fertilizer use; Joint procurement; Price elasticity scenarios; Africa. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/56E67E716750 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000530 en Copyright © 2008 Jonas N. Chianu, Akin Adesina, Pascal Sanginga, Andre Bationo, Justina Chianu and Nteranya Sanginga
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:4EB098616833 2008-04-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
Impact of socio-economic characteristics on formal and informal public transport demands in Kwara state, Nigeria Aworemi, J. R, Salami, A. O, Adewoye, J. O and Ilori, M. O Full Length Research Paper This paper looks at the impact of socio-economic characteristics of formal and informal public transport demand in Kwara State, Nigeria. The study is based on a purposively selected set of 256 respondent commuters in the parks of the randomly selected transport enterprises. Evidence from the study shows that income and cost of the trips played prominent roles on the public transport demand in the study area. Further analysis revealed that the respondents who own private transport, also patronize public/private transport companies because their vehicle were not in good condition, and that many factors such as political, economic, social, and technological made them to be off the road at the time of the survey. The paper suggests that government must totally support the informal ad formal public transport sectors (private transport companies) by providing well-articulated policies to improve the performance of operations and services. Key words: Par transit, formal, Informal, public transport, passengers, socio-economic and vehicles. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/4EB098616833 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000335 en Copyright © 2008 Aworemi, J. R, Salami, A. O, Adewoye, J. O and Ilori, M. O
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:7193BB716859 2008-04-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
Social dialogue in areas and times of depression: Evidence from regional Greece Theodoros Koutroukis and Lefteris Kretsos Full Length Research Paper Social Dialogue (SD) constitutes one of the most popular tools for establishing effective cooperation between social partners and one of the most highlighted formulas for resolving social conflicts and disputes in nowadays. Nevertheless, the progress, which has been made so far, was not always encouraging and it seemed that the euphemism around the term is greater than the results of its implementation. In many cases stakeholders and partners could not overcome their traditional stances on certain issues and as a result they could not consolidate their positions to mutual and genuinely participatory governance schemes. Such cases were examined here. In essence the article examines the distinct nature of SD at the local level and the pressures exerted to SD procedures by broader economic restructuring exercises and reforms. Key words: Social partnership, social dialogue, local partnership schemes, participants. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/7193BB716859 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000511 en Copyright © 2008 Theodoros Koutroukis and Lefteris Kretsos
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:0B9C37116905 2008-05-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
The effect of organizational development on the Nigerian economy I. Sunday Ukpata and G. Ademola Olukotun Full Length Research Paper Any organization whether private or public in which its systems are static cannot develop effectively and would not meet its competitive relevance in the market place. Hence organizational development is rooted on the theory of change management. This paper examines the effect of organizational development on the Nigerian economy with critical analysis of the current reform programmes articulated by the Obasanjo administration. The methodology used in the study was a selection of 200 respondents from government ministries and reputable banks in five states including Abuja the federal capital territory of Nigeria. Questionnaires were administered to the respondents using simple random sampling technique. The analysis of the results shows that the reform programmes have not been able to adequately address the problems that directly affect the Nigerian populace An analysis of the study shows that the reform programmes have not been able to adequately address the problems that directly affect the Nigerian populace The study recommends that, proper measure to prosecute corrupt officials and leaders should be put in place to reform the lives of leaders through attitudinal reforms before structural reforms or change can be articulated. Similarly, both private and public sector change programmes should be directed to carry the people in the entire system or organization along. And the change process should be constantly or on a continuous basis reviewed by the people and the change agents. Key words: Change management, reforms, organisational development, culture change, economic programmes and policy thrusts. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/0B9C37116905 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000568 en Copyright © 2008 I. Sunday Ukpata and G. Ademola Olukotun
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:350C2C416933 2008-05-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
Current challenges and problems facing small and medium size contractors in Swaziland Wellington Didibhuku Thwala and Mpendulo Mvubu Full Length Research Paper The construction sector in Swaziland is not only a significant source of direct employment but also a sector which contributes, through its wide range of projects and operations. The Swazi economy is unable to deliver employment for a growing number of workers. Structural unemployment and poverty are persistent and growing problems in contemporary Swaziland. Small businesses have been advocated as an important means of generating employment in which Swaziland is not an exception. The paper first outlined the arguments that have been put forward for the development of small contractors in the construction sector in sub-Saharan Africa. Secondly, the paper described the problems and successes that have been experienced in Swaziland in relation to small contractor development programme. The lastly, the paper concluded with recommendations for the future which will enhance the success of small and medium size contractors in Swaziland. Key words: Contractor, construction, development, employment, programme. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/350C2C416933 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000174 en Copyright © 2008 Wellington Didibhuku Thwala and Mpendulo Mvubu
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:8BE145B16974 2008-06-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
The impact of tourism on the consumption environment: Coping and potential praxis in Malindi, Kenya L. Wakiuru Wamwara-Mbugua and T. Bettina Cornwell Full Length Research Paper This paper examines the impact of tourism on the consumption environment of residents of Malindi, Kenya. Since the positive impacts of tourism are fairly well known, our study focuses on socio-cultural and environmental impacts. Our research shows that there have been some changes to the structure of what is available for residents to consume in Malindi. Second, there is duality of existence on the part of tourists as well as locals. Third, there has been a major change in moral values as well as change in some cultural values. Drawing upon the paradisal discourse as conceptualized by Costa in her 1998 study of Hawaii, we analyze the changes to the consumption environment of the residents. Finally, we present the coping strategies being employed by the residents and the potential emancipatory actions possible. Key words: Tourism impact, consumption environment, Kenya. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/8BE145B16974 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000596 en Copyright © 2008 L. Wakiuru Wamwara-Mbugua and T. Bettina Cornwell
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:3B0A45216995 2008-06-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
Product placement: Exploring effects of product usage by principal actors D. L. R. Van der Waldt, V. Nunes and J. Stroebel Full Length Research Paper The use of product placements has evoked interest by marketers for many years. Yet, little research has been done on this medium within the South African context; therefore the purpose of this study is to investigate consumer attitudes towards prominent product placements and the principal actor using the brand in the film or broadcast programme. Product placements are seen as a subtle means of advertising that should be used in conjunction with the traditional mass media. It has been used for many years and can be defined as the compensated inclusion of a branded product or brand identifiers, through audio and/or visual means within mass media programming (films and broadcast programmes) for promotional purposes. The survey method entailed that respondents had to observe a series of scenes from a film clip containing product placements; thereafter they were required to complete a questionnaire. Two hundred respondents, between the ages of 18 to 24 participated in this survey. Results indicated that their ability to recall prominently placed products is greater than their ability to recall subtly placed products. It further indicates that a principal actor using a brand in a film or broadcast programmes does not necessarily influence consumersrsquo; affective behaviour. It is suggested that product placements will become a strategic and viable marketing option in the mobile environment for targeting specific groups. Advertising companies seek more venues for products. From these findings it can be concluded that if marketers and advertisers consider product placements as an integrated marketing communication vehicle, they must request that their brands are placed prominently in a film and broadcast programmes to ensure maximum exposure and greater awareness among consumers. The results also provide useful insight to media planners as to whether product placement is effective when the principal actor uses it. Key words: Prominent and subtle product placements, brand awareness, recognition, recall, aided/unaided recall, related selectivity. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/3B0A45216995 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000470 en Copyright © 2008 D. L. R. Van der Waldt, V. Nunes and J. Stroebel
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:BE3050017024 2008-07-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
The evaluation of the full-factorial attraction model performance in brand market share estimation Patrick Howie and Ewa Kleczyk Full Length Research Paper Having reliable models to predict the influence of marketing instruments on market performance is critical for efficient allocation of marketing resources. An Attraction Model is often used to predict market share, although it does not account for changing market structure. Howie and Kleczyk (2007) proposed a joined pre- and post- new brand introduction model based on a re-conceptualization of market share as a series of two-brand groups. The model is evaluated on its reliability of market share estimation. The study results reveal that the Full-Factorial Attraction Model accounts for the changing market structure as well as has a high predictive power. Key words: Market share estimation, Full-Factorial Attraction Model, GLS estimation. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/BE3050017024 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000581 en Copyright © 2008 Patrick Howie and Ewa Kleczyk
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:E4AD77117065 2008-07-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
Creating competitive advantage in developing countries through business clusters: A literature review Catherine Phambuka-Nsimbi Review Globalization of trade is increasing the world competition and this has resulted in a growing number of countries and individual businesses seeking survival beyond their internal resources. Thus, the role of business clusters has become increasingly important and has gained more attention from both policy makers and academia, particularly in developed countries. This paper reviews the literature on clusters and their contribution to building competitive advantage for businesses. The review relies mostly on research that was conducted in developed countries, with only little evidence found in developing ones. The research reveals benefits that businesses can enjoy by clustering, among which are the sharing of strategic business information, innovation, market access, labour pooling and proximity to suppliers and customers. Associated challenges of clustering are also explored. The paper also points out some practical insights for policy makers and research implications for researchers in developing countries. Key words: Business clusters, competitive advantage, developing countries. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/E4AD77117065 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000162 en Copyright © 2008 Catherine Phambuka-Nsimbi
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:356DD0517100 2008-08-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
An evaluation of the performance of private transport companies in selected Southwestern of Nigeria Aworemi, J. R and Ilori, M. O Full Length Research Paper This paper evaluates the performance of Private Transport Companies in Southwestern, Nigeria. It also ascertains the influence of the identified variables on the performance of the companies. A Sample size of 270 respondents was purposively selected among registered private transport companies in the Study area. Correlation and regression analyses techniques were adopted in analyzing the collected data. The results of the findings showed a significant correlation between the performance of private transport companies and each of the independent variables of age of establishment (r = 0.593), staff strength (r = 0.647), wages/salary trends (r = 0.54) and total number of functioning vehicles (r = 0.539) and these variables had a strong, positive and significant relationships and are answerable for the performance that is measured in terms of return on investment of the private transport companies in the study area. The result of regression analysis showed that, the coefficients of the total number of employees (X2), the government regulations on inputs such as petroleum products and auto-spare parts (X3), costs of maintenance/operation (X6), state of the roads (X7), useful life age of the vehicles (X9 ) and effects of telecommunication (X11) contributed significantly to the variation in the level of performance of private transport companies at both 5 and 10% levels. Key words: Private transport, passenger, performance, evaluation, vehicles. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/356DD0517100 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000072 en Copyright © 2008 Aworemi, J. R and Ilori, M. O
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:6ABBB3B17122 2008-08-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
The relationship between leader-member exchange, organizational inflexibility, perceived organizational support, interactional justice and organizational citizenship behaviour Ali Asgari, Abu Daud Silong, Aminah Ahmad and Bahaman Abu Samah Full Length Research Paper It has been proposed that issues of organizational behaviours should be incorporated in the study for predicting subordinate citizenship behaviour. This research had one objective: to assess the impact of four behaviours ndash; leader-member exchange, organizational inflexibility, perceived organizational support and interactional justice ndash; on organizational citizenship behaviour. The subjects of this study were all full-time employees with their managers who working in the educational organization in Iran. This study surveyed 220 respondents. The sampling frame of the respondents was obtained from educational organization in Shiraz city in Iran. Data were collected on a structured questionnaire containing standard scales of transformational leadership behaviours, LMX, and organizational citizenship behaviours. After establishing the psychometric properties of the scales, hypotheses were tested through statistical analysis of the data. Results indicate that four variables are more likely to predict citizenship behaviour. Key words: Leader-member exchange, organizational inflexibility, perceived organizational support, interactional justice, organizational citizenship behaviour. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/6ABBB3B17122 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000625 en Copyright © 2008 Ali Asgari, Abu Daud Silong, Aminah Ahmad and Bahaman Abu Samah
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:886A7A317370 2008-10-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
Risk management in the development of new products in the pharmaceutical industry Ewa Kleczyk Full Length Research Paper One of the greatest challenges facing the pharmaceutical industry is the process of selecting which new products to develop. In this study, the product development and investment decision problem was examined. A hypothetical case of new product investment in either Product A and/or Product B by a hypothetical company called Healthcare Company was investigated. As employed in previous empirical studies, the NPV framework was utilized to examine the strategies for new product development. Additionally, the stochastic dominance methodology was employed to help with further examination of the dominant strategy. Three investment scenarios were investigated in this article: 100% of investment devoted to only one of the products and an equal investment in each of the drugs. The results suggested that the healthcare company should only invest in one of the pharmaceutical drugs. All of the methods utilized in this study yielded consistent outcomes. Keywords: Stochastic dominance, net present value, new product development. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/886A7A317370 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000497 en Copyright © 2008 Ewa Kleczyk
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:7777F2517364 2008-10-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
Preliminary investigation of Emirati women entrepreneurs in the UAE Murat Sakir Erogul and Declan McCrohan Full Length Research Paper This study presents an exploratory investigation of Emirati female entrepreneurs in the United Arab Emirates. In depth interviews with seventeen Emirati entrepreneurs were conducted exploring their motivation for establishing their own business as well as the level of support they received from within their personal social network. Findings indicate that the primary motivating factor driving Emirati women to start their own business is a desire for independence. In other words, their desire is to gain control over both their working and personal lives. Women who receive support from their male family members were less inhibited in starting their own business. Further research is needed with female non-entrepreneurs in order to better understand what barriers or inhibitors may be preventing them from becoming an entrepreneur. It is hoped that the findings of this paper will enable decision makers in the UAE to better formulate policy and support programs aimed at creating an environment more accepting of female Emirati entrepreneurs, empowering them to harness their entrepreneurial talents while at the same time satisfying the demands placed on them by both their families and society. Key words: Women, entrepreneurs, United Arab Emirates, motivation, social network support, male network partners. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/7777F2517364 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000467 en Copyright © 2008 Murat Sakir Erogul and Declan McCrohan
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:C10ED4E17358 2008-10-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
An assessment of the choice and performance of women entrepreneurs in technological and non-technological enterprises in southwestern Nigeria Aderemi, H. O., Ilori, M. O., Siyanbola, W. O., Adegbite, S. A. Abereijo I. O. Full Length Research Paper The learning mechanisms and factors that influenced the choice and performance of women in technological and non-technological Micro and Small Scale Entrepreneurship (MSSE) in Southwestern Nigeria were studied. This was with a view to recommending policy measures that could enhance the participation and performance of women in technological businesses. Primary data were collected from 210 micro and small scale enterprises owned by women using structured questionnaire and the Raosoft sample size calculator based on the normal distribution statistical method. Secondary data were also used. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed for data analysis. The study revealed that learning mechanisms such as television, trade fairs and community outreach programmes significantly influenced the choice of technological ventures. Factors such as educational background, prior training in venture, role model, socio-cultural factor, and age also influenced the choice of ventures. Furthermore, the performance of the businesses and respondents were significantly influenced by variables such as business premise status, retraining opportunities, systematic planning and monitoring among others. The study concluded that the greatest motivation for women in non-technological ventures was unemployment while for technological ventures was personal interest. Personal Entrepreneurial Characteristics enhanced the womenrsquo;s performance. Recommendations were made towards boosting the choice and performance of the women especially in technological ventures. Key words: Women, entrepreneurs, technological, non-technological, businesses, performance. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/C10ED4E17358 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000061 en Copyright © 2008 Aderemi, H. O., Ilori, M. O., Siyanbola, W. O., Adegbite, S. A. Abereijo I. O.
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:631694417393 2008-11-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
Stock market development and financing decisions of listed firms in Ghana Godfred A. Bokpin and Zangina Isshaq Full Length Research Paper The study examines the impact of stock market development on the financing choices of listed firms in Ghana using data covering the period 1991 to 2005. We regressed debt-equity ratios on market size and market liquidity variables using ARIMA models. Our results suggest that stock market development has not led to the substitution of equity for debt as per propositions by Demiguc-Kunt and Maksimovic (1996). Further, our results suggest market liquidity variables show mixed impact on the debt-equity proportions suggesting that the size of the Ghanaian stock market is not yet significant to impact on financing choices of firms on the exchange. Short-term debt was found to be significantly negatively related to the market size variable and turnover ratio (a measure of market liquidity), but insignificantly positively related to the other measure of market liquidity. Further, research on the openness of the macro-economy, and the entire financial market spectrumrsquo;s development could put these results in a proper context. Key words: Stock market, choice of financing, Ghana Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/631694417393 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000519 en Copyright © 2008 Godfred A. Bokpin and Zangina Isshaq
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:EF7610917387 2008-11-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
Language, communication and information flow in entrepreneurship Amuseghan Sunday Adejimola Full Length Research Paper This paper examines language, communication and information flow in entrepreneurship. Language is considered to be a key to the heart of a people and communication is the essence of language. The substance of communication is, therefore, information. Knowledge of information and access to it is considered very necessary for the establishment, survival and growth of any business organisation. Therefore, information flow in this economic-driven world is very crucial to entrepreneurs all over the world. The theoretical framework of the paper is hinged on Crystal (1987), which conceptualises language as having, perhaps, lsquo;magical and mysticalrsquo; and lsquo;unique role in capturing the breath of human thought and endeavoursrsquo;. Many studies have led to the significant insights into the nature of, and the relationship between language and thought. Such relationship shows that language is the vehicle for thought or business ideas. Although verbal, non-verbal and written media of communication have been extensively engaged in the past, however, the inventions and introduction of telecommunications, computer network technology and internet have tremendously enhanced communication in real-time. The paper recommends that there is the growing need for entrepreneurs to acquire new information and communication technologies which have made the entire world to become a ldquo;global villagerdquo; for the enhancement of their businesses because former communication means have become obsolete. The paper concludes that entrepreneurship spirit or drive, which is supported with effective linguistic and communicative knowledge and function in conjunction with the ICT, is the answer to the economic development and survival in the global entrepreneurship competitiveness. Key words: Language, communication, information and communication technology, entrepreneurship, information flow, business, relationship. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/EF7610917387 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000384 en Copyright © 2008 Amuseghan Sunday Adejimola
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:C9E54AE17378 2008-11-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
An empirical analysis of factors associated with the profitability of Small and medium - enterprises in Nigeria Grace Tola Olutunla and Tomola Marshal Obamuyi Full Length Research Paper The paper empirically investigated the relationship between profitability, bank loans, age of business and the size of small and medium enterprises in Nigeria. Using fixed-effects regression model, the paper was based on a balanced panel data of 115 SMEs of existing firms that have taken loans or currently have active loans, randomly selected in Ondo State, Nigeria. The equation specified profitability as dependent variable and loans, sales, age of business, size of business and interest rate as independent variables. All the data except interest rate have been derived from the primary source/field survey. The results demonstrate that there is interdependence between the SMEs profitability and bank loans, and a significant relationship between profitability and the size of business. For high profitability, increased loans and growth in size of business remain important. The paper recommends that the government should formulate policies that will compel commercial banks to relax their restrictive regulations and operations which discourage borrowing, and offer more credit facilities for SMEs. Finally, the government should empower the SMEs to access and get credits from the commercial banks through formal and informal entrepreneurship education. Key words: Profitability, bank loans, entrepreneurship education, fixed-effect. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/C9E54AE17378 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000065 en Copyright © 2008 Grace Tola Olutunla and Tomola Marshal Obamuyi
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:835058617453 2008-12-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
Evaluation of the implementation of public sector supply chain management and challenges: A case study of the central district municipality, North west province, South Africa S .O. Migiro and I. M. Ambe Full Length Research Paper The study evaluates whether and to what extent supply chain management (SCM) practices in local municipalities are implemented. A case study was undertaken in the Central District Municipality and its local municipalities, North West Province, Republic of South Africa. Purposive sampling was used through which thirty (30) respondents were identified and interviewed within the six municipalities. Both primary and secondary data collection methods were employed to collect empirical data. The findings of the study revealed that (i) implementation of SCM was far from satisfactory (ii) the municipalities are faced with problems of lack of skills and capacity in the implementation and execution of SCM. Furthermore non-compliance to SCM regulations was highlighted. The study concludes by recommending (i) greater sharing of information among those tasked with the implementation of the SCM through the use of technology (ii) establishment of a structure for the implementation of SCM, and in particular structures for public-private partnerships in service delivery (iii) training of municipal employees tasked with the implementation of SCM and (iv) stricter application of the public procurement and the Municipal Finance Management Acts. For further research it is recommended that a replication of the study be done in other municipalities to obtain the situation regarding the implementation of supply chain management practices. Key words: Supply chain management, implementation, municipality, legislation. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/835058617453 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000272 en Copyright © 2008 S .O. Migiro and I. M. Ambe
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:1218BD717442 2008-12-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
South African values: A reflection on its ‘Western’ base Werner Soontiens and Johan W. De Jager Full Length Research Paper The historical socio-political development of South Africa renders a unique environment in respect of the influence of lsquo;Westernrsquo; cultural values impacting on lsquo;Africanrsquo; values. This papers sets out to reflect on the values held by African youth based on a pre-existing lsquo;Westernrsquo; scale. In the first instance the nature of values is considered with a particular focus on group and organisational interaction. This is followed by the consideration of lsquo;Africanrsquo; realities and their impact on trends towards convergence and divergence of values. The third part of the paper reflects on data collected from 182 young Africans by considering the nature and validity of value clusters. Overall the data provide mixed results in that clusters show different levels of cohesiveness (reliability) and importance. The most cohesive lsquo;environmentrsquo; cluster is deemed least important while the least reliable clusters of lsquo;family lifersquo; and lsquo;lifestylersquo; are deemed significantly more important. Although more reliable as clusters, the lsquo;job and workrsquo; and lsquo;social and communityrsquo; clusters are deemed more important. Key words: Culture, values, westernization. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/1218BD717442 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000515 en Copyright © 2008 Werner Soontiens and Johan W. De Jager
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:B4EC56A17429 2008-12-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
Risk attitudes and management strategies of small –scale crop producer in Kwara State, Nigeria: A ranking approach O. E. Ayinde, O. A. Omotesho and M. O. Adewumi Full Length Research Paper The risk attitude of small-scale crop producers in kwara State, Nigeria was examined. The study ranked the risk preference and management strategies of small-scale crop producer in the study area. A three ndash; stage stratified random sampling was used to draw a sample of 250 crop producers from the four agro-ecological zones in Kwara State. Well structured questionnaires were used to obtain information from selected crop producers. Descriptive analysis, Paired Comparison Method and Least Significance Difference were used to analysis the data. The results show that farming households in the study area placed different preference on the risk attitude namely risk taking, risk neutral and risk averse. The households mostly employed crop diversification and least employed insurance as their risk management strategy. To this end, programmes and policies for small scale farmers should incorporate their risk preference for the possibility of producing the desired effect and improve the efficiency of crop management and production. Key words: Risk attitude, management strategy, households, rank, Kwara. Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/B4EC56A17429 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000496 en Copyright © 2008 O. E. Ayinde, O. A. Omotesho and M. O. Adewumi
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:80AA2DA17418 2008-12-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2008
Marketing in Nigeria: concepts, principles and decisions Agbonifoh, B, Ogwo, E., Nnolim, D. and Nkamnebe, A. Book Review Academic Journals 2008 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/80AA2DA17418 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000397 en Copyright © 2008 Agbonifoh, B, Ogwo, E., Nnolim, D. and Nkamnebe, A.
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:B6A55FE15492 2009-01-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
An analysis of the supply for seed yams in Nigeria Asumugha, G. N., M.E., Njoku, B. C, Okoye, O.C. Aniedu, M. C. Ogbonna, H. N. Anyaegbunam, O. A. Akinpelu, O. Ibeagi and A. Amaefula Full Length Research Paper This study was conducted to examine the supply of seed yam in major yam producing areas of northern and southern Nigeria using the supply function analysis. A cost-route approach was adopted in eliciting data from 120 seed yam farmers and marketers spread across the six states studied in 2006 using the multi-stage random sampling technique. Results show that age had a significant relationship with seed yam supplied at the 1.0% level. Need for disposable income was significant at the 5.0% level, while labour cost and supplier experience were negatively related with seed yam supplied at the 10.0 and 1.0% levels respectively. The elasticity of supply for seed yam with respect to income is positive and inelastic. Price of seed yam had positive elasticity. The study also shows that there were no commercial structures for supply of seed yam in Nigeria. The rural assemblers and wholesalers limit purchases and supplies to accessible rural markets. Farmerrsquo;s only sell seed yams after satisfying own requirements. Key words: Seed yams in Nigeria, Determinants of supply, supply elasticities. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/B6A55FE15492 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000055 en Copyright © 2009 Asumugha, G. N., M.E., Njoku, B. C, Okoye, O.C. Aniedu, M. C. Ogbonna, H. N. Anyaegbunam, O. A. Akinpelu, O. Ibeagi and A. Amaefula
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:876F78F15469 2009-01-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Critical factors influencing the project success amongst manufacturing companies in Malaysia Chan Wai Kuen, Suhaiza Zailani and Yudi Fernando Full Length Research Paper The purpose of this study is to investigate the critical factors that influence a successful project among manufacturing companies in Penang, Malaysia. In addition, this study is also aimed to explore if project change control play a role in moderating the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable identified in this research. Through the literature review process, it was found that project mission, top management support, client consultation, technical task, personnel competency, client acceptance, trouble shooting, project plan monitoring and effective communication are among the critical factors identified. From the 79 respondents who responded to 79 successfully completed projects, this study revealed that project success in the manufacturing context was in two dimensions which this study classified as micro and macro project success. This study also demonstrated empirically that project personnel competency and project mission are critical factors influencing the micro project success and as for macro project success, top management support and project mission are two main critical factors. Key words: Critical factors, project success, Malaysia. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/876F78F15469 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000168 en Copyright © 2009 Chan Wai Kuen, Suhaiza Zailani and Yudi Fernando
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:368627C15461 2009-01-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Managing behind the scenes: A view point on employee empowerment Henry Ignore Full Length Research Paper Empowerment is a concept which is widely used in management and many managers and professional in various organisations claim to be practicing it. Nowadays empowerment has occupied a central point in many organisations of the 21st century. Employee empowerment is said to have benefited many organisations, if managed and nurtured properly especially in enhancing employee commitment and reducing employee turnover. In this era of globalisation there is need for employeesrsquo; empowerment in order to enable organisation to respond quickly to any changes in the macro- environment. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to find out what should be done in organisations to enhance employee empowerment and reduce employee turnover. The methodology adopted in this paper is to review critically the existing literature on employee empowerment both online and print. This study will contribute greatly to existing literature specifically in inspiring managers to develop various strategies on how to empower their employee in organisation and reduce employee turnover. The outcome from the review indicates that employee empowerment is essential in this era of globalisation to enable the organisation to respond quickly to any changes in the environment and reduce employee turnover. Key words: Employee empowerment, management, perspective, strategies. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/368627C15461 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000393 en Copyright © 2009 Henry Ignore
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:9F0896015451 2009-01-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Correlates of group-membership by small-scale farm entrepreneurs in Kenya Isaac K. Ngugi and Daniel K. Kariuki Full Length Research Paper Organizations of small-scale farm entrepreneurs play a key role in organizing the production, processing and marketing of crop and livestock commodities in Kenya. Membership to such organizations is considered to yield economic benefits to farmers as well as promote their general welfare. This study assesses the association between membership to groups and household attributes or welfare indicators using 1097 households drawn from panel database of Tegemeo Institute of Egerton University. The households that had members joining the groups were characterised by higher incomes, higher education level of head of household, greater access to credit, assets of higher value, more cultivated land and higher adoption of modern agricultural technologies. There was a positive correlation between membership to a group and household welfare. This underscores the need to promote formation of smallholder farmersrsquo; organizations as well as support their sustainability. Key words: Farmer-groups, household-attributes, smallholder farm entrepreneurs. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/9F0896015451 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000161 en Copyright © 2009 Isaac K. Ngugi and Daniel K. Kariuki
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:C05108E15519 2009-02-28T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Export diversification as a promotion strategy for intra-ECOWAS trade expansion G. O. Odularu Full Length Research Paper This paper discusses how ECOWAS members could adopt export diversification strategies in fostering export-led economic growth. Since ECOWAS members are heavily dependent on commodity export and are therefore vulnerable to external shocks, export diversification is one of the strategies for trade expansion, stability in export earnings and increased per capita income. However, studies have revealed that export diversification has continued to pose a major challenge for ECOWAS members. Though export diversification is typically a slow process which needs to be sustained by an appropriate and coherent strategy, ECOWAS members have a lot to gain by implementing the strategy. The paper concludes that the traditional strategy of export promotion which focuses on the international marketing of final goods is no longer appropriate, but the adoption of different routes to diversification which could include resource-based manufacturing and processing of primary products. Key words: Export diversification, strategy, ECOWAS, intra-regional trade. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/C05108E15519 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000282 en Copyright © 2009 G. O. Odularu
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:832D25815553 2009-02-28T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Modeling the impact of financial innovation on the demand for money in Nigeria Gbadebo Olusegun Odularu and Oladapo Adewale Okunrinboye Full Length Research Paper The demand for money is a very crucial in the conduct and determination of the effectiveness of monetary policy. This study attempts to analyse whether financial innovations that occurred in Nigeria after the Structural Adjustment Programme of 1986 has affected the demand for money in Nigeria using the Engle and Granger Two-Step Cointegration technique. Though the study revealed that demand for money conforms to the theory that income is positively related to the demand for cash balances and interest rate has an inverse relationship with the demand for real cash balances, it was also discovered that the financial innovations introduced into the financial system have not significantly affected the demand for money in Nigeria. Based on the results obtained, a policy of attracting more participants (non-government) and private sector funds to the money market is necessary as this will deepen the market and make the market more dynamic and amenable to monetary policy. Key words: Money demand, deposit, narrow money, interest rate, M, DD, Nigeria. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/832D25815553 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000415 en Copyright © 2009 Gbadebo Olusegun Odularu and Oladapo Adewale Okunrinboye
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:E2C3E1F15580 2009-02-28T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Internationalization of Cameroonian small and middle enterprises (SMEs): Myth or reality? Bello. P Full Length Research Paper This article comes within the framework of the management challenges thematic associated with the internationalization of Small and Middle Enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries. The objective that we continue in this work is to identify -on the basis of an empirical study- the strategies developed by SMEs in Cameroon in order to ensure their success abroad and the factors explaining the choice of these strategies.The results of the empirical study show that Cameroonian SMEs have been undergoing important changes in their management practice. They offer their customers products tailored to their needs, practise competitive prices and use distribution networks involving local and communication facilities tailored to the requirements of the environment. They also make efforts to improve the quality of products, adapt products to customer requirements, modernize production tools, and use the persons responsible for carrying out specific tasks and improving business costs. This contrasts with the existing literature on Cameroonian SMEs. The results also show that these changes in the behaviour of Cameroonian SMEs are due to the perception of changes in the purchasing behaviour of consumers and sales, environmental constraints, the experiences of the company and its resources. Key words: SME, internationalization, strategies, traditionalists, archaic. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/E2C3E1F15580 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000364 en Copyright © 2009 Bello. P
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:A26183E15654 2009-03-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
The impact of marketing strategies on profitability of small grocery shops in South African townships N. Chiliya, G. Herbst and Mornay Roberts-Lombard Full Length Research Paper The study argues that a complete ldquo;paradigm shiftrdquo; in the grocery shop business sector is necessary. This will result in interventions which improve the quality of strategic marketing decisions and consequently profitability of the grocery shops. Due to the lack of a model available on how marketing strategy affects the profitability of grocery shops, a comprehensive literature search was done and norms of marketing strategies were developed and subsequently used to benchmark the practices of grocery shops in Mdantsane, East London. The grocery shop owners or managers were asked their manipulation of the marketing mix variables in their effort to attain profitability. A total of 36 grocery shops were examined within the context of the research framework. Key words: Marketing strategies, profitability, Mdanstane, township. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/A26183E15654 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000592 en Copyright © 2009 N. Chiliya, G. Herbst and Mornay Roberts-Lombard
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:D1EA54015677 2009-03-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Spinning off an entrepreneurship culture among Nigerian University Students: Prospects and challenges Amuseghan Sunday Adejimola and Tayo-Olajubutu Olufunmilayo Full Length Research Paper The re-engineering of the Nigerian economy in the presence of available resources and business opportunities has attracted serious attention in recent times. The colonial mentality in the first generation of graduates in Nigeria, which was deep-rooted in the Golden Fleece and certificate frenzy, influenced the limited spirit of entrepreneurship. Among the dead and surviving industries in Nigeria, the captains of these industries are semi-literate entrepreneurs. This paper adopts a case study of the Nigerian university system in re-positioning the economic development and entrepreneurial drive for job creation, wealth creation and global competitiveness of Nigerian youths/graduates. The main thrust of the paper is the emphasis on the marriage between theories and practical which the research and development centres in the universities should serve as technological incubators and entrepreneurship drive. The introduction of entrepreneurship education as a compulsory course in the Nigerian university system is seen as a measure to address the problem of graduate unemployment and strategically position the economy for leadership in Africa. It is recommended that the Nigerian ecosystem must be harnessed before meaningful entrepreneurship development can take place. The paper concludes that curriculum review, sensitization, advocacy and mobilization of support for entrepreneurship education, programme focus and funding together with the political will and stability of the government should be provided for entrepreneurship culture and development. Key words: Spinning off, entrepreneurship, strategies, cultures, incubators. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/D1EA54015677 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000516 en Copyright © 2009 Amuseghan Sunday Adejimola and Tayo-Olajubutu Olufunmilayo
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:7830E7415698 2009-03-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) as a communications tool in South African business Lydia Uys Full Length Research Paper Internationally many businesses have implemented Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) as an alternative to the traditional plain old telephone system (POTS). The increased functionality of VoIP offers many benefits, including the enhancement of a clientrsquo;s shopping experience, effective utilisation of staff, and possible cost savings. Business management may be able to gain a competitive advantage by utilising the advantages that VoIP holds, but there are a number of risks to be considered and mitigated. Managing these risks is ultimately managementrsquo;s responsibility. Risks include amongst others eavesdropping or hijacking of calls, and balancing quality of service with security control implementation and costs. This article investigates the use of VoIP compared to POTS as a communications tool in the South African business environment. The article includes a literature review of the topic, an explanation of the basic concept of VoIP, and the identification of major advantages and risks. The article aims to provide management with insight into what VoIP is what possible benefits it could hold for their business, and what the risks are. It is hoped that this article will serve as a tool in the decision-making process by consolidating data that is currently available. Key words: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), Plain old Telephone System (POTS), communication, risks, business in South Africa. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/7830E7415698 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000673 en Copyright © 2009 Lydia Uys
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:771E71F15718 2009-03-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Macroeconomic determinants of Malaysian stock market Aisyah Abdul Rahman, Noor Zahirah Mohd Sidek and Fauziah Hanim Tafri Full Length Research Paper This study explores the interactions between selected macroeconomic variables and stock prices for the case of Malaysia in a VAR framework. Some conventional econometric techniques are applied along with a battery of complementary tests to trace out both short and long run dynamics. Upon testing a vector error correction model, we show that changes in Malaysian stock market index do perform a co-integrating relationship with changes in money supply, interest rate, exchange rate, reserves and industrial production index. Our lag exclusion test shows that all six variables contribute significantly to the co-integrating relationship. This shows that the Malaysian stock market is sensitive to changes in the macroeconomic variables. Furthermore, based on the variance decomposition analysis, this paper highlights that Malaysian stock market has stronger dynamic interaction with reserves and industrial production index as compared to money supply, interest rate, and exchange rate. Key words: Stock market determinants, VAR, macroeconomic variables. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/771E71F15718 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000391 en Copyright © 2009 Aisyah Abdul Rahman, Noor Zahirah Mohd Sidek and Fauziah Hanim Tafri
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:2C26E9215755 2009-03-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
A delphi examination of emerging issues for successful information technology transfer in North Africa a case of Libya Khalid Al-Mabrouk and Jeffrey Soar Full Length Research Paper Transfer of information technology (IT) is an increasingly important component for techno-economic development in the developing countries. It can play a major role in the process of technological development. Yet there have been very little studies in IT transfer in developing countries, particularly in Arab countries. The success of the IT transfer process depends upon a number of issues that must be identified for each country. This study identifies key issues on IT transfer process and draws a consensus domain from experts on the key issues. This study also is an attempt to provide a basis for understanding clearly the key elements and requirement for the success and effectiveness of an IT transfer process in Libya. A three-round delphi method was conducted for this study, identifying 15 key issues in the IT transfer, along with their importance and urgency ratings. Analyses show that participating experts achieved a higher level of consensus on the importance and urgency of the issue as the rounds progressed. The findings will assist: (i) academics to build models and provide a broader view and a better understanding of what the important issues are when dealing with successful IT transfer in Libya; (ii) policy makers and government officials to improve and formulate forecasting and policies to promote successful IT transfer process; and (iii) technology suppliers who seek to better understand the key issues surrounding IT transfer success in Libya. Key words: Information technology transfer, delphi study, Libya. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/2C26E9215755 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000013 en Copyright © 2009 Khalid Al-Mabrouk and Jeffrey Soar
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:B086E2215824 2009-03-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
The IMF and industrial relations dimension of instability in post-independent Nigeria Sola Fajana and Adejoke Ige Full Length Research Paper This study argues that, based on the Nigerian experience, there is a connection between IMF-type programmes and instability in some of the countries that adopted them. Structural supply- oriented policies such as reducing the size of the public sector and the removal of state resources from that sector to the private sector (privatization), creating financial intermediaries, promotion of savings, and discouragement of wasteful spending by increasing real interest rates all help to reduce the welfare of workers. Reactions of industrial workers to this deficiency, disappointment, and irritation are however smothered by the compulsion and suppression of state agencies. Key word: IMF, Industrial Relations dimension, instability, post ndash;independent Nigeria. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/B086E2215824 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000583 en Copyright © 2009 Sola Fajana and Adejoke Ige
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:944796815861 2009-04-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT: TWO YEARS ON Nnamdi O. Madichie Editorial This report provides a review of papers published in the African Journal of Business Management since it debuted in February 2007. This two-year report card covers the period between February 2007 and February 2009. Overall a total of sixty-five papers have appeared in AJBM since then and most have been based on qualitative research. A number of papers have covered many regions of Africa but very few have been a comparison between African states and other regions. Moreover, there has been a disparity in the themes of the paper. Some missing subject areas may include economic growth, regional trade, consumer behavior and marketing. Key words: Business and management, general review, AJBM, Africa. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/944796815861 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000046 en Copyright © 2009 Nnamdi O. Madichie
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:358ADE915881 2009-04-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Ethics in school administration Ibrahim Kocaba and Turgut Karakouml;se Review Ethics is a concept about moral values and rules. The principalsrsquo; ethical leadership is of great importance regarding the educational organizations. The most important responsibility of school principals is to have an ethical perception of school administration. This paper presents a conceptual framework about ethics in school administration. School principals have certain responsibilities and they have to behave ethically while making decisions. The paper emphasizes the necessity of establishing codes of ethics and behaving according to these codes for school leaders. This study gives a brief summary about some ethical dilemmas that school principals faced. Related literature in the study indicates that most principals need professional development in ethical decision-making. Key words: Ethics, ethics in education, school principals, school administration. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/358ADE915881 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000266 en Copyright © 2009 Ibrahim Kocaba and Turgut Karakouml;se
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:78CFC5D15901 2009-04-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Evaluation of customer handling competencies of Ethiopian employees’ Rajasekhara Mouly Potluri and Awgichew Abiye Zeleke Full Length Research Paper Service quality has become essential for the survival of service companies to attract and retain customers in the present dayrsquo;s fiercely competing business world. Competent employees are the key to deliver excellent quality services, this study mainly focuses on evaluation of customer handling competencies of Ethiopian employeesrsquo; which is an imperative to maximize customer satisfaction.Data for the study was collected through self administered questionnaires distributed to 300 customers and 500 employees of 50 companies in Ethiopia. Collected data was analyzed using SPSS software package. The result shows that most employees working at the front desk service areas did not demonstrate most of the basic marketing competency indicators. As a result, most customers were not satisfied with the service provided by the Ethiopian companies and ranked its service quality as poor. The research identifies basic competency deficiencies of Ethiopian employees in handling customersrsquo; and has managerial implication of how to staff the work force with the skill needed to deliver quality service. Key words: Customer handling/marketing competencies of frontline employees, elements of marketing competency, factors affect employeesrsquo; competency, service delivery standards, customersrsquo; satisfaction. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/78CFC5D15901 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000271 en Copyright © 2009 Rajasekhara Mouly Potluri and Awgichew Abiye Zeleke
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:BE6430215926 2009-04-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Micro finance and poverty reduction in India (A comparative study with Asian Countries) Rajesh Kumar Shastri Full Length Research Paper The dynamic growth of the microfinance industry has been promoted not only by market forces but also by conscious actions of national governments, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and the donors who view microfinance as an effective tool for eradicating poverty. The powerful push behind this huge and increasing support for microfinance indicated that national economic and social impacts are significant and it needs to be examined more closely. Key words: Micro finance, poverty, India. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/BE6430215926 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000411 en Copyright © 2009 Rajesh Kumar Shastri
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:998343515951 2009-04-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Motivation-related values across cultures Osarumwense Iguisi Full Length Research Paper There has been general upsurge in cultures and managerial research in the last decades or so. Despite this fact, empirical studies on culture dimensions to management practices across cultures have been limited in numbers and scope. In Africa, for example, we have very limited knowledge about its cultural values and the consequences it poses for motivation. In order to address this very crucial and important issue, motivation-related values were studied in four European countries (France, Italy, Netherlands and Scotland) and one African (Nigeria) country through survey questionnaire. A major research question was whether the results could help to explain the disappointing economic development of African countries, including Nigeria. The findings do confirm profound differences in cultural values for motivation among the five countries with collective interest playing a more important role in Africa-Nigeria. In view of these differences, untrimmed Western management models may not be very appropriate for adoption in Nigeria in particular and Africa in general without recourse to the prevailing local cultural values. The suggestion is made to look for appropriate and suitable African management models by studying the relatively more successful local companies and institutions. Key words: Motivation, management, cultures, values. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/998343515951 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000423 en Copyright © 2009 Osarumwense Iguisi
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:98231F615988 2009-04-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Impacts of wrong financial decisions on collapse of an empire: The Ottoman case Arikan Tarik Saygili Full Length Research Paper Certain attitudes and moves, otherwise and other times considered to be insignificant, turned out to be significantly determinant in various events throughout the world history. There are eras where financial activities and money play deterministic roles for social, political and military events and actions. In this study, it is aimed to analyze approximately the last 80 years of Ottoman empire lasted for over 600 years as one of the most well known and influential governments in the world history. Through, the context of financial activities since these activities had crucial impacts in social, economical, political and even military lives during the last 80 - 100 years of the empire. Key words: Ottoman banknotes, industrial revolution, Istanbul bank, Ottoman bank, financial policies, ramandan enactment, muharrem enactment. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/98231F615988 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000340 en Copyright © 2009 Arikan Tarik Saygili
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:C78512916068 2009-04-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
“Customers’ expectations towards car in an unorganized environment- A factoral analysis” Chimun Kumar Nath Full Length Research Paper The aim of this paper is to make a correlation analysis of the responses of customers regarding various attribute ratings of a car. Further it also seeks to determine the underlying benefits consumers are looking from a new generation car by classifying them according to their relative importance they put in the attribute ratings by the method of principal component analysis. From the study it has been observed that customers are purchasing new generation car because of several considerations and these considerations can be attributed into to major factors which may be labeled as: Economic benefit factor and Social benefit factor. Key words: New generation car, customersrsquo; expectation, factoral analysis. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/C78512916068 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000108 en Copyright © 2009 Chimun Kumar Nath
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:E243C8D16112 2009-04-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
A fuzzy multi-criteria decision making approach for supplier selection in supply chain management Sreekumar and S. S. Mahapatra Full Length Research Paper In the recent years, supply chain management (SCM) has gained immense importance since enterprises are now competing on supply chain rather than manufacturing or service operations. One of the key strategic considerations in the supply chain is supplier selection problem. The supplier selection problem is a multi objective problem involving both qualitative and quantitative factors. These factors and their interdependencies make the problem highly complex one. From the managerial perspectives, it is always convenient to express the variables and weights through linguistic values. This paper uses a fuzzy approach to deal with the supplier selection problem in supply chain. The method is based on hierarchical multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) using fuzzy approach to select suitable supplier. In such type of decision making problems, all the decision makers are assumed to be equally important resulting in impractical aggregation of decision. Therefore, an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) like procedure based on Eigen value has been proposed to derive the weightages of decision makers. Then, weightages of decision makers are incorporated with fuzzy decision making paradigm to arrive at robust selection of suppliers in SCM. The methodology has been demonstrated with the help of a case study in a steel plant. Key words: Supplier selection, multi criteria decision making, fuzzy numbers, supply chain management, distance measure. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/E243C8D16112 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000016 en Copyright © 2009 Sreekumar and S. S. Mahapatra
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:48B583C16525 2009-05-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Can Japanese management styles be applied to Africa? George O. Tasie Full Length Research Paper Most of the remarkable managerial know-how of the Japanese is gifted by their culture and society. Culture affects the way problems are perceived and solved. Societal learning also establishes horizons of perception. Managerial efficiency in any business organisation is the fundamental key to success. A good number of managers all over the world are showing a great deal of interest in Japanese ways of managing business because of the great success of the Japanese corporations throughout the world. The fact that the Japanese manage their enterprises efficiently and effectively without using the excessive scientific and advanced management tools has shaken a good number of countries, notably the United States of America. This paper discusses the fundamental management styles of Japan with a view to establishing its applicability to Africa. Key words: Managerial efficiency, Industrialiasation, Business culture, corporate governance. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/48B583C16525 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM09.021 en Copyright © 2009 George O. Tasie
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:4CC2E9F16397 2009-05-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
An enquiry into the perception on food quality among urban people: A case of Bangladesh S. S. M. Sadrul Huda, Ahmed Taneem Muzaffar and Jashim Uddin Ahmed Full Length Research Paper Contaminated and unhygienic food intake is a major problem in the urban cities of Bangladesh. This raises a serious concern for health of the urban citizens. The research investigates into the attitude of the urban educated people on their awareness of food safety. The findings of the study suggest a high degree of awareness amongst respondents of the attitudinal survey. People with higher educational background show higher degree of awareness of how the quality of food should be maintained. A lack of confidence on the functions of government regulatory agency in testing the food standard is also reflected in the study. Key words: Food quality, contaminated food, unhygienic environment, processed food. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/4CC2E9F16397 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM09.004 en Copyright © 2009 S. S. M. Sadrul Huda, Ahmed Taneem Muzaffar and Jashim Uddin Ahmed
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:C568C0316372 2009-05-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
The impact of share market capitalization on a company’s performance: A case study in the Nigerian confectionary industry Oluwatoyin, Matthew and Gbadebo, Olusegun Odularu Full Length Research Paper This article focuses on the impact of companiesrsquo; shares on their performance, using one of the largest confectionary companies in Nigeria as a case study. In other words, the article analyses the correlation between the sales of shares and the growth of the company. While it adopts the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) analytical technique, using the companyrsquo;s annual data for 20 years, it recommends that the confectionary company should implement policies that will encourage increase in their profit after tax, dividends and turnover as these variables have positive and statistically strong significance on the changes in the companyrsquo;s performance and the value of its market capitalization. Key words: Shares, performance, OLS. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/C568C0316372 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000593 en Copyright © 2009 Oluwatoyin, Matthew and Gbadebo, Olusegun Odularu
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:DFDE08816336 2009-05-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Analysis of coffee export marketing in Rwanda: Application of the Boston consulting group matrix Edward Mutandwa, Nathan Taremwa Kanuma, Emmanuel Rusatira, Theophile Kwiringirimana, Patrice Mugenzi, Ignatius Govere and Richard Foti Full Length Research Paper Strategic management models are increasingly being used as the lenses through which company problems are analyzed and in the design of effective strategic planning programs in developed countries. However, these models are rarely applied in industry and commerce of developing countries. This study used the Boston consulting group (BCG) matrix to analyze the market for export coffee in Rwanda. Data on coffee exports by destination over a period of 4 years (2005-2008) was used. Results of the study indicated that Rwanda coffee has predominantly been marketed to European destinations that include Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, France, UK and Russia and in general these markets increased by 287% over the last 4 years. However, coffee trade in Rwanda accounts for a small proportion (0.69%) in global export coffee market. If the role of export coffee to the country economic vista is to be consolidated, there is need to understand the social, economic, cultural, institutional and technological factors affecting consuming sub-populations in these countries. Appropriate promotional strategies for these destinations are also discussed. Key words: BCG matrix, strategic marketing, coffee, Rwanda, Africa. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/DFDE08816336 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM09.009 en Copyright © 2009 Edward Mutandwa, Nathan Taremwa Kanuma, Emmanuel Rusatira, Theophile Kwiringirimana, Patrice Mugenzi, Ignatius Govere and Richard Foti
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:9C92C4B16304 2009-05-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Factors affecting students’ attitude toward online shopping Narges Delafrooz, Laily H. Paim, Sharifah Azizah Haron, Samsinar M. Sidin and Ali Khatibi Full Length Research Paper To ensure the success of online business, it is important for the retailers to understand their targeted customers. The aim of this study examines the significance of attitude toward online shopping. The objectives of the study are two fold. The first section seeks to determine relationship between attitude towards online shopping with shopping orientations and perceived benefits scales. The second section investigates factors that influence peoplesrsquo; attitudes towards online shopping. A five-level Likert scale was used to determine studentsrsquo; attitudes towards online shopping. A self-administered questionnaire, based on prior literature, was developed and a total of 370 post graduate students were selected by random sampling. The regression analysis demonstrated the determinants of consumersrsquo; attitudes towards online shopping. Additionally, utilitarian orientations, convenience, price, wider selection influenced consumersrsquo; attitudes towards online shopping. Key words: Electronic commerce, internet, shopping, consumer attitude. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/9C92C4B16304 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000286 en Copyright © 2009 Narges Delafrooz, Laily H. Paim, Sharifah Azizah Haron, Samsinar M. Sidin and Ali Khatibi
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:F7897F216216 2009-05-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
The influence of stakeholders in environmental management process: A systemic complexity perspective in agribusiness Azevedo Denise Barros, Pedrozo Eugecirc;nio Aacute;vila, Silva Tacirc;nia Nunes and Malafaia Guilherme Cunha Full Length Research Paper Environmental management is a typical multidisciplinary subject. The stakeholders theory involving multiple actors and their interests, is therefore, a multidimensional phenomenon, together, they form a complex and systemic context. With this tripartite relation, the agribusiness organization must insert this logic in its decision process in order to consolidate itself in a competitive and dynamic environment. In agribusiness, the concern is not limited only to the organizations, but with several productive partnerships such as chains, networks, clusters and alliances. The article intends to present the complexity approach through a systemic viewpoint. It is based on the second law of thermodynamics as articulator of all the themes mentioned regarding environmental management and stakeholders. Key words: Stakeholders, environmental management, strategy, systemic complexity. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/F7897F216216 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000604 en Copyright © 2009 Azevedo Denise Barros, Pedrozo Eugecirc;nio Aacute;vila, Silva Tacirc;nia Nunes and Malafaia Guilherme Cunha
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:DA6189516190 2009-05-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
The effect of spiritual leadership on organizational learning capacity Bulent Aydin and Adnan Ceylan Full Length Research Paper In this original paper, we aimed to find the impact of spiritual leadership (SL) on organizational learning capacity (OLC), which may then improve the organizational development. To perform the study, we conducted research with 578 employees in metalworking manufacturing. We measured SL in dimensions of vision, hope/faith, altruistic love, meaning/calling and membership. After the data analysis, we determined that OLC has positive significant correlation with each of SL dimensions (at 0.000 level), however, the total explained variance of OLC - depending on SL- has come out a very low value (0.09), which the businesses should consider while planning their development processes. Key words: Spiritual leadership, organizational learning capacity, metalworking industry. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/DA6189516190 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM09.015 en Copyright © 2009 Bulent Aydin and Adnan Ceylan
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:9C2487216158 2009-05-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Can foreign direct investment (FDI) help to promote growth in Africa? Samuel Adams Full Length Research Paper In the last 2 decades, foreign direct investment (FDI) flows have grown rapidly all over the world. This is because many countries and especially developing countries see FDI as an important element in their strategy for economic development. This paper provides a review of the foreign direct investment economic growth literature in the context of developing countries, and particularly Sub-Saharan Africa. The two main findings are as follows, first, FDI contributes to economic development of host country in two main ways, augmentation of domestic capital and enhancement of efficiency through the transfer of new technology, marketing and managerial skills, innovation and best practices, secondly FDI has both benefits and costs and its impact is determined by the country specific conditions in general and the policy environment in particular in terms of the ability to diversify, the level of absorption capacity, targeting of FDI, and opportunities for linkages between FDI and domestic investment. The findings of the review suggest that FDI is necessary but not a sufficient condition for economic growth. Key words: Foreign Direct investment, economic growth, diversification, absorption capacity, Sub ndash;Saharan Africa. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/9C2487216158 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM09.001 en Copyright © 2009 Samuel Adams
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:940E4B616663 2009-05-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
The analysis of fiscal policy management in Romania: Lessons for emerging countries Cristian Socol and Aura Gabriela Socol Full Length Research Paper Subsequently to the adheration to the European Union, Romania prepares itself for the last stage of integration admission, the economic and monetary union. In this context, the study analyzes the fiscal management performance in Romania, to what extent the fiscal policy is prepared to act as a sole instrument capable of absorbing the asymmetrical shocks and stabilize the national economy after entering the Euro zone. The efficiency of the fiscal policy has been analyzed taking into consideration a reaction function assessment of the fiscal policy, both the response of the actual budget balance and of the structural budget balance being tested to the shocks of the modification in the degree of public indebtness upon the output-gap and the previous values of the primary / structural budget balance. Thus, we have analyzed the sustainability degree of the Romanian public finances during the period 1999 ndash; Q2 2008 and we have made recommendations for strengthening the role of the fiscal policy within the mix of the Romanian macroeconomic policies. Key words: Potential GDP, output-gap, cyclically budget balance, structural budget balance, fiscal reaction function, monetary integration. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/940E4B616663 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM09.017 en Copyright © 2009 Cristian Socol and Aura Gabriela Socol
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:BF38CC716737 2009-06-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Electronic transaction of internet banking and its perception of Malaysian online customers Ahasanul Haque, Arun Kumar Tarofder, Sabbir Rahman and Md Abdur Raquib Full Length Research Paper The purpose of this research is to find out significant factors of consumersrsquo; perception on e-banking transaction by Malaysian bank consumers. The study utilizes a combination of theoretical frameworks and quantitative techniques o testify the statistical relationships between consumer perceptions on e-banking transaction. Meanwhile factor analysis was performed to extraction and make initial decision on the number of factors underlying asset of measured variables of interest. Thereafter structural equation mode (SEM) was estimated to anticipate the effects of the explanatory variables. This study shows that only protected transaction, have significant impact on consumersrsquo; perception about e-banking security, followed by service quality and regulatory frame work issues. This study is the first that seeks to ascertain the insight into e-banking in Malaysia, which has not been previously been investigated and much statistical significance makes this study a potential cornerstone for future research. Therefore, this study thus sets an important benchmark for further research in the area. Key words: Consumer perception, e-banking, electronic transaction, Malaysia. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/BF38CC716737 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM09.036 en Copyright © 2009 Ahasanul Haque, Arun Kumar Tarofder, Sabbir Rahman and Md Abdur Raquib
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:20F78EA16766 2009-06-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Services officer cognitions toward marketing planning: A hierarchical cognition of marketing audit model Wu, Wann-Yih and Fu, Chen-Su Full Length Research Paper This study applied means-end chain analysis and the concept of marketing audit to develop a hierarchical cognition of marketing audit model of services officer cognitions toward marketing planning processes. The hierarchical cognition of marketing audit model revealed the marketing audit checklists that should be prioritized by managers, how managers can satisfy their employees to achieve their goals and how companies can obtain valuable resources needed to enhance competitive advantage. Ultimately, by applying the hierarchical cognition of marketing audit model and the resource-based view, researchers can perform firm-specific marketing audits, identify core marketing competences and explore new business opportunities. By properly and effectively using core resources, businesses can achieve sustainable competitive advantage by creating value for both customers and employees. Key words: Marketing audit, means-end chains. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/20F78EA16766 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM09.102 en Copyright © 2009 Wu, Wann-Yih and Fu, Chen-Su
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:ACB97E716795 2009-06-30T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Paradigm shift in managing career plateau in organisation: The best strategy to minimize employee intention to quit Henry Ongori and Joseph E. Agolla Full Length Research Paper In this era of globalisation career plateau in organisation needs to be managed effectively to minimize employeersquo;s intention to quit. Many employees find themselves in jobs that offer them limited mobility opportunities in terms of upward movement in the organisation. There are many drivers which lead to career plateau in organisations particularly organisational re-structuring. Career plateau affects both the management and employees. Career plateau is considered as one of the contributing factors in employeersquo;s intention to quit in many organisations. Management and human resource professionals are in dilemma on the best interventions to put in place to manage career plateau effectively in order to enhance organisation competitiveness. This paper tries to investigate the drivers and effects of career plateau in organisation and recommends best strategies to manage career plateau in organisation. The methodology adopted in this study is critical review of the existing literature online and print. The major finding of this study is that career plateau is a major contributing factor to employee turnover in organisations. The contribution of this paper is that it will provoke scholarly debate on management and other stakeholders to develop the best strategies to manage career plateau in organisation. Key words: Career plateau, management, paradigm, organisations, quitting, strategies. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/ACB97E716795 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000452 en Copyright © 2009 Henry Ongori and Joseph E. Agolla
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:9FF312B16869 2009-07-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Comparing transformational leadership in successful and unsuccessful companies Gholamreza Jandaghi, Hasan Zarei Matin and Ali Farjami Full Length Research Paper In this article, while it is attempted to describe the problem and its importance, transformational leadership is studied by considering leadership theories. Issues such as the definition of transformational leadership and its aspects are compared on the basis of the ideas of various connoisseurs and then it (transformational leadership) is examined in successful and unsuccessful companies. According to the methodology, the method of research, hypotheses, population and statistical sample are investigated and research findings are analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistical methods in the framework of analytical tables. Finally, our conclusion is provided by considering the results of statistical tests. The final result shows that transformational leadership is significantly higher in successful companies than unsuccessful ones Plt;0.0001). Key words: Idealized influence, individualized considerations, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, transformational leadership, Iran. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/9FF312B16869 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000139 en Copyright © 2009 Gholamreza Jandaghi, Hasan Zarei Matin and Ali Farjami
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:47FB47216919 2009-07-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Designing a competent organizational culture model for customer oriented companies Hasan Zarei Matin, Gholamreza Jandaghi, Hossein Khanifar and Faezeh Heydari Full Length Research Paper Today, the results of researches indicate that the most effective factor in enhanced performance of organizations is culture. The tendency to customer is a form of organizational culture which leads organizations toward responsive to customers, devising customer-oriented strategies need an adoptive and responsive organizational culture against changes. Hence, the structure and organizational culture of high performance companies are shaped in a way to consider the highest value for customer and attract his/her satisfaction. Owing to the fact that establishing a proper culture is the most important issue in attaining customers, present paper attempts to find that what should be cultural dimensions and components of customer-oriented organizations in order to perform their missions well and what is a suitable model for organizational culture in customer-oriented companies? A survey with management professors and certain experts in the field revealed that there are certain dimensions and components of competent organizational culture. This article proposed a revised conceptual model on the basis of these dimensions / components. A questionnaire was designed to examine this model in customer-oriented companied and then it was implemented in target organizations after confirming its validity and reliability. According to results, the emotional and trust-building leadership dimension are in undesirable conditions on studied organizations. So, some recommendations are provided in conclusion to improve competent organizational culture in customer-oriented companies. Key words: Organizational culture, competent organizational culture, customer oriented, customer oriented company, customer-oriented culture. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/47FB47216919 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM.9000188 en Copyright © 2009 Hasan Zarei Matin, Gholamreza Jandaghi, Hossein Khanifar and Faezeh Heydari
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:DE648A316956 2009-07-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
An overview to accounting applications on agricultural activities in Turkey within historical progress Mevluuml;t Karakaya Full Length Research Paper The goal of this study is to analyze the accounting applications on agricultural activities of 1923 - 2007 in Turkey within historical progress. Although Turkey was an agrarian state in the past, the agriculture didnrsquo;t develop in the private sector. The reason for this is that the agricultural activities were conducted as small family enterprises. Furthermore, the relatively big agricultural enterprises own by public have made important contributions on forming and developing the agricultural accounting applications in Turkey. In the study, it was intended to report the outcomes, which were collected by the record scanning method, of the accounting applications of the state agricultural enterprises until today that were set up in 1937. Furthermore, some studies were also conducted on the doctrine books about the agricultural accounting. Key words: Accounting, accounting history, agricultural accounting in Turkey Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/DE648A316956 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM09.062 en Copyright © 2009 Mevluuml;t Karakaya
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:8DFEBF416991 2009-07-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Are university students psychologically ready for entrepreneurship? A Botswana study Ilse E. Plattner, Mmakgosi Lechaena, Wame Mmolawa and Bagele Mzingwane Full Length Research Paper This paper seeks to draw attention to the need for psychological maturity before young people can begin their own business and succeed as entrepreneurs. A study with 349 undergraduate students at the University of Botswana investigated studentsrsquo; career aspirations and their career-related self-concept. Only eight students considered entrepreneurship as a career option but many students mentioned careers that would provide them with an opportunity for self-employment. However, the majority of students lacked a positive self-concept and believed that their careers would depend on ldquo;connectionsrdquo; with the ldquo;rightrdquo; people, luck, or the government (external locus of control). The findings suggest a decline in studentsrsquo; self-concept and job expectations throughout the course of their studies. Recommendations are made with regard to the role of the university in empowering students not just academically but also psychologically so that they can compete successfully in entrepreneurship. Key words: Entrepreneurship, career aspirations, self-efficacy, locus of control, psychological empowerment, higher education. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/8DFEBF416991 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM09.072 en Copyright © 2009 Ilse E. Plattner, Mmakgosi Lechaena, Wame Mmolawa and Bagele Mzingwane
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:7B2CBD817020 2009-07-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Sources of stress and the coping mechanism for Malaysian entrepreneurs Syed Zamberi Ahmad and Farah Akmar Anor Salim Full Length Research Paper The purpose of this paper is to present the findings on the stress factors and the coping mechanism of the Malaysian entrepreneurrsquo;s. Data were collected via a questionnaire distributed amongst the entrepreneurs over the Klang Valley, Malaysia. A total of 118 out of 300 entrepreneurs completed questionnaires, which represented all business sectors with varieties demographic background. The results factor analysis with a variamax rotation are conducted on the actual performance to generate the underlying dimensions of the stress experience by Malaysian entrepreneurs. Additionally, bivariate analysis revealed significant differences in terms of sources and coping instruments of stress. Multiple regression analysis provided evidence that the affected and influential issues of stress factors as well as the coping mechanism. This current study contributes to the body of research by investigating the combined effects of stress factors and its coping mechanism, using one instrument, in one area setting. Recommendations for future research at the theoretical and practical level are given. Key words: Entrepreneurs, stress, coping, Malaysia. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/7B2CBD817020 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM09.080 en Copyright © 2009 Syed Zamberi Ahmad and Farah Akmar Anor Salim
oai:academicjournals.org:AJBM:5CB2BB517055 2009-07-31T00:00:00Z AcademicJournals AJBM AJBM:2009
Gamers’ perceptions of the service quality in the gaming areas of selected casinos in South Africa Elizma Wannenburg, Tonie Drotsky and Johan de Jager Full Length Research Paper Research was done on gamersrsquo; perceptions of the service quality in the gaming areas of selected casinos in South Africa. 2 casinos with 700 and more slot machines and 2 casinos with fewer than 700 slot machines were used in this research project to obtain a summary of the target population. 440 gamers at the 4 selected casinos were interviewed, with the help of trained fieldworkers. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the final data for the research. All variables related to the questionnaire were statistically analysed. The results of the research indicated that there were no significant differences between the male and female gamersrsquo; perceptions of the service quality in gaming areas. Keywords: Gaming, gamer, SERVQUAL, SERVPERF. Academic Journals 2009 TEXT text/html https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJBM/article-abstract/5CB2BB517055 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM09.094 en Copyright © 2009 Elizma Wannenburg, Tonie Drotsky and Johan de Jager