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Academic Journals accelerates the dissemination of knowledge through the publication of high quality research articles using the open access model.
Academic Journals accelerates the dissemination of knowledge through the publication of high quality research articles using the open access model.
Use of saliva for monitoring Plasmodium falciparum chemoresistance to pyrimethamine in three sites in Southern Côte D'ivoire
January-June 2025 - Vol 17 Num. 1
Current malaria diagnostic methods require blood sampling, which can be a barrier due to needle-related discomfort or cultural taboos surrounding blood. Saliva, being minimally invasive to collect, offers a promising alternative. This study aims to utilize saliva to monitor Plasmodium falciparum resistance to...
Removal of non-metallic inclusions from steel by electromagnetic levitation melting in a slag
January-June, 2025 - Vol 15 Num. 1
An investigation was conducted on the removal of non-metallic inclusions in steel through fusion by electromagnetic levitation in synthetic slag, aiming to improve the material's cleanness. Steel samples (DIN 17135) were placed inside pre-fabricated slag powder, levitated, and melted using an electromagnetic field....
Evaluation of phytochemical properties and antifungal activity of Ocimum gratissimum crude leaf extracts towards dermatophytes
February, 2025 - Vol 19 Num. 2
The increase in antifungal resistance towards dermatophytosis is an emerging concern globally. Consequently, the search for more effective vegetal drugs, easily consumable, less toxic, and available new substances with antifungal activity remains a priority. Therefore, the phytochemical properties and antidermatophytic...
Understanding gender roles, constraints and social context in fish value chain in Edo State, Nigeria
February, 2025 - Vol 21 Num. 2
Sustainable change in the fish value chain is crucial for achieving gendered food security, improved livelihoods, and economic empowerment of individuals. Fisheries are hindered by inequalities between men and women in the sector, affecting the even distribution of benefits, access to resources, and control over resources...
Communication and cultural issues in the use of kola nut in traditional Igbo society
January-June 2025 - Vol 16 Num. 1
This article discusses communication and cultural issues in the use of kola nut in traditional Igbo society. The kola nut is a fruit of the kola tree. It is called ‘Oji’ in Igbo language, in Nigeria. Its botanical name is Cola acuminata. It is so significant in the Igbo traditional society that getting...
A baseline study on the value addition and marketing of silver cyprinid (Rastrineobola argentea) fish in Kenya
January-June 2025 - Vol 16 Num. 1
Silver cyprinid (Rastrineobola argentea) fish, locally known as Omena, is an important source of dietary proteins for low-income households in Kenya. The fish is characterized by high postharvest losses chiefly due to improper drying techniques, low-value addition, and poor marketing or distribution channels. The high...
Satre’s philosophy of authenticity and intellectual development: Lesson for Africa
January-June 2025 - Vol 12 Num. 1
Africa's contemporary education system, particularly Nigeria's, boasts impressive policies and programs. However, a critical flaw undermines student potential and national development: economic determinism and parental pressure forcing children into ill-suited disciplines, culminating in social maladjustment. This...
Oil price shocks and agricultural output in an oil rich nation: Empirical insights from a fractional integration approach
January-March 2025 - Vol 17 Num. 1
The impact of oil price shocks on the economy of nations has attracted the attention of researchers for almost four decades. This article deals with modeling the relationship between shocks in oil prices and agricultural output series in Nigeria using a regression model that employs long memory and fractionally integrated...
Epidemiological and antifungal susceptibility profile of the causative fungal agents of otomycosis in patients diagnosed at the University Hospital of Angré, Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire)
January-June 2025 - Vol 16 Num. 1
Otomycosis is a fungal infection mainly affecting the outer ear but can spread to the inner ear. The fungal agents can lead to complications such as tympanic perforation. This study aimed to determine the epidemiological and antifungal susceptibility profile of species colonizing the external auditory canal. This...
Study of the thermo-hydro-mechanical characteristics of prismatic compressed earth specimens from two brick quarries in the city of Abéché, Chad
January-March, 2025 - Vol 20 Num. 1
The study focuses on the thermo-hygro-mechanical characterization of prismatic samples compressed earth specimens (CECs). Firstly, various sampling sites were located in order to identify them. Thus, the 4 × 4 × 16 cm3 specimens were used for the mechanical tests and the absorption test. In addition, 4 ×...
Phytochemical and pharmacology of weed Mexican medicinal flora: State of the art
January, 2025 - Vol 19 Num. 1
Weeds, often viewed as pests due to their interference with agriculture, are also crucial opportunistic plants that thrive in disturbed environments and secondary successions. They play a vital ecological role and offer numerous benefits, including fodder, green manure, food, and sources of industrial and medicinal...
Analysis of agricultural extension experts’ competencies on pineapple production in Central Ghana
January-March 2025 - Vol 17 Num. 1
This study assessed the competencies of Agricultural Extension professionals on commercial pineapple production in Central Ghana. A census technique was used to collect data from 86 extension professionals from eight selected districts within the central region of Ghana using a survey approach. Data was analysed using...
Rice varietal selection under irrigated conditions in the Senegal River Valley using additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) modeling approach
January-March 2025 - Vol 17 Num. 1
To evaluate the varietal stability of rice grown under irrigated conditions, trials were conducted on thirty-four rice varieties across two locations. The objective of this study was to examine the impact of genotype × environment interactions (GEI) on high-yielding rice varieties. The primary focus was on the...
AI and job market: Analysing the potential impact of AI on employment, skills, and job displacement
January-June 2025 - Vol 17 Num. 1
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly evolved, permeating various industries and transforming business operations. While AI offers immense potential for efficiency and innovation, it also raises concerns about its impact on the job market. This paper delves into the potential consequences of AI on employment, skills,...
Impact of sickle cell trait on glycated hemoglobin levels in Abidjan
January-March 2025 - Vol 19 Num. 1
Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is a marker for glycemic control and diagnosis in diabetic patients. Sickle cell trait (SCT), characterized by the presence of hemoglobin S (HbS), may interfere with HbA1c formation. This study aimed to determine the impact of sickle cell trait (AS) on HbA1c levels. This cross-sectional...
Chemical composition, physicochemical parameters and nutritional value of Lannea velutina A. Rich (Anacardiaceae) seed and seed oil
January 2025 - Vol 24 Num. 1
A study on Lannea velutina seeds was carried out to establish their chemical compositions. Proximate composition, physicochemical parameters, fatty acids, tocopherols, minerals, amino acids, simple sugars, phytates, fibers and polyphenols of seed kernel and seed oils were evaluated using the pre-established methods. The...
Effect of artisanal mining on water quality: An assessment of water sources in local communities in Anka, Northwest Nigeria
January-June 2025 - Vol 10 Num. 1
The presence of heavy metals in water sources within Anka, Northwest Nigeria, poses a growing health concern. This study assesses the extent of contamination levels, sources, and ecotoxicological risks associated with heavy metals in drinking water from the mining environment. Water samples were obtained from streams, the...
Sedative and anticonvulsant activities of ethanolic extract of Cymbopogon proximus (Mahareb) and Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (Karkade) in Wistar rats
January 2025 - Vol 19 Num. 1
Medicinal plants are a vital source of new chemical substances with potential therapeutic effects. In many regions worldwide, these plants play a significant role in population healthcare. This study aimed to investigate the sedative and anticonvulsant potential of ethanolic extracts of Cymbopogon proximus (Mahareb) and...
Characterization of medication errors in the Neonatology Unit of Teaching Pediatric Hospital of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
January 2025 - Vol 19 Num. 1
Medication errors were reported for the first time in 1962. Neonates are more exposed than other pediatric and adult patients. In Burkina Faso, a few medication errors in neonate care units are known. This study aimed to characterize medication errors along the clinical medication circuit in the neonatology unit of the...
Advancing integrated water resources management approaches for the sustainability of small dams in arid and semi-arid regions: A case study of the Um Dafoug dam in South Darfur State, Sudan
January-March, 2025 - Vol 17 Num. 1
Small dams are essential for providing water to rural communities in semi-arid and arid regions, supporting human consumption, livestock, and limited irrigation. Constructed with earth embankments and controlled or uncontrolled spillways, these dams store seasonal runoff from ephemeral streams (Wadis), with capacities...