Understanding the need for transfer of biologically-based crop protection technology for soil pest control in vegetable production in Rwanda
May 2017
Despite growth in Rwanda’s agricultural production ability, with food crops representing 33% of the National GDP and 80% of the population reliant on agriculture, food supply remains fragile. A factor which has significant impact on productivity is soil pests, whose effects filter through the whole value chain. Poor yields result in demand that exceeds supply, leading to higher food prices and reduced...
Amelioration of a degraded ultisol with hardwood biochar: Effects on soil physico-chemical properties and yield of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L)
May 2017
A study was conducted in two consecutive cropping seasons to assess the effect of biochar on soil properties and yield of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L) in an intensive cucumber–maize rotation based system of Abakaliki, Southeastern Nigeria. Five rates of hardwood biochar (0, 2.5, 3.75, 5 and 6.25 t ha-1) were used for the study. The study was laid out as a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with five...
Climate conditions in the eastern amazon: Rainfall variability in Belem and indicative of soil water deficit
May 2017
The objective of this study was to evaluate the regimes of temperature and rainfall in Belém, PA, Brazil, with emphasis on the start of the dry season in order to provide planning support for agricultural activities during years of climatic anomolies in the region. An initial analysis was done of the metropolitan region of Belém comparing it to the typology of Amazonian climates using rainfall data from...
Sunflower seed yield under trickle irrigation using treated wastewater
May 2017
Filed experiment was carried out in land near Ramtha Wastewater Treatment Plant during growing seasons of 2010 and 2011 to determine the effects of using treated wastewater on plant growth, seed yield and yield components of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under trickle irrigation. Randomized complete block design (RCBD) for three irrigation treatments namely; I1= Full irrigation (Actual crop coefficient), I2= 80% of...
Insect pests infesting black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) in southwestern part of Ethiopia
May 2017
Survey was carried out to study the distribution, infestation and damaging level of insect pests of black pepper during 2013/2014 cropping season in Southwestern Ethiopia. Insect pests were observed and identified at their sites in the surveyed areas. In addition, samples of insect pests and infected plant parts were collected and insect images were taken. The samples were diagnosed in Tepi National Spice Research...
Knowledge and perceptions of plant viral diseases by different stakeholders in Zimbabwe’s agricultural sector: Implications for disease management
May 2017
Plant viruses are major constraints to crop production worldwide, causing US$60 billion losses annually. This study assessed various agricultural sector stakeholders’ knowledge and perceptions of plant viruses in Zimbabwe. Data was collected from six provinces using surveys and participatory rural appraisal methodologies between December 2013 and October 2014. Maize streak virus, Tobacco mosaic virus, Cucumber...
Forage productivity system evaluation through station screening and intercropping of lablab forage legume with maize under Irrigated lands of smallholder farmers
May 2017
On station, farm studies were conducted in the eastern zone of Tigray to improve feed resource through integrating forage and cereal crops, to identify suitable and compatible lablab accessions for maize lablab intercropping under smallholder farmers, to demonstrate maize/lablab intercropping on farm, and to see farmer’s perception towards this technology. In the first study, eight lablab accessions were screened...
The growth and nutrition of pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) plantlets under different water retention regimes and manure
May 2017
Despite the many advantages of pineapple plants offered by micropropagation, there is difficulty in rooting and slowness in the growth of seedlings, requiring a long period of acclimatization in the greenhouses. The aim of this study was to evaluate organic sources and water retention polymers used for pineapple cultivar seedlings during the acclimatization phase. The experimental design was randomized blocks in a 2...
Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance for quantitative traits in coffee (Coffea arabica L.) accessions in Ethiopia
May 2017
Estimation of genetic parameters is pertinent as variability within population determines the extent of improvement achieved through crop improvement methods. In view of this, forty-nine coffee (Coffea arabica L.) germplasm accessions, which were collected from Gomma Woreda, were evaluated at Agaro with the objectives of assessing genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance for morphological traits. The...
Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on survival and growth of micropropagated Comanthera mucugensis spp. mucugensis (Eriocaulaceae)
May 2017
The use of micropropagation technique has been an alternative to conservation of endangered species, Comanthera mucugensis subsp. mucugensis (popular namely sempre viva de Mucuge); however, there is no information on the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on the acclimation process of micropropagated plants. This study evaluated the survival, growth and nutritional aspects of the species, C. mucugensis subsp....
Integration of climate change information into drylands crop production practices for enhanced food security: A case study of Lower Tana Basin in Kenya
May 2017
Climate change and variability poses the greatest challenges to agricultural production in the developing countries and especially drylands. Across Africa, yields of staple crops such as maize, wheat, sorghum and a variety of fruit crops have significantly decreased in the recent years, thus, widening food insecurity gaps. In the dryland areas of Kenya, the situation is further aggravated by low adaptive capacities and...
Behavior and water needs of sesame under different irrigation regimes: Analysis of growth
May 2017
The aim of this work was to evaluate the growth of sesame BRS 196 CNPA G4 in different irrigation depths (305, 436, 567 and 698 mm), applied on the basis of crop evapotranspiration– ETc (the depth of 567 mm was equal to 100% ETc). It was conducted at Embrapa Cotton, in Barbalha County, Ceará State, Brazil, 2012. The experiment was in randomized blocks, with treatments distributed in plots with three...
Guidelines for sustainable irrigation system design and management in sub-Saharan Africa
May 2017
Despite the fact that the economies of most countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are dominated by the agriculture sector, the productivity of the sector is still very low. One of the factors responsible for this is the fact that agriculture in SSA is mainly rain fed despite the abundant water resources in the region. Many attempts have been made in SSA to expand irrigation but most of these efforts have not been...
Performance of cassava (Manihot esculanta. Cratz) clones in potential and low moisture stressed areas of Ethiopia
May 2017
Cassava (Manihot esculanta. Cratz) is one of the most important food crops that constitute a considerable portion of the daily diet of the people and also serves as one of the major source of carbohydrate. Despite its importance, production of cassava in Ethiopia has different constraints and opportunities. Among which, shortage of improved varieties is the first and the most important one. It is mainly cultivated...
Combining ability analysis of quality protein maize (QPM) inbred lines for grain yield, agronomic traits and reaction to grey leaf spot in mid-altitude areas of Ethiopia
May 2017
A study was carried out to study the combining ability effects of diallel cross hybrids for grain yield, agronomic traits and reaction to grey leaf spot (GLS). Forty five experimental diallel cross hybrids made from ten quality protein maize (QPM) inbred lines with varying level of resistance to GLS were evaluated along with three checks at Bako and Jima Research Centers during 2014/2015 cropping season. Analysis of...
Intercropping of sweet flag (Acorus calamus L.) with early and late maturing cultivars of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
May 2017
Field experiments were conducted to explore possibility of introducing Acorus calamus (Sweet flag) under rice ecosystem either as an Intercrop or main crop for optimizing maximum return. In the first experiment, Sweet flag was intercropped with two rice cultivars early IR-64 and late MTU-7029 “Swarna” in additive series where sweet flag was introduced between two normal rows of rice and in replacement...
Leaf detector box: Artificial vision system for leaf area identification
May 2017
The detection of leaf area in plants is a very important parameter to evaluate growth rates. Nowadays, this analysis is performed manually through a process of counting, cutting and weighing leaf that involves long periods of time, providing subjective results and with low repeatability. The purpose of this research was to develop a computational tool (leaf detector box) to detect leaf area through image processing...
Traditional sheep production systems and breeding practice in Wolayita Zone of Southern Ethiopia
May 2017
The study was conducted in Wolayita zone of Southern, Nations, Nationalities and People Regional State with the objectives to explain its production systems, breeding practice with major constraints of sheep productivity. Purposive sampling techniques were employed to select target farmers. Structured questionnaire, focused group discussions, secondary data sources and field observations were used to generate the...
Evaluation of cowpea root system and yield traits in humid tropical agro-ecology
May 2017
Roots are essential to plants and can be the focus for yield improvement in the environment the plant grows. The objectives of this study were to evaluate some yield components and root traits in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp) and establish the linear association between the yield and root traits to explore improvement potentials of the crop in humid ecosystem. Ten cowpea accessions were tested in Calabar, Nigeria...
Neonicotinoid insecticide treatment improves physiological performance of melon and watermelon seeds
May 2017
Thiamethoxam is a neonicotinoid insecticide, which is believed to induce the expression of enzymes and proteins that activate plant defense mechanisms, thus improving the plant resistance to stress factors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological performance of melon and watermelon seeds treated with thiamethoxam. The seed treatment consisted of five doses of thiamethoxam, 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 mL per...
Impacts of climate change on global coffee production industry: Review
May 2017
Next to petroleum oil, coffee is the most internationally transacted commodity in the world; consumers from all around purchase and enjoy coffee in their daily activities. Climate change has emerged in recent years as one of the most critical topics at almost all actors. The impact of climate variation in all producing countries is predicted to be negative, even though within each country, it would vary a lot....
Berries: Cultivation and environmental factors effects on the phenolic compounds content
May 2017
Berries are rich in bioactive compounds, such as vitamins, fiber, macro and microelements and have high content of polyphenols, plant secondary metabolites. The consumption of a diet rich in polyphenols has in epidemiological studies been associated with a lower incidence of degenerative diseases including cancer, cardiovascular and other diseases. The preventive effects are often attributed, in part, to phenolic...
Role of phytohormones (indol acetic acid, jasmonic acid, salcylic acid, and ethylene) in nematode-plant interactions
May 2017
Plant parasitic nematodes are among the most destructive major pest of crop plants. Root knot nematode species and cyst nematodes are well studied species of nematode with various ranges of host. The common means of control for these pests mostly rely usually on use of chemicals like nematicides, which are environmentally unfriend and costly especially in large scale agricultural production systems. However, recent...
Superiority of Malawian orange local maize variety in nutrients, cookability and storability
May 2017
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the potential of an orange Malawian local maize variety MW5021 by comparing with a hybrid variety DKC-9089 for nutritional quality and processing properties such as proximate and mineral composition as well as pasting and thermal properties of the flour, and resistance against Prostephanus truncatus infestation during storage of the grain. Maize plants sampled for the...
Conservation agriculture, conservation farming and conventional tillage adoption, efficiency and economic benefits in semi-arid Zimbabwe
May 2017
Conservation practices can be of great importance in semi-arid regions for obtaining high crop yields and income, but adoption of the conservation practices, economic efficiencies and benefits remain unknown by most smallholders. The paper presents an overview of the adoption of conservation agriculture (CA), conservation farming (CF) and conventional tillage (ConvT), their technical efficiency and economic benefits....
Response of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties to N and P fertilizer rates in Ofla district, Southern Tigray, Ethiopia
May 2017
A field experiment was conducted during the 2006 cropping season in Ofla district in southern Tigray to assess the response of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer rates. Factorial combinations of two wheat varieties (HAR1685 and Shehan), four N rates (0, 23, 46 and 69 kg N/ha), and four P rates (0, 10, 20 and 30 kg P/ha) were laid out in split plot design (varieties in the...
Characterization of soybean population with sulfonylurea herbicides tolerant alleles
May 2017
With the introduction of commercial soybean genotypes with Als1 and Als2 alleles that confer tolerance to different active ingredients of sulfonylurea group, this work aims to test soybean populations for the presence/absence of Als1 and Als2 alleles and evaluate the agronomic impact of these alleles addition. These trials were conducted in experimental stations of DuPont Pioneer at Sorriso, Mato Grosso state and...
Assessment of yield loss in Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) plants caused by Fusarium oxysporum
May 2017
Rosmarinus officinalis and Salvia officinalis wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum could lead to yield losses, under various conditions. This study was therefore focused on determination of yield loss caused by F. oxysporum on R. officinalis and S. officinalis plants. A greenhouse experiment was conducted at Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources (WGCFNR), Ethiopia, from 2015 to 2016. Mixed soil of animal...
Classification of selected white tropical maize inbred lines into heterotic groups using yield combining ability effects
May 2017
A line x tester mating design involving sixteen white maize inbred lines as females and two testers as males generated thirty-two single crosses. These hybrids plus three checks were evaluated using a 5 x 7 alpha lattice design replicated twice at the University of Ghana, WACCI research farm during 2015/16 offseason using drip irrigation. The objective of the study was to: assign the tropical inbred lines into heterotic...
Influence of ascorbic acid on physiological deterioration of pieces of cassava raw pulp
May 2017
Cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) is originally from South America and possibly Brazil, grown to more than 500 years. Its roots can be exploited in various ways for human consumption. With the focus on post-harvest cassava, this experiment was developed with the objective of evaluating the use of ascorbic acid (AA), on physiological deterioration in cassava roots minimally processed during the storage period of six...
Prevalence of equine lungworm and associated risk factors in Sudie district, Oromia region, south eastern Ethiopia
May 2017
A cross-sectional study was carried out from November 2014 to March 2015 to determine the prevalence of Dictyocaulus arnfieldi and to identify associated risk factors in equines in Sudie district, south eastern Ethiopia. A total of 384 faecal samples were collected randomly from horses (n = 128), donkeys (n = 217) and mules (n = 39) for coprological examination. Isolation of D. arnfieldi was performed using a modified...
Viruses infecting common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Tanzania: A review on molecular characterization, detection and disease management options
May 2017
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a major legume crop, serving as a main source of dietary protein and calories and generating income for many Tanzanians. It is produced in nearly all agro-ecological zones of Tanzania. However, the average yields are low (<1000 kg/ha), which is attributed to many factors including virus diseases. The most important viruses of common bean in Tanzania are Bean common mosaic virus...
The decision making process on the adoption of innovations in the Brazilian Serra Gaúcha hills vitiviniculture: The case of Wine Producers Association of Altos Montes, at Serra Gaúcha/Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil (APROMONTES)
May 2017
This article discusses the decision-making process of Wine Producers Association of Altos Montes, at Serra Gaúcha/Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil (APROMONTES) winegrowers and winemakers, in their process of adopting innovations to increase their competitiveness. To do that, we used the Prospect Theory. Data collection was conducted through interviews with 12 wineries, 25 winegrowers of APROMONTES wineries, and, as...
Composition of different composts and vermicompost and effects of their application rates on growth parameters of pot grown tomato
May 2017
Two sets of pot experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of different compost types (market compost, home compost and vermicompost) and their rates on growth of pot grown tomato. During the first experiment, two compost types (market and home composts) each applied at four rates (0, 200, 400 and 800 g/pot) were evaluated while during the second experiment all the three compost types including vermicompost...
Fuzzy simulation of bioclimatic indexes environments with and without cover for Santa Inês sheep farms
May 2017
This study aimed to analyze bioclimatic indexes: black globe temperature and humidity index (BGHI) and radiant thermal load (RTL) in Santa Inês sheep farms, with and without coverage to develop a fuzzy logical computational model to forecast variables analyzed experimentally. Ten Santa Inês sheep were placed in two cover paddocks, and one without cover. Data recorded were: air temperature schedules and black...
Soil fertility status of seasonally closed wetland ecosystem (ondombe) in north-central Namibia
May 2017
In the Cuvelai Seasonal Wetland System (CSWS) of North-central Namibia, there are widespread manifestations of seasonally flooded river and seasonally closed wetland ecosystems (ponds). These wetlands are called oshana (seasonally flooded river wetland) and ondombe (seasonally closed wetland) according to the local language. This study was initiated to find out the soil fertility status of ondombes and whether they...
Dynamics and adaptation of agricultural farming systems in the boost of cotton cropping in southern Mali
May 2017
Integration of crop and livestock production systems constitutes an important engine for agricultural development and enhancement of smallholder farmers' livelihoods in the least developed countries. For the last forty years, the Malian cotton sub-sector has recorded mixed growth trends, having been initially successful before declining and then catching up. The growth dynamics in the cotton sub-sector has permitted...
Effect of replacing inorganic with organic trace minerals on growth performance, carcass characteristics and chemical composition of broiler thigh meat
May 2017
Micro minerals (Trace minerals) are required for normal growth and development in broilers. The present study was undertaken to compare the effect of replacing inorganic with organic trace minerals on growth performance, carcass characteristics and chemical composition of broiler thigh meat. A corn soybean based diet supplemented with organic trace minerals (OTM) (x) and an inorganic trace mineral (ITM) (y) was...
Evapotranspiration and control mechanisms in managed Amazonian forest in, Pará, Brazil
May 2017
This work examines whether management causes changes in evapotranspiration (ET) surface conductance (gs), aerodynamic conductance (ga) and the decoupling factor (Ω) in managed and natural forest sites in a tropical rain forest in the Amazon. The study was conducted in the Tapajós National Forest (FNT) in managed (logged) and natural (unlogged) forests, which have micrometeorological towers for...
Opportunities and constraints of beekeeping in Wolaita and Dawro zones, Southern Ethiopia
May 2017
This study was conducted in districts of Wolaita and Dawro zones, Southern Ethiopia with objectives of assessing constraints and opportunities for beekeeping production. Multistage purposive sampling procedure was employed for 180 respondents. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20. The results showed that majority of the respondents kept honey bees for consumption and income generation, while very few reported they...
Occurrence and distribution of cucumber mosaic virus in cucurbits in Karanganyar, Central Java, Indonesia
May 2017
Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) is an important pathogen in agricultural crops which is spread throughout the world with a wide host range. In Indonesia, CMV is also an important pathogen that infect various high economic value crops. Karanganyar regency is a horticultural production centers in Central Java. Its foremost products are cucurbits incuding cucumber (Cucumis sativus), melon (Cucumis melo), watermelon (Citrullus...
Mathematical modeling of the pulp drying curves murici (Byrsonima crassifolia): The foam layer drying
May 2017
The murici is a fruit of the Brazilian cerrado, with striking aroma and nutritional value. It is known that the fruit drying process for obtaining the murici dry contributes to the preservation of the product, the content of nutrients and enables your addition in formulations, emphasizing the sensory and nutritional quality of food. A drying method that has been expanding in Brazil is the method of drying foam layer,...
Two new wheat varieties for irrigated conditions of Afghanistan
April 2017
New high yielding and disease resistant wheat genotypes were introduced in 2008-09 crop season through 4th Elite Bread Wheat yield Trial (EBYT) as well as 2nd Stem Rust Resistance Screening Nursery (STEMRRSN). One genotype from EBYT performed 15% higher than commercial variety, Mazar 99 during five years of testing at over eight locations in Afghanistan and was therefore recommended for release for commercial...
Smallholder farming in Brazil: An overview for 2014
April 2017
The goal of this paper is to provide an update on smallholder farming in Brazil. Instead of using data from the last available Agricultural Census (2006), a database from the Ministry of Agrarian Development for 2014 was used. These data are extracted from a tax form called “Declaração de Aptidão ao Pronaf-DAP” (Declaration of Aptitude to Pronaf) that is mandatory for all farmers in...
Cattle manure and liquid biofertilizer for biomass production of yellow passion fruit seedlings
April 2017
This study aims to evaluate the production of biomass of different cattle manure, and biofertilizer concentrations. The experiment was conducted between April and June 2014 in a greenhouse at the seedling production nursery of the State University of Paraíba (UEPB), Catolé do Rocha, Paraíba (PB) state. The experiment was completely randomized in a 5 x 2 factorial design corresponding to five levels...
Identification of pulmonary lesions in slaughtered cattle and associated risk factors, North West Ethiopia
April 2017
A gross pathological examination of pulmonary lesions on 399 cattle slaughtered at Gondar ELFORA abattoir was conducted on in the period November, 2011 to March, 2012 with the objectives of estimating the frequency of various pulmonary lesions and the associated risk factors and gross lesions were screened and the most encountered lesions were emphysema, pale and dark red to dark gray color of the lung, hepatization,...
Exogenous ascorbic acid improved tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.) by increasing antioxidant activity under salinity stress
April 2017
Salinity causes additional manufacture of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in plants, and ascorbate plays important role in maintaining of ROS scavenging antioxidant enzymes. In this study, the role of exogenous ascorbic acid (AsA) was examined on growth, chlorophyll and oxidative stress related enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants in three maize hybrids under NaCl mediated salt stress. In hydroponic culture, AsA was...
Effect of urea treatment and concentrate mix supplementations on feed intake and digestibility of Horro sheep fed cured maize husk (Zea Mays) at Bako, Western Ethiopia
April 2017
Feed intake and digestibility experiment were conducted using twenty yearling male Horro sheep weighing 20.42 ± 0.35 kg (mean ± SD). The objectives of the study were to evaluate the response of Horro sheep to feed intake and apparent digestibility when supplemented with different level of noug seed meal and wheat bran mix (1:1) on DM basis. For this study, randomized complete block design was employed....
Potential of antranilic diamides applied in seeds of soybeans with and without cry1ac protein for Helicoverpa armigera caterpillar control
April 2017
In Brazil, the caterpillar Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) is a key economic pest of soybean, from seedling emergence to the reproductive stage. Control of this pest has relied on foliar insecticide sprays, and the use of insect-resistant cultivars. Characterization of the efficacy of insecticides that can be used for seed treatment, as a complement or alternative control for this pest, is needed for the production...
Seasonality influence the nutrient content of litter fall in secondary forest in the Amazonian
April 2017
Secondary forest vegetation in the Bragantina area, Northeast of Pará State, is characterized by the abandonment of anthropized forests, locally known as capoeiras, in different successional stages. The current study aims to evaluate the nutrient concentrations in order to identify the treatment that have caused greater nutrient deficiency due to full and partial litter spacing well as to assess the capoeira with...
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