African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

AJAR Articles

The competitiveness of The Gambia agro-food trade

June 2023

This paper examines the competitiveness of The Gambia agri-food exports from 2012 to 2021 utilizing the revealed comparative advantage index, the Kaplan-Meier survival function, and Cox regression model. The results indicate that thirteen of the twenty-four products have comparative advantages in the global market, while seven of the twenty-four products have comparative advantages in the regional market. In terms of...

Author(s): Baseedy Bojang,  

Characterizing the cycle of heavy metals in horticultural production for Mbare Musika in Harare, Zimbabwe

June 2023

Heavy metal cycles in horticultural systems in areas supplying vegetables to Mbare Musika were characterized with reference to the soil, water, fertilizers used and crops grown from different ecological zones of Zimbabwe. Apart from inherent soil heavy metal properties, anthropogenic sources contributed through irrigation water and fertilizers. Different areas specialized in growing peculiar vegetables through influence...

Author(s): S. Kodani  

Evaluation of Zimbabwean tobacco varieties for potential as a source of tobacco seed oil (TSO)

June 2023

The impending curtailment of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) use in its traditional smoking form demands that economies previously dependent on tobacco as a cash crop find alternative sources of income. Alternatively, to enable the continued use of existing infrastructure and experience by growers, these economies could continue to grow the crop for other uses. The objective of this trial was, therefore, to explore...

Author(s): Cabinet C. Musuna-Garwe, Bellington Mudyawabikwa, Susan Dimbi and Dahlia Garwe  

Status and management strategies of major insect pests and fungal diseases of maize in Africa: A review

June 2023

The escalating populations in Africa contribute to the already existing challenge of food insecurity, which is further exacerbated by the emergence and resurgence of pests and diseases, resulting in substantial annual yield losses. Maize, a vital staple crop in sub-Saharan Africa, serves as crucial food source, animal fodder, and raw material for industries. Nonetheless, its vulnerability to pests and diseases puts...

Author(s): Flora Adachi Asibe, Patrick Maada Ngegba, Edith Mugehu and Clement Gboyega Afolabi

Effect of molybdenum and nitrogen rates on the growth and vegetative structure of Megathyrsusmaximus (Syn. Panicum maximum)

June 2023

The objective of this study was to identify the rate of molybdenum that when associated with nitrogen fertilization, would provide the best responses on the vegetative structure of Mombasa grass. Forty days after planting, a uniform pruning was made when the established levels of molybdenum were applied and the experimental period started. The experimental design was a randomized block, with four replications (blocks),...

Author(s): Alberto Chambela Neto, Ismail Ramalho Haddade, Paola Alfonsa Vieira Lo Monaco, Gustavo Haddad Souza Vieira, Renata Gomes da Silveira Deminicis and Bruno Borges Deminicis  

Mitotic response of Allium cepa L. to toxicity of pharmaceutical effluents

June 2023

The need to determine the mutagenic ability of waste waters from pharmaceutical industry is on the rise. With the aid of macro and micro assay of the root tip, this study was carried out to assess the genotoxic effects of varied concentrations of three pharmaceutical effluents (Ciprofloxacin, Arthemetrin and Psuedophedrin) on Allium cepa root tip during mitosis. The chemical evaluation of the effluents confirmed the...

Author(s): Emmanuel Obiora Udoh, Sheily Nneka Egonu, Nnaemeka Maduabuchi Eze, Ngozi Eucharia Abu, Godswill Chukwunonso Ajuziogu, Maryrose Chigozie Nwankwo, Nnamdi Ogwo, Eugene Obashi Ojua and Goodness Okeh.  

Phenotypic characterization and beta-carotene quantification towards selection for high beta-carotene maize accessions

June 2023

Yellow maize varieties in Ghana have low beta-carotene levels, but if improved, they could lessen the negative health effects of vitamin-A deficiency. Finding promising yellow maize accessions that could be used to breed higher beta-carotene varieties was the goal of the study. The study involved the collection of 100 local accessions, phenotypic identification, evaluation of genetic relatedness, and quantification of...

Author(s): Gilbert ANSAH, Samuel AMITEYE, Harry Mensah AMOATEY, Vivian ODURO, Maxwell ABIVE-BORTSI, Jacob Teye KUTUFAM, Doris Akua DZIMEGA, Jonathan Okai ARMAH, Innocent Kwaku DORVLO and Godwin AMENORPE,  

Effects of selected herbicides on management of weeds in finger millet (Eleusine coracana L)

June 2023

A study was conducted to determine the suitable herbicide(s) for effective weed management in finger millet, in order to address the major biotic stress of weeds infestation and attain optimal productivity of finger millet. Field experiments were conducted in Baringo and Kericho counties in Kenya for two growing seasons, using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) and replicated three times. Three pre-emergence...

Author(s): Amayu W. Tirihana, Paul K. Kimurto and Patrick Murerwa

High-density polyethylene containers and super grain bag reduce storage insect pests’ infestation in maize and preserve grain quality

June 2023

The study evaluated the performance of polypropylene bag (PP), polyethylene drum (PD), polyethylene silo tank (PST), and super grain bag (SGB) on preserving maize quality. The trials were conducted on-station and on-farm. Insect density, grain damage, weight loss, and grain moisture content were determined monthly for six months for on-station trials. For on-farm, insect density and grain damage were assessed every two...

Author(s): Rafael José Nguenha, Lucas Daniel Tivana, Paula da Conceição M. Viola, Isabel João B. Monjane, Sandra Salvador I. Chemane, Nswana Kanfwanfwa, Dovel Branquinho Ernesto and Olipa N. Lungu

Tolerance of sugarcane varieties to different levels of water depletion on soil

June 2023

Sugarcane is one of the most important crops for Brazilian agribusiness, despite water stress being one of the main limiting factors of growth and productivity. Thus, the objective was to verify if there is variation in the tolerance to water deficit among sugarcane varieties in the soil and climate conditions of Quirinópolis-GO (State of Goiás). The trial was conducted on a Red Latosol, with sugarcane...

Author(s): João Carlos Rocha Dos Anjos, José Alves Júnior, Derblai Casaroli, Adão Wagner Pego Evangelista, Jéssica Sousa Paixão, Carlos Cesar Silva Jardim, Gustavo Cassiano Da Silva, Aderson Soares de Andrade Júnior and Rafael Battisiti  

On-farm participatory evaluation and selection of crop varieties at climate changes in Southern Niger

June 2023

Participatory varietal selection (PVS) is one of the most rapid and cost-effective ways for breeders, farmers, and agronomists to identify high-yielding and well adapted varieties to current climate threats and to obtain feedback from the potential end users in the early phases of the breeding cycle (s). On the other hand, a participatory evaluation of improved and local varieties of pearl millet, sorghum, cowpea, and...

Author(s): Abdourazak Alio Moussa, Bouba Traoré, Bassirou Sani Boubacar Gaoh and Ibrahima Abdoussalam

Relative importance of functions of innovation system on cassava climate smart farming in Kenya

June 2023

Functions of innovation systems framework have established their value as tools for exploring socio-technological transitions and economic development. Although the “seven functions” model has demonstrated its academic value across a vast literature, there have been few attempts to explore the role of the model in climate smart farming. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine relative importance of...

Author(s): Paul O. Tana, Stephen W. Maina, Bockline O. Bebe Felister W. Makini and Dickson O. Okello  

Harvest timing and nitrogen fertilization alter the production of biomass and antioxidant compound in the parsley

May 2023

Parsley is a plant widely used in cooking as a condiment and it has potential for pharmaceutical use due to flavonoids production, including the apiin, which has antioxidant activity. The current study investigates the influence of N fertilization on the biomass production, soluble fractions, total flavonoids and apiin in the parsley plants at 28 and 56 days after germination (DAG). The experiment was carried out in the...

Author(s): Mylena Firmiano de Andrade, Luiziene Soares Alves, Evandro Silva P. Costa, Marco Andre Alves de Souza, Rosane Nora Castro, Douglas Siqueira de Almeida Chaves and André Marques dos Santos

Economics of rice/ paddy production in Kano and Niger States of Nigeria in the presence of technological heterogeneity

May 2023

For decades, debates among African leaders have centred on possible solutions to the continent's food security dilemma. If not addressed, the continued increase in population density and the accompanying pressures from conflicting demands for land in many Sub-Saharan African nations, including Nigeria, have the potential to exacerbate the arable land situation in the near future. To achieve increased production,...

Author(s): Matthew O. Adewumi, Mohammed Murtala and Oladele C. Ajewole  

Ethnobotany and perceptions on the value of taro (Colocasia esculenta) among farmers in Benin Republic

May 2023

Taro (Colocasia esculenta) is a widely grown vegetatively propagated food crop in the Benin Republic. The taro leaf blight (TLB) epidemic in 2009, caused by Phytophthora colocasiae, has destroyed taro production and wiped out many taro landraces in West Africa. A survey was conducted in the southern region of Benin to assess the status of taro and TLB, ethnobotany, farmers' perceptions of taro, and identify...

Author(s): Z. Natacha Julienne Quenum,, P. Lava Kumar, Malachy O. Akoroda, Alexandre Dansi, Ramesh Raju Vetukuri and Ranjana Bhattacharjee  

Nutritional evaluation of twenty-four disease and pest resistance tomato varieties

May 2023

Tomato, a fruit vegetable, is widely used in many dish components such as soup, stew/sauce, salad, and juice with many benefits. Even though annual and perishable, tomatoes are required yearly for use. Tomato production thus serves as a livelihood and food security activity across the country with different varieties. Some of these varieties, however, do not meet production criteria and consumer preferences. As such,...

Author(s): Dari L., Tignegre, J. B. and Zaato P.  

Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) and local fruit species interaction: Case of Beilschmiedia mannii in traditional agroforestry systems in western Côte d'Ivoire

May 2023

Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) cultivation in Côte d'Ivoire faces many constraints and remains one of the main causes of deforestation. However, cocoa-based agroforestry and the domestication of cocoa companion trees would be an alternative to overcome these constraints. This study was conducted to improve the sustainability of cocoa production through its association with "Bitéi" (Beilschmiedia...

Author(s): Nzi Jean-Claude, Mbo Kacou Alban Antoine, Lougué Bassirou, Affessi Wenceslas, Kouassi Kouadio Henri and Kouamé Christophe  

Effect of salinity on physiological, and biochemical traits of two forage species: Albizia lebbeck and Faidherbia albida

May 2023

To maximize the productivity of crops in salty areas, the search for plant species having economic importance and able of reducing the amount of salt is therefore the main selection criterion for a regeneration program. So, the determination of salinity tolerance capacity during the vegetative stage of Faidherbia albida and Albizia lebbeck was studied. The seeds of each species were germinated and transplanted...

Author(s): CHOULA Fridolin, MEGUEKAM Tekam Liliane and WAMBA Fotso Oscar

Sweetpotato breeding priority and preferred traits to increasing its utilisation in Niger and Nigeria

May 2023

Sweetpotato is an important food, feed and vegetable crop in Niger and Nigeria. The adoption of a new variety depends on famers and consumers preferences. The objective of this study was to identify sweetpotato preferred traits by end-users in Niger and Nigeria. The study was conducted in two countries through participatory rural appraisal. The results revealed that sweetpotato is produced by men in Niger, while it is...

Author(s): Issa Zakari Mahaman Mourtala, Nwankwo Maxwell Innocent, Dan-Jimo Baina and Happiness Ogba Oselebe  

Characterization and classification of greenbelt soils in Yambio and Nzara counties, Western Equatoria State, South Sudan

May 2023

The objectives of this study were to characterize, classify and evaluate the potential and constraints  of  the soils of Sakure and Nginda Payams in Nzara and Yambio counties in the Greenbelt zone of Western Equatoria State, South Sudan. Ten soil pits were dug, described and sampled based on FAO soil profile description guideline and samples were analysed using standard routine lab analyses for physical and...

Author(s): Isaac A. J. Bazugba, Boniface H. J. Massawe, Mawazo Shitindi and Pio K. Deng

Determinants of farmers’ choice of fodder market outlets in Laikipia County, Kenya

May 2023

Commercial fodder farming is rapidly expanding in Laikipia County, Kenya and there is an emerging market formation involving different market actors. Several market outlets are at the farmers’ disposal for channelling their fodder to consumers. The purpose of this study was therefore, to determine the factors which influence choices of fodder market outlets in Laikipia County. Using data from 204 fodder farmers,...

Author(s): Stephen Muema Mutuku, Florence Achieng’ Opondo and Job Kibiwot Lagat  

Combined effect of rates, insecticides and action mode on the controlling the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda on maize

May 2023

This work aimed to evaluate the combined effect of rates, insecticides and of action mode to control the Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda in the corn crop. The trial was conducted in, Vilankulo distrit, Mozambique, based on a completely randomized block design, on factorial arrangement, consisting of three factors: (i) Application rate, with five levels: 100% - recommended, -5% below the recommended, -10% - below...

Author(s): Egas José Armando, Horácio Laitela Monica, Simião Gabriel Balane, Bartolomeu Félix Tangune, Jorge Wilson Cortez and Sálvio Napoleão Soares Arcoverde  

Zoning and agro-climatic characterization of hotspots in the Tana-Beles Sub-Basin – Ethiopia

April 2023

Agro-climatic zonation is very important for planning crop patterns and to bring out the agricultural potential of a region. It must be done based on a specific development objective and on a rational basis. The objective of the present study was to classify the Tana Beles sub-basins (TBSB) into homogenous agro-climatic patterns and assessing suitability for crops that could be growing in each Agro-climatic zone. The...

Author(s): Tesfay Mekonnen Weldegerima, Belay Simane Birhanu and Tadesse Terefe Zeleke  

Identification of resistance to Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. manihotis, agent of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) bacterial blight in Burkina Faso

April 2023

Cassava bacterial blight (CBB) is rife in all production areas in Burkina Faso. The use of resistant varieties is known as the best control against this disease. Our objective is to identify resistant varieties within a collection of local and introduced cassava varieties in Burkina Faso. Eleven varieties of cassava were screened in the field for two successive years using a randomized block of Fisher design with three...

Author(s): Florence Yameogo, Issa Wonni, Narcisse Laogon Zan and Irénée Somda  

Economic Injury level and yield loss assessment for carmine spider mite (Tetranychus cinnabarinus Boisduval) on tomato Solanum lycopersicum under greenhouse conditions

April 2023

A study was undertaken over two cropping seasons, 2018/2019 and 2019/2020, to determine the economic injury level for carmine spider mite, Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval) on tomato Solanum lycopersicum in Botswana. Tomato plants were infested with adult spider mites for durations of 0 (no exposure), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 weeks (complete exposure). The corresponding treatments were 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and 0 sprays...

Author(s): Mitch M. Legwaila, Motshwari Obopile and Bamphitlhi Tiroesele  

Raising crop productivity of smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Long-term Ugandan fertilizer study

April 2023

Peri-urban small-holder farms throughout Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are predominantly run by women who traditionally use livestock manure as a fertiliser. The rates applied are often inadequate for optimum crop yields contributing to low farmer income and exacerbating food insecurity in the region. This report summarises targeted fertilizer experiments in Uganda from 2010 to 2019 aimed to improve crop yield. Preliminary...

Author(s): Innocent Muhereza, Deborah Pritchard, and David Collins  

Effect of harvesting stage on yield and nutritive value of antelope grass (Echinochloa pyramidalis) hay under natural pasture in Nuer Zone of Gambella, Ethiopia

April 2023

The study was conducted to evaluate and identify the appropriate harvesting stage of growth and quality of antelopegrass (Echinochloa pyramidalis) hay under natural pasture. DM%, fresh biomass yield (FBY), dry matter yield (DMY) and gross energy (GE) were determined. The main analysis such as ash, crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), ether extract...

Author(s): Yien Deng Pathot and Woldegebriel Tesfamariam Berhanu  

The effects of agricultural R&D investments on poverty and undernourishment in sub-Saharan Africa

April 2023

The analysis explores the relationship between agricultural R&D investments, and rural poverty and undernourishment in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Agricultural R&D knowledge stocks (KS) account for the lagged effects of research. Causal mediation analysis assesses the impacts of KS and measures the effect of KS-induced productivity growth on poverty and undernourishment. Evidence suggests that growth in KS helped...

Author(s): Rui Benfica and Alejandro Nin-Pratt

Efficiency and diversity of nitrogen fixing bacteria colonizing Macroptilium lathyroides (L.) Urb

April 2023

The objective of the present work was to study the efficiency and diversity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria that colonize the weed Macroptilium lathyroides (L.) Urb. M. lathyroides roots were collected in areas of natural infestation of the species in rural and periurban areas of the municipality of Alta Floresta-MT, Brazil. The roots that presented nodulation were washed and their nodules removed, disinfected and...

Author(s): Lucas de P. Mera, Oscar M. Yamashita, Raíssa P. Vicentin, Anderson Ferreira, Ana A.B. Rossi, Marco A.C. Carvalho, Luis F. C. Ribeiro, Eulália S. S. Hoogerheide, Maurício Franceschi, Adriano M. Rocha, Wagner Gervazio, Ana C. D. Guimarães and Rivanildo Dallacort  

Evaluation of the efficiency of three fungicides on radial mycelial growth, sporulation and germination of Curvularia lunata, a rice curvulariosis disease in Burkina Faso

April 2023

Rice curvulariosis caused by Curvularia lunata is an emerging disease in Burkina Faso. This study evaluated the efficiency of three contact fungicides on the developmental stages of this pathogen in vitro. The experimental design used was a split-plot. The main factor included fungicides with three modalities, and the secondary factor was the doses of fungicides with four levels, including the untreated control, which...

Author(s): Abalo Itolou KASSANKOGNO, Abdoul Kader GUIGMA, Kadidia KOITA, Abdoulaye NANA and Issa WONNI  

Assessment of different rates of neem extracts as bio-pesticide for the control of insect vectors and associated viral diseases in okra

April 2023

Neem extract as bio-pesticide is effective in reducing insect pest populations. However, farmers lack information on the effective application rate. This study ascertained the effective neem extract concentration for reducing insect vector numbers, incidence and severity of the viral diseases. Three rates 20, 30 and 40 ml/L of neem extract, commercial pesticide Akape® and water as control were sprayed as treatments...

Author(s): Christian Kwasi Akama, Samuel Amiteye, Andrew Sarkodie Appiah, Prince Buertey Kpentey, Robert Appiah, Jacob Teye Kutufam, Doris Akua Dzimega and Godwin Amenorpe,

Contrasting responses to prolonged drought stress and mitigation effects of manure application on plant growth of two tropical forage legumes

April 2023

Glycine and siratro are tropical forage legumes that especially thrive in regions with low precipitation such as sub-Saharan Africa. This study investigated legume responses to drought stress and cattle manure application in a greenhouse pot experiment aiming to contribute to their cultivation. Glycine was affected by drought stress-reducing plant physiology and growth expressed by leaf relative water content, stomatal...

Author(s): Andressa C. S. Nakagawa and Tetsuji Oya  

Challenges and opportunities for up-scaling indigenous farming practices for adaptation to climate change induced food insecurity in Busega District, Simiyu Region, Tanzania

April 2023

In spite of their vulnerabilities to the impacts of climate change, smallholder farmers have managed to utilize indigenous farming practices to adapt to the impacts of climate change and variability but only at low scale which needs to be scaled up. This paper explores the challenges and opportunities involved in such scaling up of indigenous farming practices. Specifically, the paper assesses existing indigenous...

Author(s): Nyashilu I. M. and Nyomora S. M. A.  

Typologies of pineapple-based farming systems in Centre-Cameroon

March 2023

The high diversity in pineapple fields and farmers provide huge challenges in farm management in already dwindling pineapple production sector in the center region of Cameroon. A first step to overcome these production challenges is to manage the afore-mentioned diversity to a reasonable level without loss of detail and specific management interventions for each category or typology proposed. Field surveys were...

Author(s): Marius Georges Etame Kossi, Honoré Beyegue Djonko, Asafor Henry Chotangui, Alexis Boukong and Jean-Pierre Mvondo Awono

Growth performance and carcass composition of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822) fed on black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens Linnaeus, 1758) larvae based diets

March 2023

A 12-week feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of replacing fishmeal with black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) meal on growth performance and carcass composition of African catfish fingerlings. Five isonitrogenous (40% CP) diets of 0 (Control), 25, 50, 75 and 100% fishmeal with BSFL were used in triplicate. A randomized complete block design was used, and 600 fingerlings (0.46±0.02g) were randomly...

Author(s): General Beven Mundida, Julius Otieno Manyala, James Madzimure and Kenneth Rono  

Systemic challenges hindering the flow of sustainable forestry knowledge among smallholder farmers in South Africa

March 2023

South African democratic governments instituted several policies aimed at developing the capabilities of smallholder foresters to ensure economic inclusion and rural development. Skills development to build smallholder capabilities was deemed necessary to improve productivity, food security and conserve forestry resources. However, systemic blockages within the South African skills system hinder skills development,...

Author(s): Dandira Mushangai  

Effects of plant densities on the performance of common bean varieties in multiple environments of northwestern Tanzania

March 2023

A study was carried out at two sites in Tanzania to assess the effect of different planting densities on growth and yield of five recently released bush bean varieties. The experiment was laid out in a split-plot design in a factorial arrangement with three replications during long and short rainy seasons of 2019/20 and 2020/21. The treatments comprised five bean varieties; TARIBEAN 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and five plant...

Author(s): Raya Amara, Joseph Kimisha, Julius Mbiu, Teshale Assefa and Boaz Waswa

Determination of import demand of wheat in Kenya; A time series analysis from 2000 to 2019

March 2023

Trade influences economic growth and entails imports and exports. In Kenya, wheat imports have been expanding with no sign of slowing down and this has become a matter of great concern because the country is losing over 30 billion Kenyan shillings in importing wheat on a yearly basis. This motivated the need to estimate wheat import demand model, which was conducted using secondary time series data from 2000 to 2019....

Author(s): Henry Kipsang Too, Hillary Kiplangat Bett and Raphael Gitau  

Biochar as an alternative to improve the in vitro environment for Pitaya (Hylocereus undatus Haw) and strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch) growing

March 2023

In vitro cultivation is widely used for micropropagation of several plant species; however, the increase in the gas concentration, such as ethylene gas, inside the growth vials can cause physiological changes. Thus, 4 experiments were carried out at the Federal University of Minas Gerais to evaluate the biochar use from sugarcane bagasse in vials with or without caps with porous membrane in the in vitro growing of...

Author(s): Laura Souza Santos, Érika Manuela Gonçalves Lopes, Claudinéia Ferreira Nunes, Demerson Arruda Sanglard, Eulina Fernandes Damião, Matheus Mendes Reis,  Leidivan Almeida Frazão and Luiz Arnaldo Fernandes  

Exploration of challenges and associated recommendations to livestock sector development in South Africa using a stakeholder-driven approach

March 2023

Development of the livestock sector in South Africa has the potential to contribute significantly to national development. The aim of this study was to explore challenges and propose recommendations to support livestock sector development in South Africa using a stakeholder-driven approach. Interviews with high-level stakeholders across major livestock industries were conducted to gather insights. Responses were...

Author(s): Carla Louise Stoffel  

Coping with catastrophe: Crop diversity and crop production in Tigray National Regional State in Northern Ethiopia

March 2023

Tigray, the most northern of Ethiopia’s ethnically based regional states, covers an area of 53 386 km2 and has a population exceeding 5.17 million of whom some 24.3% are urban dwellers. Wide agroclimatic variations result from altitudinal differences (600 to 3000 m) and rainfall patterns. The area is a center of origin of many cultivated and wild plants. The mainly agricultural rural population, farming small...

Author(s): R. Trevor Wilson  

Artificial intelligence and deep learning based technologies for emerging disease recognition and pest prediction in beans (phaseolus vulgaris l.): A systematic review

March 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and deep learning have the capacity to reduce losses in crop production, such as low crop yields, food insecurity, and the negative impacts on a country’s economy caused by crop infections. This study aims to find the knowledge and technological gaps associated with the application of AI-based technologies for plant disease detection and pest prediction at an early stage and recommend...

Author(s): Michael Pendo John Mahenge, Hussein Mkwazu, Camilius A. Sanga, Richard Raphael Madege, Beatrice Mwaipopo and Caroline Maro  

Design optimization of communal solar powered irrigation system

March 2023

Communal solar-powered irrigation systems (SPIS) have the potential for sharing the upfront costs hence encouraging farmers to adopt irrigation. Conventional methods of sizing photovoltaic water pumping (PVWP) system for irrigation consider the hydraulic energy requirement by the pump and PV generator capacity separately from the available water source capacity. As a result, the potential of the technology is not...

Author(s): Isaac Kyeyune, and Joshua Wanyama  

Impacts of farmer field schools on food security and environmental conservation in Western Kenya

March 2023

This study assessed the impacts of Farmer Field Schools (FFS) on household food security and environmental conservation in the Western Province of Kenya. The outcome variables were: Maize yield per acre, income per acre, household food insecurity score and environmental conservation score. Principal component analysis and propensity score matching techniques were used for analyses and regression method to test the...

Author(s): Laurine Kithi, Amin Mugera and Bujdoso Geza  

Role of income from rice cultivation on livelihoods of rice farmers: Evidence from Ahero Region, Kenya

February 2023

In Africa, the demand for rice has increased rapidly as urbanization progresses and assistance is being provided to improve productivity and rice farming management. In the rice-cultivation area near Lake Victoria in western Kenya, where farmers are called “outgrowers”, wage labor costs put pressure on rice farming and reduce profits. However, wage laborers were rice farmers living in the same area. The...

Author(s): Yuko Yamane  

Depth and soil physiochemical properties effects on soil compaction in agricultural field

February 2023

Physical and chemical properties of the soil are key determinants of farm soil compaction. The purpose of this study is to study the effects of depth and soil physiochemical properties on soil compaction. Soil compaction was measured using a Spot On digital compaction meter. During the soil compaction field test five different depths were selected. In the soil laboratory, soil texture, soil pH, soil electric...

Author(s): Yared Seifu, Someshakher S Hiremath, Simie Tola and Amana Wako  

Nitrogen effects on leaf gas exchange, vegetative growth and yield of black pepper plants using Gliricidia sepium as living support

February 2023

For the implantation of one hectare of black pepper (Piper nigrum), about 25 to 30 trees are removed from the Amazon Forest to produce tutors for black pepper. As an alternative to the dead wooden stake (WS), there is sustainable cultivation of black pepper with tree species, with the living supports (LS) of gliricídia (Gliricidia sepium L.). However, there is inadequate technical information on the effect of...

Author(s): Rubia Carla Ribeiro Dantas, Hugo Alves Pinheiro, Edilson Carvalho Brasil, Oriel Filgueira de Lemos, João Paulo Castanheira Lima Both, Sônia Maria Botelho and Joaquim Alves de Lima Junior  

Yields and soil chemical property changes in an intensive vegetable cropping system in the Sahel

February 2023

Irrigated vegetable production is an important agricultural activity and a significant source of income for millions of smallholder farmers in the Sahel. There is little information on the potential effects of intensive vegetable production using African Market Garden (AMG) technology on vegetable yields and soil chemical properties. Three contiguous 500-m2 plots were established to evaluate three vegetable management...

Author(s): Ali Ibrahim, Dan Lamso Nomaou, Adamou Didier Tidjani, Yadji Guero and  Lennart Woltering

Species of the Corchorus genus: Identification, nomenclature and socio-economic role in Burkina Faso

February 2023

Indigenous leafy vegetables play a significant socio-economic role for the local population. However, most of them used at the local level have not been studied a lot and their nutritional values are less implemented. This study focuses on the local nomenclature and the socio-cultural services of the species of Corchorus genus. Therefore, a collection followed by an ethnobotanical survey was carried out in 22 provinces...

Author(s): Sawadogo Zakaridja, Kiebre Zakaria, Kiebre Mariam, Sawadogo Pingawinde and Bationo-Kando Pauline  

Bacillus subtilis UFMT-Pant001 as a plant growth promoter in soybean in a greenhouse

February 2023

This study aims at evaluating the agronomic efficiency of the Bacillus subtilis UFMT-Pant001 strain as a plant growth promoter in soybean at three greenhouses from distinct Brazilian regions. The treatments were formulated based on this strain at a concentration of 1x109 UFC.mL-1 in volumes of 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350 or 400 mL for each 50 kg of seeds. Bradyrhizobium japonicum was added in all experiments, and the...

Author(s): Marco Antonio Camillo de Carvalho, Marco Eustáquio de Sá, Daniela Tiago da Silva Campos, Alexandre Paulo Machado, and Aloisio Freitas Chagas Junior

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