African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

AJAR Articles

Depth and soil physiochemical properties effects on soil compaction in agricultural field

February 2023

Physical and chemical properties of the soil are key determinants of farm soil compaction. The purpose of this study is to study the effects of depth and soil physiochemical properties on soil compaction. Soil compaction was measured using a Spot On digital compaction meter. During the soil compaction field test five different depths were selected. In the soil laboratory, soil texture, soil pH, soil electric...

Author(s): Yared Seifu, Someshakher S Hiremath, Simie Tola and Amana Wako  

Bacillus subtilis UFMT-Pant001 as a plant growth promoter in soybean in a greenhouse

February 2023

This study aims at evaluating the agronomic efficiency of the Bacillus subtilis UFMT-Pant001 strain as a plant growth promoter in soybean at three greenhouses from distinct Brazilian regions. The treatments were formulated based on this strain at a concentration of 1x109 UFC.mL-1 in volumes of 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350 or 400 mL for each 50 kg of seeds. Bradyrhizobium japonicum was added in all experiments, and the...

Author(s): Marco Antonio Camillo de Carvalho, Marco Eustáquio de Sá, Daniela Tiago da Silva Campos, Alexandre Paulo Machado, and Aloisio Freitas Chagas Junior

Effects of cricket frass on vegetative growth of Cleome gynandra

February 2023

Insect farming as food and feed has gained popularity. Insects require less land and water and are efficient in feed-food conversion, making them a sustainable alternative source of protein for food fortification and feed formulation. Some insects play a vital role in bio-remediation of organic waste as they feed on waste breaking it down to frass that has the potential to be used as an organic fertilizer in food...

Author(s): Annrose Wanjugu, Peter Bulli and Darius Andika  

Yields and soil chemical property changes in an intensive vegetable cropping system in the Sahel

February 2023

Irrigated vegetable production is an important agricultural activity and a significant source of income for millions of smallholder farmers in the Sahel. There is little information on the potential effects of intensive vegetable production using African Market Garden (AMG) technology on vegetable yields and soil chemical properties. Three contiguous 500-m2 plots were established to evaluate three vegetable management...

Author(s): Ali Ibrahim, Dan Lamso Nomaou, Adamou Didier Tidjani, Yadji Guero and  Lennart Woltering

Effect of manure-based biochar amendment on soil chemical properties, total enzymic activities and tomato growth performance in acidic soil under controlled conditions

February 2023

The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of biochar on tomato production under controlled conditions. Trials were installed using a complete randomized block design (CRD) with 5 replications of 4 treatments: T0 (0%); T1 (8%); T2 (12%) and T3 (16%). During plant growth, parameters including height, diameter, number of leaves, number of fruits and plant biomass were collected. Plants obtained from pot that received...

Author(s): Emile B. BOLOU-BI, Thierry Philippe GUETY, Adama TRAORE, and  Brahima KONE

Rice ratooning as a sustainable climate smart adaptation for agriculture in Liberia

January 2023

Rice (Oryza glaberrima) is a staple food for many people in Africa. In West Africa, especially Liberia, it is the main dish and plays a major role in the political stability of the country despite its insufficient production. The objective of the study was to evaluate how varied cutting heights affected rice yields. The experiment was set up in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three treatments and three...

Author(s): Zipporah Page, Inoussab Akintayo, Ahouansou Roger, Bolorunduro Paul and Robert Z. Ziama  

Emergency response to the Spodoptera frugiperda invasion in Africa: What do maize producers in Burkina Faso think and do?

January 2023

Spodoptera frugiperda, the fall armyworm (FAW), has become a major pest of maize since its appearance in Burkina Faso in 2017 requiring appropriate emergency response. A survey was conducted with 161 maize farmers from 9 regions and 48 villages in the Sudano-Sahelian and Sudanese agro-climatic zones, the main maize-growing areas in Burkina Faso to collect their perceptions. For this purpose, a questionnaire designed on...

Author(s): Manoé René Sanou, Idrissa Compaoré and Antoine Sanon  

Chemical and textural properties of floodplain forest soils in the Eastern Amazon, Brazil

January 2023

Soils in floodplain ecosystems are sedimentary and subject to removal, transport, and deposition processes caused mainly by the water cycle, contributing to frequent variations in landscape patterns and continuous transformation of the floodplain environment. Given the constant disturbance caused by flood pulse variability, it is difficult to assess soil properties in floodplain ecosystems. Soil samples were collected...

Author(s): Avner Brasileiro dos Santos Gaspar, Diego Pereira Bezerra, Iolanda Maria Soares Reis andRodrigo da Silva,

Influence of seed co-inoculation with Bradyrhizobium species and Azospirillum brasilense on soybean development in Southern and Southeastern Brazil

January 2023

Bioinoculants are widely used in Brazil, based on efficient and low-cost. This study aimed to evaluate the agronomic efficiency of co-inoculation with Bradyrhizobium species and Azospirillum brasilense in soybean seeds. Field trials were established in four regions of Brazil using a randomized block design  with 8 treatments and 4 replications as follows: T1 - Control, T2 - 200 kg ha-1 N, T3 - Bradyrhizobium spp....

Author(s): Alessandro Lucca Braccini, Marcos Vinícius Ribas Milléo, Bernardo Alleoni, Artur Berbel Lirio Rondina, Fabiane Paulitsch, Luciane Muller Martins, Fernanda Gravina, Tárik Hanai Yoshida, Fernanda Gravina, Vinícius Tavares Ávila, Fernanda M. Rampazzo Schena de Figueiredo and Raul Almeida  

Fertilization options for improved cassava productivity and economic profitability in the Pissa and Damara areas, Central African Republic: Comparative Approach

January 2023

This study aimed to identify fertilization options for improving cassava productivity and profitability in two contrasting regions of the Central African Republic. The Pissa (guinea forest) and Damara (savannah). The study adopted a randomized complete block design with four treatments replicated four times in a plot size of 7 m by 7 m. The treatments were; T1 (Control), T2 (Peasant practice), T3 (sole NPK), and T4 (Cow...

Author(s): Gougodo De Mon-Zoni L. J., Kosh-Komba E., , Omenda J. A., Zaman M., Mingabaye-Bendima B. , Batawila K. and Akpagana K.

Protective equipments use by veterinarians in Nigeria

January 2023

The transmissible nature of certain diseases makes anthropozoonosis an important hazard associated with veterinarians. For this reason, the attitude and compliance of veterinarians in Nigeria to personal protective equipment (PPE) use was studied using a structured interviewer-administered questionnaire. Questionnaires were administered at the 2017 Veterinary continuing education seminar held at Akure (Ondo state),...

Author(s): Jones S. Akinbobola, Jerome Nyhalah Dinga,, Jude N. Omeje, Ruth I. A. Akinbobola, Emmanuel E. Oguntade, James O. Babalola, Olabode R. Ifarajimi and Kazeem A. Tijani

Agricultural livelihood systems typology for coping with diversity in smallholder farming system research: A demonstrative case in South-western Burkina Faso

January 2023

Smallholder farms’ populations are characterized by their heterogeneity giving the diversity of farms’ livelihood settings. Integrated farming system modelling therefore requires a preliminary clear identification of the farm types in a location and for a given population. This study aims to formulate empirically agricultural livelihood system (ALS) typology for the purpose of integrated modeling of...

Author(s): Boundia Alexandre Thiombiano and Quang Bao Le  

Physico-chemical parameters, macronutrients and micronutrients evaluation in the soil of Trenabougou, rural commune of Siby, Mali

January 2023

The insufficiency of nutrients in the soils has been identified as one of the factors that have affected the productivity of crops. An investigation was carried out to assess the trophic level of soil in the region. Using a non-probability sampling technique, a total of 70 representative surface soil samples were collected between February and April, 2021. The sampling depth ranged from 0 to 30 cm, according to the root...

Author(s): Djibril Sekou Keita, Modibo Keita, Traore Moctar and Harshad Patel

Xanthomonas wilt of enset in Ethiopia: Geographical spread, impact on production systems and the effect of training on disease management practices

January 2023

Xanthomonas wilt of enset is a major bacterial disease affecting the entire enset-growing belt in the southern Ethiopian highlands, impacting food security and livelihoods of small-holder subsistence farmers. Through extensive interviews and field validation visits with 354 households covering 19 communities (kebeles), we show 70% of the farms to present current and past enset Xanthomonas wilt infections, with a median...

Author(s): Guy Blomme, Elizabeth Kearsley, Sisay Buta, Alemayehu Chala, Ruhama Kebede, Temesgen Addis and Zerihun Yemataw

Pasting properties of high-quality cassava flour of some selected improved cassava varieties in Tanzania for baking

January 2023

Partial substituting wheat with high-quality cassava flour (HQCF) in bread making would be economically beneficial in Tanzania. However, cassava varieties with the best pasting quality for this use are unknown. In addition, the appropriate time of harvesting the varieties to attain the best pasting quality is also unknown. This study, therefore, aimed at identifying the most appropriate cassava varieties and their...

Author(s): Mikidadi Abubakar, Peter Wasswa, Esther Masumba, Heneriko Kulembeka, Geoffrey Mkamilo, Edward Kanju, Emanuel Mrema, Wilfred Abincha Richard Edema, Phinehas Tulkamuhabwa, Siraj Kayondo and Patrick Ongom  

Farm diversification benefits and technology choice: A case of the coffee-banana farming system in Central Uganda

January 2023

Diversification has been argued to be the future of small farms and more so in developing countries given its benefits to mitigating against risk, increase economic and social benefits. This study was built on an earlier study by Mpiira et al. (2021). 247 respondents were interviewed using pre-tested and semi-structured questionnaires in three districts of Central Uganda: Kiboga, Nakaseke and Sembabule. Using a...

Author(s): Samuel Mpiira, Mary Kipsat, Phoebe Mose, Francis Kalyango, Wilberforce Tushemereirwe and Charles Staver  

Assessing the host status of banana and other plant species to the enset root mealybug Paraputo ensete (Williams & Matile-Ferrero) (Hem.: Pseudococcidae) in Ethiopia

December 2022

Ninety backyard gardens in the south-eastern Ethiopian highlands with enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman), banana and various annual crops were assessed for the presence of enset root mealybugs (Paraputo ensete (Williams & Matile-Ferrero)). This study presents the first observation of enset root mealybugs on banana. This pest has until now been exclusively recorded on enset in Ethiopia. In the Dilla Zuria...

Author(s): Fikadu Erenso, Guy Blomme, Mitiku Muanenda, Elizabeth Kearsley, Georg Goergen and Temesgen Addis

Development and testing of a vertical-spikes shelling machine for bambara groundnuts

December 2022

This paper aim to develop a low-cost Bambara groundnuts sheller that uses vertical spikes as the shelling mechanism. A vertical spike shelling machine was designed, constructed and evaluated. The Bambara groundnut shelling machine consisted of a hopper, shelling system, frame, motor and power transmission system. The Bambara groundnut sheller used a low-cost shelling mechanism of spikes and shaft system, as it has...

Author(s): Nkambule S., Workneh T., Kassim A., Sibanda S. and Lagerwall G.  

Growth performance and economic analysis of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fed on black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens)

December 2022

The depletion of fish stocks in Lake Victoria is putting severe strain on fish supplies for human consumption and aquaculture feed formulation. Due to the fish stocks high demand and limited supply, fishmeal prices are rising, increasing the cost of feed for aquaculture. As a result, up to 70% of variable aquaculture expenditures are related to feed. Alternative feed sources, such as insect meals, have been heavily...

Author(s): Florien Amondi Odhiambo, Elijah Museve, Millicent Ndong’a and Julius Manyala  

Estimation of genetic variability, interrelationships and path analysis for yield and yield related traits in NERICAs upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) in White Nile State, Sudan

December 2022

The yield of rice landraces in the Sudan has been low due to genetic ceiling in the existing varieties. It is necessary to carry out breeding programs that deal with the production of high yielding, adaptable new varieties. Therefore, this study aimed to estimate genetic variability, heritability, genotypic performance and interrelationships among the traits. 18 upland rice genotypes and two checks evaluated at White...

Author(s): Sara M. Abdalla, Khalid A. Osman, Sarrah M. Hamid, Abu Elhassan S. Ibrahim and Abbas M. Suliman

Effects of sodium chloride on seed germination and seedling establishment of sorghum genotypes

December 2022

Salinity and climate change are major threats that affect crop productivity in arid and semi-arid fields globally. Sorghum is a climate smart crop but wide range of sorghum genotypes grown is sensitive to salt. Sorghum was screened for salt tolerance using sodium chloride (NaCl) at different concentrations. There were 250 evaluated sorghum genotypes using factorial arrangement in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD)...

Author(s): Nelly Chebet, Erick K. Cheruiyot and Samuel Mwonga  

Phenotypic expressions of diverse Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench genotypes exposed to cold and warm temperatures

December 2022

Low temperatures at the reproductive stages of sorghum limit its performance and promotion in the dry highlands of Kenya. Two hundred and fifty sorghum genotypes were evaluated in 2020 and 2021 on a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications in two sites. Egerton University a cool highland region and Marigat a warm lowland. The daily temperature range at Egerton was recorded as 20/9?C while that of...

Author(s): Rachael Muthoni Kamau, Erick K Cheruiyot and Stephen Mbuthia Karori

Effect of applying low rates of lime and manure on bean growth and yield on Ferralsols of Lake Victoria crescent agro-ecological Zone-Central Uganda

December 2022

An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of applying low rates of lime and chicken manure on bean (var. NABE 15) growth and yield on Ferralsols. Using split plot factorial randomized complete block design, lime (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 t ha-1) as the main plot and chicken manure (0.0, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 t ha-1) as sub plot, were replicated three times. The experiment was conducted for three rainy seasons,...

Author(s): Freddie Kabango, Byalebeka John, Semalulu Onesimus, Andrew W. Lenssen, Majaliwa M. J. G and Kyebogola Stewart

Estimating crop water requirements for irrigation scheduling of tomato using Aquacrop 5.0 and Cropwat 8.0 models under scarcity and unreliability of rainfall in Harare

December 2022

In the face of increased competition for water resources, optimal irrigation scheduling is necessary for sustainable development of irrigated agriculture. However, the most favourable irrigation scheduling has many constraints and conflicting objectives and deals with an environment which has a lot of uncertainty. In this study, a comparative approach was undertaken for irrigation scheduling using Aquacrop 5.0 and the...

Author(s): Godfrey Singano Muroyiwa, Emmanuel Mashonjowa, Teddious Mhizha, Maud Muchuweti and Peter George Raeth  

Assessment of health hazards and risk perceptions of market garden producers towards the effects of pesticides in Western Region Cameroon

December 2022

The increased health effect of pesticides on the agrarian population in Africa, particularly in Cameroon is a challenging concern. Therefore, this study aims to assess the health risks and risk perceptions of market garden producers towards the effects of pesticides in Cameroon. Using a multi-stage sampling technique, a sample of 560 producers in the Noun Division, Western Region of Cameroon was obtained and an ordered...

Author(s): Kaldjob Mbeh Christian Bernard, Tata Ngome Ijang Precillia, Douya Emmanuel, Nso Ngang Andre, Bamou Tankoua Lydie and Simo Brice Herman

Heavy metals levels and adult health risk assessment in horticultural systems in Mbare Musika and Mutoko, Zimbabwe

December 2022

Levels of cadmium, chromium, cobalt, nickel and lead were determined in cabbages, tsunga (mustard), green beans and tomatoes from Mbare Musika vegetable market in Harare and one of its major supplier, Mutoko. Cabbages and tsunga exceeded the stipulated safe limit for lead levels whereas the tomatoes and sugar beans went above the 0.02 ppm threshold for cadmium. Hazard Quotients (HQ) of the vegetables showed adult health...

Author(s): Samuel Kodani, Elias Chipunza and Stanislaus Zvarimwa  

Views and perspectives of local farmers on crop diversification in the North-Western Free State, South Africa

November 2022

The North-Western Free State is a main contributor of South Africa’s maize production which has recently been put under enormous pressure by climate change, pests, diseases, economic factors and population growth. Crop diversification, by means of crop rotation, has potential to alleviate some of the challenges faced by the farmers and communities of the North-Western Free State. Crop rotation can improve soil...

Author(s): de Bruyn M. A., Nel A. A. and van Niekerk J. A.  

Evaluation of a naturally ventilated solar-venturi dryer environmental effect on the quality of dried sweet-potato slices

November 2022

A naturally ventilated solar-venturi dryer (NSD) was constructed using locally available materials to improve the quality of dry sweet potato slices (SPS) for small to medium scale farmers. The study investigated the efficiency of the NSD to reduce relative humidity (RH), solar radiation and temperature effect on firmness and color of dried SPS. The maximum temperature inside NSD was 44.4°C (12:00 pm) in an empty...

Author(s): Siyabonga Gasa, , Sipho Sibanda, Tilahun S Workneh, Mark Laing and Alaika Kassim  

Influence of altitudes on the cultural and morphological variation of Colletotrichum kahawae isolates, the causal agent of coffee berry disease in the West Region of Cameroon

November 2022

Coffee berry disease (CBD) caused by Colletotrichum kahawae, is the main disease that affects arabica coffee production in Africa. Isolates of C. kahawae were collected from different altitude in the West Region of Cameroon and characterised for cultural and morphological variations. The results showed a significant variation among C. kahawae isolates related to their morpho-cultural features with respect to altitude....

Author(s): Yemo Ngouegni Yoganie, Tsopmbeng Noumbo Gaston, Keuete Kamdoum Elie, Billa Samuel Fru and Nguetsop Victor François  

Cassava use in southern Benin: Importance and perception of actors involved in the value chain

November 2022

In Benin, many families resort not only to consumption but also to the therapeutic use of cassava (Manihot esculenta). The study  assessed the impact of socio-economic factors on the use of cassava, and the perception of the actors involved in the value chain in Benin. Four areas of high production and processing, with 516 producers and processors  of cassava roots were surveyed. The results reveal that...

Author(s): Halfane Lehmane, Rafiatou Ba, Durand Dah-Nouvlessounon, Haziz Sina, Orou Daouda Bello, Horace Degnonvi, Farid T. Bade, Farid Baba-Moussa, Adolphe Adjanohoun and Lamine Baba-Moussa  

Variation of some growth, agronomical and biochemical parameters of Vigna unguiculata (L. Walp) under salinity stress

November 2022

The variation of some growth, agronomical and biochemical parameters of Vigna unguiculata (L. Walp) under salinity stress were investigated in the greenhouse and farm conditions. Plants were subjected to 0, 50, 100 and 200 mM NaCl. The increases of NaCl in the culture medium significantly (P< 0.001) decreased the growth parameters (number of leaves, noose diameter, leaf area and stem height), dry biomass (roots,...

Author(s): Nouck Alphonse Ervé, Mbouobda Hermann Desiré, Nzouakeu Mbuntcha Cynthia Linelle, Choula Fridolin, Ndouma Mbondjo Cécile, Erica Wiraghan Shang and Taffouo Victor Desiré

Evaluation of seventeen cowpea genotypes across years for grain yield, yield components and yield stability in Nsukka, South-east Nigeria

November 2022

Fifteen improved and two local genotypes of Vigna unguiculata were evaluated for their performance in grain yield, yield components and yield stability from 2016 to 2018. Experiments were laid out in a Randomised Complete Block Design, with three replications. Data were collected on grain yield and yield components and subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA). Stability analysis for grain yield was conducted using...

Author(s): Siri Neh Ndenkyanti, Christian Ugwu Agbo and Peter Ejiomofor Ogbonna

Farmers’ perceptions of fertilizer micro-dosing adoption and continued use in Burkina Faso

November 2022

This study analyzes fertilizer micro-dosing adoption and focuses on farmers' perceptions. Data used are from households selected based on agroecological characteristics. The bivariate probit model estimation results show that fertilizer microdosing adoption is a process. After the first adoption, 22.67% of farmers continued to apply fertilizer micro-dosing compared to 33.25% who discontinued. In addition, analysis...

Author(s): Mamadou Sanogo, Frédéric Gaspart, Daniel Kabore, Jean-Baptiste Taonda, Idriss Serme, Marie-Paule Kestemont and Charles Bielders  

Production and utilisation of Bambaranut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) in Northern and Eastern Uganda

November 2022

Bambaranut (BN) (Vigna subterranea (L.)  Verdc.) Is a nutrient rich, drought tolerant food legume that can contribute to food security and community resilience. In Uganda however, production and utilization remain in relative obscurity. A study was conducted in Northern and Eastern Uganda to determine production and utilization practices and identify challenges and opportunities for BN improvement. Primary data on...

Author(s): Gerard Oballim, Morish Obura, James Mumo Mutio, Prossy Isubikalu, Wilson Opile and Julius Onyango Ochuodho

Study of the combined effect of sowing date and sowing method on vegetative development of new rice paddy (Oryza sativa) varieties in Senegal River Valley under low temperatures

November 2022

Rice paddy cultivation in Senegal is subject to climatic fluctuations that affect its vegetative development. Although climatic conditions are a concern, we hypothesized that the new rice paddy ISRIZ would be better adapted to these fluctuations and would allow double cropping. We studied the vegetative behavior according to the date and mode sowing under low temperatures. An experiment was carried out in a split-split...

Author(s): Koffi Marchais KITTIKA, Omar Ndaw FAYE and Anicet Georges Bruno MANGA  

Differences in smallholder farmers’ compost pits in terms of production and quality across Burkina Faso: The case of Eastern Region

November 2022

Sub Saharan African soils have low organic matter contents, hence applying compost is therefore instrumental to improve their fertility. This study investigated the quantity and the quality of compost produced by smallholder farmers in five provinces (Gnagna, Gourma, Komondjari, Kompienga and Tapoa) from Eastern Burkina Faso. Compost quality was determined by the main physical and chemical characteristics including bulk...

Author(s): Gnankambary Zacharia, Pouya Mathias Bouinzemwendé, Sanon Sogo Bassirou, Sigué Hamadé, Sedogo Papoaba Michel and Kiba Delwendé Innocent  

Social cultural factors as key determinants of agricultural technology adoption: the case of new rice for Africa (NERICA) adoption in Migori County, Kenya

October 2022

Agricultural technologies have been identified as one of the key ways to improve smallholder farmers' food security and livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, the adoption of these technologies remains low. Previous studies have focused more on the agronomic and socio-economic aspects influencing agricultural technology adoption. The social and cultural dimensions of adoption have hardly been addressed. The...

Author(s): Eunice Boruru Ongoro, Preston Chitere Orieko and Edward Gizemba Ontita  

Genetic diversity and indigenous knowledge of fonio (Digitaria exilis stapf) produced in Burkina Faso

October 2022

Fonio (Digitaria exilis [Kippist] Stapf) species is from Africa. In Burkina Faso, the genetic diversity of fonio is little known. It is the same for its mode of management and the understanding of its culture. The objective of this study is to contribute to a better knowledge of fonio grown in Burkina Faso. Prospecting collects a permit to identify production areas and collect 60 accessions. The ethnobotanical survey...

Author(s): BALMA Patrice, KABORE Boukare, KABRE Vonogo Nikodème, KIEBRE Mariam, KIEBRE Zakaria, SANOU Jacob and BATIONO/KANDO Pauline  

Comparative efficacy and economic efficiency of different insecticides against cotton thrips (Thrips tabaci L.) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on cotton in the Middle Awash, Ethiopia

October 2022

Thrips, Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on the cotton plant is an extremely invasive and destructive pest that reduces yield. Field studies were conducted at Werer Agricultural Research Center, Middle Awash, Afar, Ethiopia, for two consecutive years (2017 and 2018) to determine the effectiveness of different synthetic chemical insecticides for the control of cotton thrips (T. tabaci) on the Deltapine-90 cotton...

Author(s): Nurhussein Seid Yesuf, Zemedkun Alemu and Sileshi Getahun  

Analysis of farm-household adoption and choice of natural resource management innovation (Soil and Water Conservation Technologies) in Ethiopia: The role of poverty

October 2022

The study examined factors that determine adoption and choice of SWC technologies under CGIAR-related agricultural innovations in Ethiopia, using data from Ethiopian Socioeconomic Survey (ESS4). Specifically, the study assessed the effect of poverty, socioeconomic and plot level factors on adoption and choice of SWC technologies. Poverty is found as an important factor in adoption and choice of SWC technologies by farm...

Author(s): Abduljelil Ahmedin, Belay Simane and Aseffa Seyoum

Selected soil properties and small-holder dairy farmers’ perceptions on improved forage varieties in the Southern highlands of Tanzania

October 2022

The current study was aimed at assessing selected soil properties of forage gardens and perceptions of small-holder dairy farmers to newly introduced improved forage in Southern highlands, Tanzania. A total of 101 respondents were randomly sampled and interviewed on the issues relating to management, preferences, and adoption challenges of different pasture varieties. Some surveyed households (38) were purposefully...

Author(s): Safiel Kangalu Mteta, David Dawson Maleko and Boniface Hussein Massawe  

Polycentric irrigation water governance: Irrigation water users associations service delivery in Ketar subbasin, Ethiopia

October 2022

Polycentric irrigation water governance allows community institutions to deliver better irrigation services. This study examined the Irrigation Water User Associations (IWUAs) service delivery performance in the Ketar subbasin, Ethiopia, focusing on four irrigation schemes. The irrigation water user associations in the subbasin were measured on their legal registration and financial status, while the four schemes were...

Author(s): Yohannes Geleta Sida, Belay Simane, Engidawork Assefa and Amare Haileslassie  

Spatiotemporal evolution and identification of oil palm phenolic compounds in response to vascular wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. elaeidis in Côte d'Ivoire

October 2022

Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. elaeidis (Foe) is a fungus that attacks oil palm and affects its production. This study aimed at characterizing phenolic compounds and evaluating their spatiotemporal evolution in two cultivars (sensitive and tolerant to fusariosis). For this, total phenols were quantified during the latency period [0 to 28 Days After Inoculation (DAI)] of Foe. Thereafter, phenolic extracts from plant organs...

Author(s): Françoise Balé GOGBE-DIBI, Engueran Konan DJAHA, Diabate SEKOU, Klotioloma COULIBALY, Bertin Koffi YAO, Pierre Walet N’GUESSAN, Norbert N’Dri KOUAME and Odette Denezon DOGBO  

Combined effects of water retaining agent and green manure on trace elements concentration in tobacco farming purple soils

October 2022

Green manure (GM) is widely adopted for agricultural productivity and sustainability. The present study supplemented the GM effect with that of water retaining agent (WRA) to enhance the sustainability of tobacco planting purple soils in Sichuan Province, China. The study employed three GM legumes varieties (Trifolium repens, Vicia villosa and Medicago sativa), while the WRA used was polyacrylamide at different...

Author(s): Angelique Iradukunda, Dan Zhang, Tianhui Ye, Ernest Uwiringiyimana,, Lu Xu and Solange Uwamahoro,  

Survey of fungal diseases associated with amaranth (Amaranthus species) in peri-urban vegetable farms in Kumasi and Tamale metropolis of Ghana

October 2022

Amaranthus species is an important leafy vegetable in Ghana; however, foliar diseases of the crop reduce the marketable and edible portions as well as income to farmers. To facilitate the development of disease management strategy, there is the need to document various diseases limiting amaranth production. In view of this, surveys were carried out in forty-three peri-urban vegetable farms in the Kumasi and Tamale...

Author(s): Zippora Appiah-Kubi, Joseph Adomako, Harriet Dwamena, Elvis Agyei Obeng, Raphael Adu-Gyamfi, Enoch Adjei Osekre, Marian Quain and Charles Kwoseh  

Morphological characterization of purple-grain maize (zea mays L.) diversity in Côte d’Ivoire

October 2022

Purple-grain maize is a marginal cereal grown exclusively and consumed in the Central-North of Côte d'Ivoire. However, few studies have been done on the diversity of this cultivar. Whereas, the use of local genetic resources available for breeding purposes requires a good knowledge of their agronomic and morphological characteristics. Thus, 70 accessions of purple-grain maize collected in the Hambol region...

Author(s): N’DA Hugues Annicet, AKANVOU Louise, AKANZA Kouadjo Paul and KOUAKOU Charles Konan

Screening and identification of antagonistic bacterial strains against Botrytis cinerea in Panax ginseng

September 2022

Endophytic bacterial strains were isolated from healthy mountain-cultivated ginseng leaves, and Botrytis cinerea was responsible for the fungus disease. Antagonistic strain was identified based on morphological characteristic and 16S rRNA sequence analysis. The results showed that 56 endophytic bacteria were isolated from healthy mountain-cultivated ginseng leaves, and FS-1 strain has good inhibitory effect on B....

Author(s): Chunyuan Zhou, Chengci Piao and Hao Zhang,  

Assessment of leaf spot disease on water leaf (Talinum triangulare (jacq.) Willd and in vitro effect of three medicinal plant extracts on pathogen(s) in the Northwest Region of Cameroon

September 2022

Cultivation of waterleaf improves the life quality of families and provides additional income for farmers. However, waterleaf production in Cameroon has suffered a major blow from leaf spot disease. Ten farms with dimensions of 4 m by 3 m each in Nkwen, Bamenda, Cameroon were surveyed for leaf spot disease of Talinum triangulare. Disease incidence and severity were assessed by surveying the farms after every fourteen...

Author(s): Anembom C., Tacham W. N., Chia G. K., Bih J. N. and Kinge T. R.  

Pursuing development on the Eastern Flank of Mt Cameroon: Implications on its heavy metal status, environmental quality and human security

September 2022

In order to maintain environmental quality and ensures food security, this study evaluated baseline heavy metal contents in agricultural fields in the Eastern Flank of Mt Cameroon. It specifically (a) determined the physicochemical properties of soils and the heavy metal concentrations; (b) produce geochemical maps for the heavy metals; (c) determined the major factors controlling the distributions of the metals. Twenty...

Author(s): Yvette N. NDEH, Godswill A. ASONGWE, Kenneth MBENE, Christopher NGOSONG, Norbert N. FOMENKY, Irene B. BAME and Aaron S. TENING  

Anaplasma phagocytophilum in cattle parasitism in Benin: An emerging pathogen transmitted by ticks

September 2022

Anaplasma phagocytophilum, a bacterium transmitted by ticks, is responsible for granulocytic anaplasmosis, an emerging zoonosis that has never been reported nor identified previously in Benin and in the West African sub-region. This study is designed not only to investigate the prevalence of the disease and evaluate mortalities recorded at Kpinnou farm after importing Girolando cattle from Brazil in 2014 but also to...

Author(s): Adehan Safiou Bienvenu, Akpo Yao, Badarou Kadidjatoulaï Opeyemi, Kounonzo Maurice Landry, Dah-Nouvlessounon Durand, Kande Souleymane, Gbaguidi Armel Michel,  Mama Traoré, Boko K. Cyrille, Madder Maxime, and Farougou Souaïbou  

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