African Journal of
Food Science

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Food Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0794
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJFS
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 984

AJFS Articles

Acceptance and integration of biofortified vitamin A maize into common diets

November 2016

Micronutrient deficiency ranks high as one of the public health challenges facing developing countries. Muti-faceted approaches have been put in place to reduce the impact of this problem, and among them is the promotion and dissemination of staple crops bred to deliberately have higher levels of selected micronutrients like vitamin A. In the Northen part of Zambia, HarvestPlus, working with other partners has been...

Author(s): Kelvin Mulungu

Biochemical properties of three lactic acid bacteria strains isolated from traditional cassava starters used for attieke preparation

November 2016

Variable sensorial quality of attieké (a fermented cassava product like couscous) is mainly due to different types of artisanal starters used for fermentation of cassava dough. Biochemical properties of eleven lactic acid bacteria identified as Lactobacillus plantarum strains isolated from these traditional cassava starters were evaluated in vitro. Three of these isolates (Lp 210, Lp 140 and Lp 19) presented...

Author(s): Krabi Ekoua Regina, Assamoi Allah Antoine, Ehon Ayawovi Fafadzi, Amani N’guessan Georges, Niamké Lamine Sébastien, Cnockaert Margo, Aerts Maarten and Vandamme Peter

Quantification of inositols in Jatropha curcas L. of different provenances from Mexico

November 2016

The plant, jatropha has attracted worldwide attention for its high oil content. The use of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to separate and quantify, for the first time, the phytic acid (inositol hexaphosphate) and lower inositol phosphates (tri-, tetra- and penta-phosphates; IP6, IP5, IP4 and IP3) in toxic and non-toxic (NT) Jatropha curcas seeds from different locations in Mexico was proposed. There are...

Author(s): Jorge Martinez Herrera, Elizabeth Arguello García, Cristian Jimenez Martinez, Gloria Davila Ortiz, Mercedez Muzquiz Mercedez. Martin Pedrosa and Alejandro Varela Sandin

Vitamin A losses in a commercial food supply chain of fortified vegetable cooking oil and maize flour: A case from Malawi

November 2016

Vitamin A levels were analyzed in fortified vegetable cooking oil and maize flour through a commercial food supply chain, from the production line to selected retail outlets using standard procedures over different times of exposure to sunlight. Samples from the production line acted as controls. In all the cases, vitamin A levels decreased at various stages of the supply chain with the least retention in products sold...

Author(s): Ulemu K. Chimimba, Ishmael B. M. Kosamu and Lawrence Muhamba

Chemical, functional, rheological and sensory properties of amaranth flour and amaranth flour based paste

November 2016

Amaranth flour was prepared from amaranth grains, and the chemical, functional and rheological properties were investigated by standard methods, as well as the sensory attributes of the resulting amaranth flour based paste. The results of the proximate composition showed that amaranth flour has a protein content of 14.60%, crude fat content of 8.28%, ash content of 1.87%, total carbohydrate of 71.09% and a food...

Author(s): Tanimola A. R., Otegbayo B.and Akinoso R.

Evaluation of dry matter, starch and beta-carotene content in orange-fleshed sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) genotypes tested in three agro-ecological zones of Malawi

November 2016

Evaluation of dry matter, starch, beta-carotene content and stability of eight orange-fleshed sweet potato genotypes was conducted at Bunda College in Malawi. Genotypes LU06/0527, LU06/0252, LU06/0428, LU06/0299, LU06/0258, BV/009, Kenya and Zondeni were evaluated. The genotypes were grown in three agro-ecological zones of Malawi namely Maseya in Chikhwawa District representing low altitude areas with hot climate; Bunda...

Author(s): D. M. Kathabwalika, E. H. C. Chilembwe and V. M. Mwale

Volatile compound analysis of the leaves and seeds of Piper guineense using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)

November 2016

The volatile compounds in the leaves and seeds of Piper guineense plant from South East Nigeria, were investigated using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The analysis was carried out to identify the compounds responsible for the characteristic flavor of the flavouring spices. A total of thirty-three volatile constituents were identified in the leaves and seeds of Piper guineense using GC-MS. The major...

Author(s): Ojinnaka, M. C., Ubbor, S. C., Okudu, H. O. and Uga, U.

Hygienic practices and critical control points along the milk collection chains in smallholder collection and bulking enterprises in Nakuru and Nyandarua Counties, Kenya

November 2016

Dairy value chains link the actors and the activities involved in delivering milk and milk products from production to the final consumer. In every activity, the product increases in value from production, transportation, processing, packaging and storage. The study was designed to evaluate some hygienic practices along the value chain and develop the quality control system (CCPs) in the smallholder supply chain in...

Author(s): Teresiah W. Ndungu, Mary Omwamba, Patrick S. Muliro and Gerard Oosterwijk

Nutritive values of some non-conventional leafy vegetables and scarcity food plants of north east India

November 2016

Biochemical analysis was made for major nutritional components of eight non-conventional leafy vegetables and scarcity food plants of north east india, most of which occur in the wild. Crude protein content varied from 12.24 to 28.80%. Total carbohydrate varied from 5.35 to 18.80%. Lipid content was found to be low and varied from 2.06 to 6.16%. Total mineral content in the form of ash were found to be impressive and...

Author(s): Chandra K. S., Dimple Gogoi, Gautam K. H. and Handique A. K.

Analysis and identification of the volatile compounds in melon-bitter leaf soup

November 2016

Melon-bitter leaf soup is one of the most widely consumed soup delicacies across West Africa, owing to its unique and distinct flavour. The aim of this study therefore was to identify volatile compounds in this soup, thus establishing a critical baseline for further work. Melon-bitter leaf soup was prepared according to standard method. Functional groups of chemical moieties in the soup were obtained using Fourier...

Author(s): Opeyemi Oyekunke Olabode and Gibson Lucky Arueya

Options for enhancing utilization of Jack beans (Canavalia ensiformis) in Tanzania

October 2016

Population increase is forcing mankind to look for alternative food sources from underutilized plants. Jack bean has been earmarked as one of these food sources. The only barrier for its utilization is the presence of inherent toxic compounds that should be removed, to make it edible to humans. A number of researchers have tried various ways in an effort to reach that goal. This study has also tried to perform a number...

Author(s): Bernadette M. Ndabikunze, Peter S. Mamiro, George J. Ley and Stewart J. Mwanyika

Sensory evaluation of wild-captured and pond-raised Tilapias in Malawi

October 2016

A sensory evaluation study was carried out to answer the question: "Are pond raised fish inferior to wild fish?" Lake Malawi Chambo - Tilapia (Oreochromis karongae) and Shire River Tilapia (Oreochromis shiranus) were processed into various products. Panelists evaluated preferences of the fish based on four sensory attributes namely: flavour, smell, taste and texture using a blind sample scoring. Results...

Author(s): Allain S. Joram and Fanuel Kapute

Microbial population and physico-chemical composition of an African Fish based flavouring agent and taste enhancer

October 2016

Sixty samples of a traditional flavouring agent and taste enhancer (FATE) locally referred to as Lanhouin obtained by spontaneous fermentation of cassava fish (Pseudotolithus sp.) and king fish (Scomberomorus tritor), used as traditional condiment to enhance the flavour of many dishes were purchased from processing sites and markets, for physico-chemical and microbiological characterization using standard methods. FATE...

Author(s): Janvier Mêlégnonfan Kindossi, Victor Bienvenu Anihouvi, Opportune O. D. Akpo-Djenontin, Générose Vieira-Dalodé, Mathias Hounsou, Noël Houédougbé Akissoé and Djidjoho Joseph Hounhouigan

Comparative and quality analyses of different tomato brands sold in major markets in Ibadan, Nigeria

October 2016

Tomato paste is consumed in many homes. It is a good source of lycopene and vitamin C. These are antioxidants which fight against free radicals and oxidative stress. It had been reported that tomato pastes imported into Nigeria were often substandard and adulterated with starch, but these claims have not been supported using evidence based study. The aim of the study was to assess the quality of different tomato brands...

Author(s): Onyeaghala A. A., Ijagbone I. F. and Kalu O. Chima

Dietary pattern and nutritional status of primary school pupils in a South Western Nigerian state: A rural urban Comparison

October 2016

Nutrition may be defined as the process, act, or study of how living things use nutrients for energy, growth, and maintenance. Contrary to widely held notions, malnutrition may be caused by people choosing to eat the wrong types of food, rather than a lack of what to eat. The objectives of the study were to describe the dietary pattern of primary school pupils in an urban and rural local government area of Lagos State,...

Author(s): Bamidele Bello, Oyenike Ekekezie and Olusegun Temitope Afolabi

Evaluation of the consumption and physicochemical characteristics of the leaves of Salacia pynaertii in the food practices of populations of Brazzaville (Congo)

October 2016

The objective of this study was to evaluate the place of Salacia pynaertii in the consumption of vegetables in Congo-Brazzaville, like its nutritional quality. With this intention, an investigation of consumption based on a card was carried out near 117 consumers of S. pynaertii. The data collected carried on the sociodemographic data of the consumers, on the knowledge of this vegetable, and on their consumption like on...

Author(s): Elenga M.,, Itoua Okouango Y. S.,, Loubelo Ongnangué L. U., and Mananga V.,

The role of nutraceuticals, functional foods and value added food products in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases

October 2016

The interest in phytochemicals found in plant foods as bioactive components of the diet has expanded in the last few years. This is because they have been linked with the prevention or reduced progression of many chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and degenerative diseases. Oxidative stress, which could bring about oxidative damage to DNA, protein and lipids has been found to be a major factor in...

Author(s): Olaiya C. O., Soetan K. O. and Esan A. M.

Indicator microorganisms, Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcal enterotoxin, and physicochemical parameters in requeson cheese

September 2016

Requeson cheese is an artisanal dairy product widely consumed in Latin America. However, no data is available on its microbiological and physicochemical quality. Eighty-four samples were collected. Identification and enumeration of indicator microorganisms and pathogens were done by conventional culture methods, meanwhile staphylococcal enterotoxin by immunoassay. Bromatological parameters were measure collection day....

Author(s): Angélica Villarruel-López, Javier Castro-Rosas, Carlos A. Gómez-Aldapa, Karla Nuño,  Ma. R. Torres-Vitela, Nanci E. Martínez-Gonzáles and Luz E. Garay-Martínez

Comparison of metal content in seeds of Moringa ovalifolia and Moringa oleifera

September 2016

The study aimed at determining the minor and major elements present in seeds of Moringa ovalifolia and Moringa oleifera.  The seeds were air-dried after collection, then ground to a fine powder and digested with acids in a microwave system prior to analysis by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). The concentration of different elements in M. ovalifolia seeds such as Ca, K, Fe, Ni, Cu,...

Author(s): Natalia K. Ananiasa, Martha Kandawa-Schulzb, Marius Hedimbic, Habauka M. Kwaambwa, Hlanganani Tutu, Charlene Makita and Luke Chimuka

Impact of Blighia sapida (k. Koenig) aril powder level in diet on the growth and the well-being of albino Wistar rats

September 2016

The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the impact of Blighia sapida aril level in diet on the growth of albino Wistar rats and their welfare. A quantity of B. sapida arils was cooked and lyophilized. Thirty six young albinos Wistar rats teams up in six with six homogeneous groups were used for a four weeks research. Young rats group were fed ad libitum with six different diets which can be distinguished by...

Author(s): Ouattara Howélé, Meite Alassane, Kouame Paul and Kati-Coulibaly Séraphin

The composition and extractability of thermo - molded wheat gluten bio-plastics

September 2016

The study was aimed to evaluate the effect of thermo-molding on gluten and gluten fractions composition and its extractability with 1.0 ml 0.05 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) with 2.0% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) at 130 and 150°C for 5 and 25 min. The gluten, gliadin and glutenin composition as affected by thermo-molding was analysed with reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and amino...

Author(s): Abrehet Fisseha

Production and evaluation of nutrient-dense complementary food from millet (Pennisetum glaucum), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) and seedless breadfruit (Artocarpus altillis) leaf powder blends

September 2016

Millet (M) and pigeon pea (P) were fermented (12, 24, 36 and 48 h) and milled into flours used in formulation of complementary foods. The 0 h sample served as the control. These flours and their blends were analysed for functional properties, chemical composition and microbiological count using standard methods. The flours were blended as B55 (M+P flours + breadfruit leaf powder (A) blends, 55:30:15), C60 (M+P flours +...

Author(s): Mbaeyi-Nwaoha I.E. and Obetta F.C.

Crop ash filtrate influence on cooking time and sensory preferences for dried black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

August 2016

Filtrate made from the burnt ash of crop plant residue is used in cooking in Northern Uganda. This practice is believed to decrease the cooking time of hard-to-cook legumes and provide a culturally preferred taste. The objectives of this study were to: (1) compare cooking times and sensory preferences for dried black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) among four treatments: plain water (control), table salt, crude ground...

Author(s): Tara L. Bergeson, Christopher Opio and Peter D. MacMillan

Beef consumption and consumer’s knowledge on meat quality in Maroua in the Far North of Cameroon

August 2016

The objective of this study was to determine beef consumption and evaluate the knowledge of consumers on meat quality in Maroua city in the Far North Region of Cameroon. To achieve this, 202 households selected using a gripped map and random selection method were surveyed. The cookers or cooks were surveyed and observed in each household. During this survey, the pieces of beef, as cuts before cooking, were weighted and...

Author(s): Ronald Romuald Bebey Ngom Vougat, Steven Chouto, Harquin Simplice Foyet, Rebecca Garabed, Roland Ziebe and André Pagnah Zoli

Functional properties of weaning food blends from selected sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) varieties and soybean (Glycine max)

August 2016

Weaning food was produced from the blends of sorghum flour, malted sorghum flour and soybean flour. The physicochemical properties of the formulated weaning food were investigated. Flours from three sorghum varieties (local, improved and hybrid sorghum grains) were, respectively, combined with the sorghum malt and soybean flour at different graded levels. The water holding capacity of the weaning food blends ranged...

Author(s): Mohammed A. Usman, Mathew K. Bolade and Samaila James  

Sensory evaluation of extruded quality protein maize-based supplementary foods

July 2016

Maize porridge is widely consumed by children less than five years of age in Tanzania and other countries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensory attributes and the overall acceptability of the extruded quality protein maize-based supplementary foods for children in Tanzania. Two ready-to-use supplementary foods were produced by extrusion cooking (quality protein maize-soybeans-common beans and quality...

Author(s): Elina Maseta, Theobald C. E. Mosha, Cornelio N. Nyaruhucha, and Henry Laswai

Evaluation of African giant snails (Achatina and Archachatina) obtained from markets (wild) and breeding farms

July 2016

In the Greater Accra Region there is high demand in consumption of molluscs, which indicates the need for studies on the possibility of disease transmission. Snail meat is usually susceptible to microbial contamination. Shelling is difficult with possibilities of cross contamination. Slime on the meat becomes a hurdle during commercial processing.  The objective of the study was to establish the differences in the...

Author(s): Lucy Agnes Nyoagbe, Victoria Appiah, Josephine Nketsia- Tabiri, Daniel Larbi and Isaac Adjei

Centesimal composition and bioactive compounds in African mustards used as condiments in Ivory Coast

July 2016

The aim of this research was to evaluate the potential of African locust bean mustard, produced with fermented Parkia biglobosa seed and Glycine max seed, as functional food, focusing on its incorporation into the diet. These mustards contained in iron and zinc are respectively 12.16±0.63 mg/100 g and 8.38±0.3 mg/100 g in African locust bean mustard, and respectively 7 87±0.45 mg/100 g and...

Author(s): Camara Fatoumata, Soro Soronikpoho, Traore Souleymane, Brou Kouakou and Dje Koffi Marcellin

Development of pro-vitamin A and energy rich biscuits: Blending of orange-fleshed sweet potato (Ipomea batatas L.) with wheat (Triticum vulgare) flour and altering baking temperature and time

June 2016

Orange-fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) is a promising root crop due to its high β-carotene content which could help to reduce vitamin A deficiency (VAD). However, it is a less utilized perishable crop. In order to use OFSP tubers, incorporation with other flours in processing and baked products can be considered. The aim of this study was to develop pro-vitamin A and energy rich biscuits through incorporation of OFSP...

Author(s): Andualem Afework, Kebede Abegaz and Abadi Gebre Mezgebe

Quality control of raw milk in the smallholder collection and bulking enterprises in Nakuru and Nyandarua Counties, Kenya

May 2016

Kenya has one of the largest dairy industries in sub-Saharan Africa. Most of the milk marketed by small-scale farmers in Kenya has been reported to be of poor quality and does not meet national and international standards due to high bacterial load, high somatic cell count, adulteration and antibiotic residues. This study was designed to assess status of microbiological and physico-chemical quality of raw milk from two...

Author(s): Teresiah W. Ndungu, Patrick S. Muliro, Mary Omwamba, Gerard Oosterwijk and Anton Jansen

Effects of glucose and clove treatment on the microbial load of Bunyi Youri during fermentation and solar tent drying of the product

May 2016

“Bunyi youri” is a Nigerian fermented sun-dried fish product used as condiment in soups. This study was carried out to determine the effects of glucose and clove treatment on the microbial quality of the fermented and solar tent-dried product. A total of 24 isolates were obtained from the “Bunyi youri” samples analyzed, Micrococcus sp. was the predominant constituting 45.83% of the isolates,...

Author(s): Paul Y. Idakwo, Charles A. Negbenebor, Amin O. Igwegbe and Mamudu H. Badau

Quality indicators of ground beef purchased by bidding in a Brazilian university restaurant

April 2016

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics (moisture, lipids, proteins, collagen, collagen-related protein, fixed mineral residue, pH, water activity and color) of bovine ground meat used in a Brazilian university restaurant for over 60 days to ensure the quality of the products purchased. Some of the results were not in line with legislation and literature, suggesting the...

Author(s): Marilice de Andrade Grácia, Renato João Sossela de Freitas, Camila Augusto Perussello, Cátia Nara Tobaldini Frizoni, Rosemary Hoffman-Ribani Vinícius José Bolognesi⊃ and Carlos Eduardo Rocha Garcia

Evaluation of the physicochemical properties of Northern Ghana Sclerocarya birrea seed oil and proximate analysis of the process waste

April 2016

Physicochemical properties and proximate composition of Sclerocarya birrea was studied by n-hexane extraction of its oil. The oil contents of raw and roasted kernel were determined to be 46.4 and 44.1% respectively, and their specific gravity to be 0.88 and 0.91 with acid values of 4.20 and 2.52, respectively. Saponification values were also calculated to be 12.48 and 11.36 in raw and roasted kernel respectively....

Author(s): Francis K. Attiogbe and Tahir Abdul-Razak

Development of ELISA kit for the assay of ichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane in milk and milk products

March 2016

Immunoassay of pesticide residues in foods is gaining importance in the past two decades. The objective of the present work is to develop an enzyme – linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit for the assay of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) in milk and milk products. Here, an ELISA method was developed using rabbit polyclonal antibodies against a hapten, DDT-OH for the detection of organochloride pesticide DDT...

Author(s): Pugazhenthi Thirumalai Rengasamy, Ayyadurai Kantharimuthu, Murugan Balaraman, and Senthilkumar Sivanesan

Vitamin A stability in Nigerian wheat flour and fortification compliance level

March 2016

Stability and compliance level of fortified Nigerian retailed flour has not been determined. The aim of study therefore was to evaluate vitamin A stability in retailed flour and assess compliance status. Seventeen wheat flour samples were randomly selected from 12 bakeries across six Local Government Areas in Lagos, Nigeria. Pre- and post-storage retinol analyses of retailed flour stored for 30 days were carried out...

Author(s): Florence Ngozi Uchendu and Tola Atinmo

Composition and sensory properties of plantain cake

February 2016

Nutrient composition, organoleptic attributes and overall acceptability of plantain cake were evaluated. Plantain fingers in stages 2 (URP) and 5 of ripeness (RP) used in this study were washed, peeled, sliced into small pieces, sun-dried for five days and milled separately into flour. Commercial wheat flour (WF100) served as the control. Each sample was sieved and analyzed for functional properties and nutrients and...

Author(s): Ibeanu Vivienne, Onyechi Uchenna, Ani Peace and Ohia Clinton

Aroma profile of gowe, a traditional malted fermented sorghum beverage from Benin

February 2016

Spontaneous fermented gowé was characterized by specific flavor produced by different enzymatic activities of microorganisms involved. Gowé was also produced by controlled fermentation using strains of Lactobacillus fermentum and Weissella confusa singly or in combination with Kluyveromyces marxianus and Pichia anomala after an accelerated saccharification. Investigation using Likens-Nikerson extraction...

Author(s): Générose Vieira-Dalodé, Noël Akissoé, Nana Annan, Djidjoho Joseph Hounhouigan and Mogens Jakobsen

Influence of means of transportation on the quality of beef from three indigenous cattle breeds in Cameroon

January 2016

The influence of transportation conditions on the quality of beef was evaluated on carcasses from three indigenous cattle breeds in Cameroon. Twenty bulls of similar age (3 to 5 years inclusive) from the Gudali, Red Mbororo and White Fulani breeds transported by train and by truck from the same production zone to the abattoir were investigated. Beef samples were used to evaluate technological and chemical properties....

Author(s): Fonteh F. A., Bawe N. M., and Awantu C. F.

Residual chlorine and pH influence on hygienic tap quality water consumed in Togo

January 2016

Water is used in personal hygiene, but also for food purposes. Unfortunately, the problem of drinking water consumption persists in developing countries. Water supply involves several stages from collection to storage through packaging and transport. During all these steps, the water can undergo various microbiological, physical and chemical contaminations that can transmit waterborne diseases among consumers. The...

Author(s): Tidjani A., Kimassoum D., Ameyapoh Y., Soncy K. and de Souza C.

Health factors associated with persistent konzo in four villages in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

January 2016

Persistent konzo is low level incidence of konzo that is not associated with konzo epidemics due to drought or war. It has been reported from Mozambique and Tanzania. Various health factors associated with persistent konzo in four villages in Kasanji Health Area, Bandundu Province, DRC were studied, where there were 38 konzo cases in a population of 2283, with mean percentage konzo prevalence of 1.7%. Konzo occurred...

Author(s):  Banea J. P., Bradbury J. H., Nahimana D., Denton I. C., Foster M. P., Mekob N., Kuwa N., Bokundabi G. and Foley W. J.

Effect of gamma irradiation on pasting characteristics and resistant starch levels of starches from locally-improved cassava accessions

December 2015

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of gamma irradiation on pasting characteristics and resistant starch (RS) levels of starches from some locally-improved cassava accessions. Three cassava accessions were collected from Ministry of Food and Agriculture-Root and Tuber Section at Pokuase, Accra, Ghana. Approximately, 10 kg of each accession was used for the starch extraction. Samples were irradiated at...

Author(s): Agyei-Amponsah J., Asare I. K., Agbemavor W. S. K., Owureku-Asare M., Apatey J., Ayeh E. A., Acquah S. and Ocloo F. C. K. 

Storage influence on beta-carotene and alpha-tocopherol contents of solar-dried Spirulina platensis (Spirulina)

December 2015

Spirulina is called the ideal food for mankind and the World Health Organization considered it "super food" and the best food for the future because of its high nutritional value. The present study aimed to assess the storage influence on the levels of β-carotene and α-tocopherol in solar-dried spirulina. It was an analytical study to determine the levels of β-carotene and α-tocopherol in...

Author(s): Fabrice BATIONO, Aly SAVADOGO, Donatien KABORE, Laurencia OUATTARA/SONGRÉ, Heny Gautier OUEDRAOGO, Boubacar SAVADOGO and Alfred TRAORE

Pasting characteristics of starches in flours of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.) as affected by sorting and dehulling practices

December 2015

This research was conducted to investigate the effect of sorting and dehulling postharvest practices on the pasting properties of flours of kabuli (Habru variety) and desi (local) chickpea and faba bean (local) grains. The legume samples were obtained from Hawassa University’s Agronomy section and prepared for the experiments. The pasting behavior of the flour samples was observed to be greatly influenced by...

Author(s): Teferra F. Tadesse, Abadi Gebre, Abrehet F. Gebremeskel and Carol J. Henry

Staphylococcus aureus and other Staphylococcus species in milk and milk products from Tigray region, Northern Ethiopia

December 2015

Staphylococcus aureus is an important pathogen that can cause Staphylococcal Food Poisoning (SFP). Milk and dairy products are frequently contaminated by this bacterium. In this study, 310 samples (168 bovine raw milk and 142 dairy products) were collected in the Tigray region of Northern Ethiopia, with the objective of detection and enumeration of S. aureus and other Staphylococcus species. Baird-Parker agar for...

Author(s): Enquebaher Tarekgne, Siv Skeie, Knut Rudi, Taran Skjerdal and Judith A. Narvhus

Effect of processing methods on nutritional composition, phytochemicals, and anti-nutrient properties of chaya leaf (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius)

December 2015

Nutritional composition, phytochemical and anti-nutrient properties in blanched, boiled, leaves extract, and its residues respectively of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius, were determined using standard analytical methods. The moisture content significantly differed, with its values ranging from 89.30±0.21% in fresh leaves to 68.10±0.02% in leaf residue; the leave extract had the highest protein content...

Author(s): John O. Babalola and Opeyemi O. Alabi

Changes in the quality characteristics of the butter of Pentadesma butyracea under various storage conditions

November 2015

The aim of this study was to identify the storage conditions that warrant the optimum quality of the butter of P. butyracea. An experimental design was set up to study the effects of kernel boiling, the packaging material and the storage duration on the colour, saponification value and unsaponifiable fractions, acid and peroxide values and the iodine index of the butter of P. butyracea. The quality parameters of the...

Author(s): Bernolde Paul Ayegnon, Adéchola Pierre Polycarpe Kayodé, islamiath Nassia, Paulin Azokpota, Mohamed Soumanou and Joseph Djidjoho Hounhouigan

Effects of various freezing and thawing techniques on pork quality in ready-to-eat meals

November 2015

Meat rapidly decomposes and discolours due to oxidation and enzyme activity; therefore, it must be frozen when stored. This study investigates the effects of different freezing and thawing processes on pork quality. Pork meat was frozen by natural convection freezing (NCF, -38°C), individual quick-freezing (IQF, -45°C), or liquid nitrogen freezing (LNF, -100°C). Freezing was completed when the thermocouple...

Author(s): Kwang-Il Kim, Jun-Bo Shim, Seon-Mi Yoo, Sang-Gi Min, SangYoon Lee, Yeon-Ji Jo and Mi-Jung Choi

Antioxidant activity of Iranian barley grain cultivars and their malts

November 2015

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) belongs to the grass family Poaceae and is an ancient and important cereal grain crop. Whole grain products are recommended for healthy diets as being recognized sources of dietary fiber and antioxidant substances such as polyphenols and vitamin E. The current study was conducted to evaluate the antioxidant activity for 19 cultivars (Bahman, MB-82-12, Nosrat, Kavir, Torkman, Makoeei, Karoun,...

Author(s): Tayyebeh Mahmoudi, Mohammad Reza Oveisi, Behrooz Jannat, Masoomeh Behzad, Mannan Hajimahmoodi and Naficeh Sadeghi

Economic implication of industrialization of a popular weaning food “ogi” production in Nigeria: A review

October 2015

Socio-economic relevance of fermented food in developing countries is evident. However, the production of this category of food is still achieved under primitive conditions. Ogi a fermented product from maize, sorghum or millet is usually transformed into gruel or porridge when heated. About a quarter of Nigeria population is said to consume Ogi on a weekly bases. This coupled with increasing industrialization and...

Author(s): Bolaji, O. T., Adepoju, P. A. and Olalusi, A. P.

The impact of processing on the nutritional, mineral and vitamin composition of palm kernel nut (Elaeis guineensis)

October 2015

Proximate, vitamin and mineral compositions of palm kernel nut (Elaeis guineensis) in the raw and processed form was investigated using standard analytical methods. The proximate composition (g/100g) for the raw palm kernel nut was as follows: moisture 7.15±0.21, dry matter 92.86±0.21, ash 2.90±0.00, crude fibre 11.38±0.04, ether extract 52.40±3.11, crude protein 8.69±0.01 and...

Author(s): Okonkwo, Chibuzor Onyinye and Ozoude, Uzumma Juliet

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