A study of seeking guidance and support coping strategy of cancer patients
May 2014
This study on seeking guidance and support coping strategy was conducted with 120 cancer patients of Lok Nayak Jay Prakash Hospital, New Delhi. The study was based on 2×2×2 factorial design experiment with two conditions of mode of treatment (chemotherapy and surgery), two types of extroversion (extrovert and introvert), and two types of neuroticism (emotionally stable and emotionally unstable). Thus, there...
Four hidden matriarchs of psychoanalysis: The relationship of Lou von Salome, Karen Horney, Sabina Spielrein and Anna Freud to Sigmund Freud
April 2014
Sigmund Freud is considered the father and founder of psychoanalysis; however, numerous women contributed to its development and practice. Lou von Salome, Karen Horney, Sabina Spielrein and Anna Freud were instrumental in forming one of the leading psychological theories of the 20th century. Although the implications of each woman’s work are different, they individually made a unique impact on the development and...
Perspectives of mental health professionals on treating refugees and asylum seekers in the United Kingdom
April 2014
Questions about providing mental health care to forcibly displaced individuals in an effective way have long challenged experts (Karachiwalla, 2011; Miller, 1999; Blackwell, 1989). Concerns about the suitability of providing psychological support in the context of significant instability and about the efficacy of Western-derived treatments for an overwhelmingly non-Western population are at the forefront of contemporary...
Parental practices of disciplining children: Implications for intervention
March 2014
The main purpose of this was to assess parental practice of disciplining children. Of the total 350 students, 95 students were selected through simple random sampling technique. Data were collected using questionnaire having eighteen items that are intended to measure parents’ disciplining methods. The result showed that parents used non- aggressive child disciplining technique more than use of psychologically...
Risks, protection factors and resilience among orphan and vulnerable Children (OVC) in Ethiopia: Implications for intervention
March 2014
The purpose of this study was to investigate risk, protective factors and resilience among orphan and vulnerable children (OVC) in Ethiopia. Two hundred eighty two orphan and vulnerable children were randomly selected from. Data were collected by using self report questionnaire. The results show that most orphans and vulnerable children faced family, school and community related risks factors. Sizeable number...
Intergroup bias among Addis Ababa University students
February 2014
The purpose of this study was to explore intergroup bias among students in Addis Ababa University Main Campus. Data were collected through unobtrusive measures. Graffiti ascribed by students in toilet rooms, library “tension box” desks, reading tables, building walls and books were collected, categorized into themes and narrated qualitatively. Religion based bias was reflected through the...
Study on factors leading to re-hospitalization and the care provided
February 2014
People with mental illnesses are marginalized and socially excluded from many aspects of community life. Mentally ill patients and their family members/caregivers often face significant barriers when dealing with their illnesses. The goal of this study was to identify the factors affecting re-hospitalization and types of care given by the families. The sample includes selected psychiatric patients (Male-10,...
Career indecisiveness and personality in Greek High school students
January 2014
Career indecisiveness is one of the major career decision-making problems. Research so far has demonstrated its relation to a variety of personality factors. The present study aimed to explore, for the first time, indecisiveness in Greek junior High school students and its relation to personality parameters. Emotional and Personality-related Career decision-making Difficulties (EPCD) and Core self-evaluations scale...
Mathematics anxiety among engineering students and its relationship with achievement in calculus
January 2014
This paper analyzed the relationship between Mathematics Anxiety and Calculus Achievement among engineering students. The sample consists of 148 (116 males and 32 females) year one students of Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, Birnin, Kebbi. Pearson correlation, paired samples t-test and Independent sample t-test were used to analyze data using SPSS version 20.0. The results obtained showed that Mathematics anxiety has...
Effects of family type (monogamy or polygamy) on students’ academic achievement in Nigeria
October 2013
The present study was undertaken to assess the effects of inter-relationship between family type and academic achievement of students. A Correlational survey research was adopted for the study with a total of 300 respondents. Analysis of the data indicated that significant relationship exists between academic achievement, family type and students’ academic motivation (r=0.26: P<0.005). Also, a...
Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group therapy based on Heimberg’s model of self-concept
October 2013
The objective of this study is to review the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group therapy (CBGT) on girl students’ self-concept based on Heimberg's model. The method of this study was an experimental type. Using Tennessee’s self-concept questionnaire, 18 students (n = 9 for each group) were randomly selected into two groups: experimental group (cognitive behavioral group therapy)...
The psycho-social effect of parental separation and divorce on adolescents: Implications for counselling in Surulere Local Government Area of Lagos State
October 2013
The study examines the psycho- social effect of parental separation or divorces on adolescents and its implications for counselling. A descriptive research survey was used while stratified random sampling technique was adopted in selecting the population sample. The sample population used is 120 adolescent students randomly drawn from twelve secondary schools in Surulere local Government Area of Lagos State,...
Risky behaviors among youths in Mumbai metropolitan region
September 2013
Youths in India are powerful agent of economic change. In globalization, youths are expected to gain maximize skills, health and knowledge. But some youths are involved in risky behaviors. They are involved in driving vehicles, smoke cigarettes, drinking alcohol, physical fight, depression, sexual involvement and suffer from malnutrition. The result shows that male in Mumbai metropolitan region are more...
Effect of test anxiety, gender and perceived self- concept on academic performance of Nigerian students
September 2013
190 students randomly selected from senior secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria participated in this study. The instruments used for the measurement of the construct included Spielberger (1980) Test Anxiety Scale, Hudson (1982) Self-Esteem scale, and gender through demographic data. A 2x2x2 factorial design was adopted in this study while a three way analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for unequal...
Attitude towards savings, cooperative loans and monetary investment as predictors of psychological well-being among university non-academic staff
September 2013
The study explored attitude towards savings, loans and monetary investment in predicting psychological well-being of non-academic university employees. A sample of 230 that comprised 122 male (53%) and 108 females (47%) were the respondents. Their age ranged between 21 and 55 years, with a mean of 38 (SD=10.4). Participants were administered psychological well-being, attitude towards savings, attitude towards...
A process of short-term dynamics oriented and individual counseling: A case of stuttering
August 2013
The process of psychological counseling is expected to start with a client’s consciousness of his/her need for something. When the client appeals for help, he/she is hoping to get rid of the problem. From this moment on, the specialist has a more complicated job. He/she must decide on what the problem is or is not, the functions of the ego that are the cause of the problem, whether or not the problem...
The prototype of interpersonal dependency in Turkish culture
August 2013
The aim of the present study is to identify the prototype of the concept of dependency in interpersonal relations in Turkish culture. Data were collected from young adults studying at university. The sample comprised 252 participants whose ages ranged between 17 and 35 and who were studying on different programs at university. Of the participants, 155 (61%) were female and 97 were male (39%) students. The...
Abuse and neglect as predictors of self concept among below poverty line adolescents from India
August 2013
The present study examined the maltreatment experiences and disturbances in self-concept of below poverty line (BPL) adolescents from India. The sample consisted of 140 participants (age 13-17 years), both male and female, 70 from BPL families and 70 from above poverty line (APL) families. Purposive sampling method was used to draw data from both groups. Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) by Bernstein and...
Motivation based on interest and confidence level at teaching core science subjects: Case study of Fouad Academy, Abuja
July 2013
Motivational process can influence a child’s understanding. Students’ interest in some subjects being taught arouses confidence level, influences science students’ performance and reaction to success and failure. Data were analyzed through randomized sampling techniques using an answered questionnaire from fifty four students (54) of senior secondary one to senior secondary three at Fouad...
Analysis of philosophical view of environmental education regarding Marxism and Islam
July 2013
Throughout history, nature has been of predominant value for human. It can be said that, compared to human, all religions and intellectual schools attached even greater importance to nature and severely underline the respect for it in their teachings. With technology grown, man achieved the ability to interfere with his life environment in an irrevocable way. In the meantime, the change in man’s...
Professional challenges to counselling practice in primary schools in Anambra State, Nigeria: The way forward
July 2013
This study investigated the professional challenges to counselling practice of primary school counsellors in Anambra State. The population for the study was all the 415 counsellors practicing in the primary schools and all the 26 desk officers in the state. The population of the study is small so there was no sample; on the whole 441 counsellors were used for the study. Two research questions and two...
Attitude of adolescents towards abortion in Ilorin Metropolis
June 2013
The study examined the attitude of adolescents in Ilorin metropolis towards abortion. The study made use of descriptive design and the instrument used was a self-constructed questionnaire titled the attitude of adolescents towards abortion. A panel of guidance counselors and psychologists established its face and content validities. Test re-test reliability of the instrument was also ensured and a reliability...
A study of adolescents’ perception of parental influence on academic activities
June 2013
Research has established the importance of family support, and parental support in particular, in predicting adolescents’ educational and psychological outcomes. The family has been identified as a critical force even more powerful and direct than teachers in their children’s education. A number of studies have attempted to compare the belief, attitudes, values of parents and their children and...
Evaluation of the eye movement desensitization procedure through the Internet for resolving distressing memories
June 2013
The internet-based Eye Movement Desensitization (EMD) procedure based mainly on the third and fourth phases of the EMDR protocol was developed. After completing pre-intervention assessments, 305 female university students were randomly assigned to the Internet EMD condition or to a control condition. Treatment effects of the Internet EMD program were analyzed in two groups of the Internet EMD condition (high...
Bias in personnel selection and occupational assessments: Theory and techniques for identifying and solving bias
May 2013
The controversy over the use of occupational assessments and how to deal with adverse impact resulting from group differences continue with no definitive answers. Despite the fact that it is a scientific and precise tool for measurement, psychological testing has been accused of being a culturally biased procedure that results in discrimination against minority groups, particularly against job candidates and...
Emotional isolation, degradation and exploitation as correlates of adolescents’ self-concept in Nigeria
May 2013
Emotional maltreatment of children and adolescents is a subtype of abuse. The magnitude at which children and adolescents suffer from emotional maltreatment of isolation, degradation and exploitation has been found to be very startling. While studies have shown the impact of several dimensions of emotional abuse on human behaviours, there is lack of empirical information on the combined and separate...
Satisfaction with life, Self-esteem, gender and marital status as predictors of depressive symptoms among United Arab Emirates college students
May 2013
The purpose of this study was to investigate the predictive role of life satisfaction, self-esteem, gender and marital status on depressive symptoms. The sample consists of 547 (315 female; 232 males) undergraduate students from Al Ain university of Science and Technology in United Arab Emirates. Depressive symptoms were measured by the Centre for Epidemiologic Scale (CES-D) (Radlolf, 1977) while life...
Influence of personal characteristics on the knowledge and attitude of Pamol plantation workers towards HIV/AIDS in the Southwest Region Cameroon
February 2013
This study assessed the influence of personal characteristics on knowledge and attitude of Pamol plantation workers (n = 75) towards HIV/AIDS in Southwest Region of Cameroon. The percentage of workers with correct knowledge on the etiology/transmission, symptoms and prevention of HIV/AIDS and positive attitude towards HIV/AIDS was determined. Knowledge indices on etiology/transmission (KIET), symptoms (KIS)...
Potentiality of taubah (Islamic repentance) and listening to the Holy Quran recitation on galvanic skin response
February 2013
Taubah and listening to the Holy Quran recitation are highly recognizable Islamic repentance to the Muslim community. Undoubtedly, these beliefs can flourish people's mind and soul. Therefore, this repentance has a miraculous power to reduce anxiety and stress like psychological pessimistic matters from one's mind. Besides this, listening to the Holy Quran recitation can relieve and calm a...
Patterns and structures of worry among college students in Hawaii and Japan
January 2013
This study presents a comprehensive conceptualization of the structure of worry and its effect on social anxiety. Six hundred and sixty male and female college students in Hawaii and Japan completed a quantitative questionnaire survey, and the data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA). However, the unique pattern of worry structure in Japanese male students was different from the findings of...
HIV-related stress in dating relationships and its significance for developmental psychology of adolescence and emerging adulthood
January 2013
While developmental psychological literature considers the threat of HIV as a health risk in dating relationships, little if any research has examined the psychological strain that the threat of HIV places on dating couples. This study aimed at investigating HIV-related dating stress. The data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire from a sample of 204 students at the University of Botswana...
The impact of small business management on product quality, product features and product positioning in Ibadan metropolitan, Oyo State, Nigeria
December 2012
The study investigated the impact of small business management on product quality, product features and product positioning. The study was conducted in Ibadan metropolitan of Oyo State, Nigeria. Multi-stage and random sampling techniques were used in selecting 1,200 respondents. Information was gathered using primary and secondary data. Questionnaires were used to elicit information and were validated by...
Comparison of efficiency of cognitive therapy and logo therapy on the depression rate of aged men
December 2012
In this paper, we compare the effectiveness of logo therapy (LT) and cognitive therapy (CT) in alleviating symptoms of depression. For this purpose 45 elderly men aged between 65 to 85 years who inhabit in nursing houses were randomly put into two experimental and one control group (n = 45). The experimental groups received techniques of cognitive and logo therapies for 10 treatment...
Marital adjustment of working class and non-working class women in Port Harcourt metropolis, Nigeria
November 2012
This paper examines the marital adjustment of working class and non-working class women in Port Harcourt metropolis in Rivers State, Nigeria. The survey research design was used for the study. The sample consisted of three hundred (300) subjects selected through multi-stage random sampling procedure from four selected suburbs- Oroworokwo, Rebisi, Ogbunabali, and Orogbum in the Port Harcourt metropolis. Data...
Family functioning on the identity statues in High School Boys in Isfahan, Iran
November 2012
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between family functioning and the identity statues in high school boys. 330 high school students from five different education zones in Isfahan, Iran were randomly selected with cluster sampling. Questionnaire was designed to measure the levels of family function and identity status. These comprise ‘Extended Version of the Objective Measure...
Career indecision and state anxiety of returned international Chinese undergraduate students in Taiwan
October 2012
This study investigates career indecision and levels of state anxiety among 647 returned international Chinese undergraduate students enrolled at 90 universities/colleges in Taiwan. The Chinese-language versions of the Career Decision Scale (CDS) and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) were administered; results indicated that returned international Chinese undergraduate students in Taiwan are...
A study of mindfulness practices and cognitive therapy: Effects on depression and self-efficacy
October 2012
Despite research findings that Cognitive Therapy (CT) reduces relapse of depression, patients often do have setbacks. Recently, CT researchers have integrated the Eastern meditative practice of mindfulness into cognitive approach. This study was a variation on research on Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (the incorporation of mindfulness and CT) and relapse prevention from depression. Three tracks of...
Study of psychological parameters of sports women and non-sports women collegiate students of India
September 2012
The purpose of the present study was to analyze the psychological parameters that is (Emotional maturity and its sub variables, extroversion, neuroticism) between sports women and non- sports women collegiate students of India. To obtain the data, a total of sixty (n=60) women students of Trinity College, Jalandhar (India), were randomly selected as subjects. Further the subjects were divided equally into two...
Child maltreatment as predictors of suicidal ideas and attempts in a general female population
September 2012
Child maltreatment has been investigated as a suicide risk for decades. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of women from the general population with suicidal ideas or attempts and add to the actual literature a larger perspective of different types of maltreatment in regards to experiences such as neglect, psychological, physical or sexual abuse, and its association to risk factor for...
Assessment of obsessive beliefs in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder in comparison to healthy sample
August 2012
Cognitive models of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) suggested that dysfunctional beliefs have important role in the etiology and maintenance of this disorder. However, empirical evidence in support of this notion is limited and inconsistent. The aim of current study was to compare scores obtained from the obsessive beliefs questionnaire (OBQ-44) and its subscales in 59 patients with OCD and 54...
Improving well-being with a gratitude exercise in Japanese workers: A randomized controlled trial
August 2012
Few individual-focused interventions that focus on improving the well-being of employees have been conducted in the workplace. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of worksite intervention consisting of a gratitude exercise on employees’ well-being, such as positive affect, life satisfaction and subjective happiness among Japanese workers. A randomized controlled trial was...
Prediction of attitude and interest of science students of different ability on their academic performance in basic science
June 2012
The study measures and predicts the effect of attitude and interest of students on academic performance in science. It investigates which of the variables, as essential attribute to study integrated science, will predict students’ performance. Its aim is also to find out which one of the variables is influenced first under a particular teaching method. Three instruments were used for the study. They...
Sexual attitudes among Mozambican adults
June 2012
This study examined the sexual attitudes of Mozambican adults. A total of 301 participants, aged 18 to 41 years (154 males and 147 females), living in the area of Maputo, were presented with the Portuguese version of the sexual attitude scale devised by Hendrick and Hendrick (1987). Data were analyzed using factorial analyses, ANOVA and correlation coefficients. A structure of seven factors was found...
Gender and socio-economic background differentials in students’ attitude to information and communication technology education in Nigerian secondary schools: Implications for policy, ICT education and counselling
May 2012
This is a study of gender and socio-economic background differentials in students’ attitude to information and communication technology education in Nigerian secondary schools. The aim was to determine students’ differential attitude to information and communication technology education in order to proffer appropriate counselling interventions for the advancement of information and communication...
Health and wellness in Southern Africa: Incorporating indigenous and western healing practices
May 2012
Current healing systems in Southern Africa focus on the holistic approach to the health and wellness of patients. Biomedical approaches and traditional healing systems that incorporate spiritual healing, mental healing, physical and social healing play a crucial and significant role in health delivery systems in Southern Africa. An integrative approach has been accepted as a vital...
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) of business organizations in Niger State, Nigeria: An Islamic perspective
April 2012
This paper examined an Islamic perspective of corporate social responsibility (CSR) of business organizations in Niger State, Nigeria. The study was conducted in Minna, Suleja, Kontagora and Bida towns of Niger State, Nigeria. Multi-stage and random sampling techniques were used in selecting 1,600 respondents of the study using staff of business organizations, investors, consumers and some people in the...
Socio-economic influence of Shari’ah on consumers’ motives and perception in Zamfara State, Nigeria
April 2012
This study examines socio-economic influence of Shari’ah on Muslim consumers’ motives and perception in Zamfara State, Nigeria. Primary and secondary data were utilized for the study. The primary data were collected through questionnaires administered on three hundred and eighty seven respondents comprising two hundred and eighty two male and one hundred and five female drawn from three local...
A study of role conversion of leaders in group counseling
March 2012
Role conversion of leaders in group counseling can develop the potential power of a class, strengthen their cohesion and improve learning environment, which have been proved in a growing number of studies in this field. However, most studies are only confined to theoretical discussions and few studies concentrate on empirical studies on roles conversion of leaders in group counseling. The paper aims to...
Vulnerabilities to depression and sense of coherence among Bedouin Arab and Jewish students: A test of a mediation model
March 2012
This study examined cultural differences in self critical and dependent vulnerabilities to depression and sense of coherence as predictors of depression among Bedouin Arab and Jewish university students in Israel. In addition, this study explored the role of sense of coherence on the self-criticism-depression association and the dependency-depression association. 120 Bedouin Arab and 130 Jewish university...
Understanding human sexuality: A case study on innovative method for sex education to adolescent children
February 2012
Globalization has a far reaching influence on every aspect of human life. No other sector has embraced globalization as much as television entertainment industry. The speed with which television entertainment industry has imbibed changes is unprecedented. One of the most obvious outcomes of liberalized and privatized visual entertain medium is easing of censorship owing to which, the sexual behavior and...
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