Can orange fleshed sweet potatoes processing trigger farmers to use quality improved planting materials? Empirical evidence from selected regions in Tanzania
February 2021
Production of orange-fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) in Tanzania is constrained by the underutilization of virus-free improved certified planting materials. The sustainable use of these planting materials leads to the constant demand of the planting materials by farmers which can be triggered from viable processing. We determine the viability of processing in the OFSP value chain and its contribution to the uptake of...
Willingness to pay for Nairobi National Park: An application of discrete choice experiment
February 2021
Nairobi National Park is a protected ecosystem where various types of wildlife find hiding place. The park has in the recent past experienced destruction through construction of a standard gauge railway (SGR) line and a highway called the Southern bypass. These developments raise concern with the possibility that their combined environmental cost being enormous. This study sought to determine the willingness to pay...
Willingness of cocoa farmers to participate in crop insurance in the Dormaa Municipality of the Bono region, Ghana
February 2021
The investigation considered farmers’ readiness to take part in crop insurance in the Dormaa municipality of the Bono Region, Ghana. Essential information from 167 respondents who were chosen through a multi-stage sampling method for the study was collected through a structured questionnaire. Elements influencing readiness to participate in crop protection by cocoa farmers was evaluated using probit regression...
Financial profitability of maize production with bio-fertilizer based on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi native to Benin
February 2021
Soil degradation, one of the causes associated with declining maize productivity is an environmental concern whose consequences are felt most strongly by poor people in developing countries. Indeed, the production of maize on soil fertilized with a combination of mycorrhizal fungi and half a dose of NPK has resulted in a production like that of the extension practice in Benin. This study aims, through an analysis of the...
Effect of malaria on income of cocoa farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria
January 2021
This study investigated the economic effects of malaria on cocoa farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria using the ordinary least square regression technique. Descriptive statistics were used to identify strategies to reduce malaria infection among cocoa farmers. The sample frame for the study was derived from secondary data obtained from records of Ondo State Ministry of Health on registered cocoa farmers who had malaria during...
Determinants of adoption of sustainable land management practice choices among smallholder farmers in Abay Basin of Oromia, Ethiopia
January 2021
Land degradation mainly caused by soil erosion, and shades an ominous threat to the livelihood development prospects of Ethiopian smallholder farmers. In response to this, the government of Ethiopia introduced a Sustainable Land Management Program (hereafter referred as ‘SLM’), even though the adoption by smallholder farmers has been low. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the adoption of...
Severity of household food insecurity and coping strategies in Analemmo Woreda, Hadiya Zone, Southern Ethiopia
January 2021
Hunger and undernourishment are the main challenges of today’s world. The objective of this study is to assess severity of household food insecurity and local coping strategies in the study area. Three-stage sampling technique was used to select sampled household in Analemmo woreda Hadiya Zone. A total of 200 households were selected by using systematic random sampling with proportional to population size. Both...
Relative profit efficiency of Anchor Borrowers Programme (ABP) beneficiary and non-beneficiary rice farmers in Kebbi State, Nigeria
December 2020
Profit efficiency refers to the extent at which a firm makes not only profit but its ability to maximize profit. A comparative analysis was conducted to evaluate the profit efficiency of Anchor Borrowers Programme (ABP) beneficiary and non-beneficiary rice farmers in Kebbi State, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was used to select 499 ABP beneficiary and non-beneficiary rice farmers each giving a sample size of...
Economic resources utilisation in maize production: Evidence from Central Region, Ghana
December 2020
This study was undertaken to improve the efficiency of maize farming in the Central Region of Ghana. A stochastic frontier cost function, applied to cross-sectional data, was used to analyse firm level cost efficiency of production and its determinants. Efficiency of resource utilization was analysed using marginal value product of inputs. Results from the Cobb-Douglas stochastic cost frontier model and a farm-specific...
Analyzing the determinants for the adoption of good practices as regards climate change adaptation in the Northern region of Burkina Faso
December 2020
Unfavorable agro-climatic and edaphic conditions have led to the development of many adaptation strategies to climate change in the northern region of Burkina Faso. This study analyzed the determinants of goods practices adoption as regards adaptation to climate change (GPACC). It used panel data (2016-2018) collected from a sample of 1,221 women and 335 men within the operational farmer’s organizations in the...
Determination of socio-economic factors influencing rural household’s decision to raise goat in Sindhuli District, Nepal
October 2020
Goat (Capra hircus) is one of the important sources of rural economy in Nepal. As various programs are aiming to enhance livelihood of rural denizens through goat promotion, it is therefore crucial to understand socio-economic determinants on decision to raise goats by rural households. So, this study was carried out in two, out of seven, local administrative units (Wards) of Marin rural municipality, Sindhuli using...
Analysis of the technical efficiency of maize producers in the Municipality of Bembèrèkè in the North of Benin
October 2020
In Benin, maize plays a key role, both in production systems and in commercial transactions and population feeding. Smallholders are facing a decline in productivity due, among other things, to difficulties in accessing agricultural inputs such as improved seeds and fertilizers (NPK and Urea). The project "Sustainable intensification of maize production among small producers in the departments of Alibori and Borgou...
Characterization and analysis of farming system of Cheliya and Ilu Gelan districts of West Shewa Zone, Ethiopia
August 2020
The study characterizes and analyzes the existing farming system and identifies the production and marketing constraints of Cheliya and Ilu Gelan districts with cross-sectional data of 105 sample households. The farming system of the study areas is characterized as mixed farming systems with 59.1 and 27.44% contribution of crop and livestock, respectively for livelihood activities. From the survey results, disease...
Social and economic values chain assessment of key non-timber forest products around Mbam and Djerem National Park’s ecoregion of Cameroon: Case of Xylopia aethiopica, Beilschmiedia anacardioides and Beilschmiedia jacques-felixii
August 2020
The periphery of Mbam and Djerem National Park in Cameroon harbors valuable forest resources including key non-timber forest products (NTFPs) that contribute to sustain livelihood of many people in terms of consumption and income generation. However, poor studies have been carried out to assess the socio-economic importance of the value chain of key NTFPs, threats on resources and implication for trade development. We...
Analysis of labor opportunity cost on the economic profitability of fertilizer microdosing (FM) in Burkina Faso
August 2020
This paper analyses the effect of labor opportunity cost on economic profitability of fertilizer microdosing (FM) in Burkina Faso. In order to assess the incremental change in net income when the investment cost increases and takes into account labor opportunity cost, the marginal value cost ratio (MVCR) approach is used. Using data from farmer’s field, the results showed that for both crops, the median yield of...
Explaining output growth and total factor productivity changes using production frontier: The case of Ethiopian smallholder’s farming
August 2020
This paper provides a parametric decomposition of output growth and total factor productivity changes, extending production approach to the case of non-neutral stochastic frontier. The results were based on unbalanced panel data from Ethiopian smallholder farmers observed over the period 1999–2015. The study decomposes output growth into input growth and total factor productivity changes while both were further...
Cocoa farmers’ choice of alternative livelihood in mining communities in Upper Denkyira West District, Ghana
August 2020
Mining and cocoa production are important livelihoods for people in Ghana, particularly in rural communities like Upper Denkyira West District. However, mining activities can have negative impacts on cocoa production and access to basic necessities for the sustenance of the people. This study sought to investigate cocoa farmers’ perception of the impact of mining on socio- economic activities in Upper Denkyira...
The on-farm diversity of maize cultivars and landraces in the Lacandon region of Chiapas, Mexico
July 2020
The loss of maize landraces is of major global concern. Landraces provide the genetic building blocks for the development of high yielding pest- and drought-tolerant maize varieties, and their loss reduces the capacity to adapt to changing environmental conditions. The extinction of maize landraces is an incidental effect of the planting decisions of farmers. Although maize landraces are important both as a staple food...
Producers supplying strategic network, value creation and exporting SME growth
July 2020
Strategic networks of agricultural suppliers for the creation of value added are an interesting field of research in the developing countries. Indeed, various scientific works were interested with social networks as well as on their members’ relationship and on their management. However, social networks as strategic suppliers are able to solve SME’s supply credit problems; the need to analyze networks with a...
Bank credit access trends among farmers in Hurungwe District of Mashonaland West Province in Zimbabwe
July 2020
Zimbabwe’s economic progress is hinged on the performance of the agricultural sector, which supports the majority of the population. Bank credit empowers farmers to adopt inputs and technologies that are key for enhancing productivity and income. This study sought to establish the bank credit access trends among farmers in the Hurungwe District of Mashonaland West Province in Zimbabwe, comparing the current...
Adoption of artificial insemination service for cattle crossbreeding by smallholder farmers in Laelay-Maichew district, Tigray, Ethiopia
June 2020
Adoption of artificial insemination (AI) in Ethiopia is low and there is paucity of information in documentation. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify the determinants of smallholder farmers’ adoption of AI technology in Laelay-Maichew district. Multi-stage random sampling technique was employed to select 155 sample respondents for the study. The primary data were collected through individual interviews...
Analysis of economic efficiency among smallholder sorghum producers in Kenya
June 2020
This study used Cobb-Douglas Stochastic Profit Frontier to analyze economic efficiency of sorghum farmers in Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya. Using a multi-stage stratified sample of 259 farmers, results depicted a wide range of profit efficiency between the best (0.96) and the worst (0.12) farmer with a mean of 0.17. The actual and potential profit was USD 164.88 ha-1 and USD 969.87 ha-1 respectively. This indicates that,...
Performance analysis of Nigerian agricultural credit guarantee scheme: Bounds test approach to cointegration
May 2020
This study examined the performance of the Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme (ACGS) which is the major credit policy of the Federal Government of Nigeria. It was established in 1977 but started operation in 1978. Time series data from 1978-2014, extracted from the 2014 bulletin of the National Bureau Statistics were used for the study. Total volume and number of loans given were used to proxy the strength of the...
Technical efficiency of rice farmers in Anambra State value chain development programme
May 2020
The study is aimed at determining the technical efficiency of rice farmers in Anambra State value chain development programme. A well-structured questionnaire was administered to elicit information from 372 rice farmers from the five participating Local Government Areas (Ayamelum, Awka North, Anambra West, Anambra East, and Orumba North) after which only 337 respondents were fit for the study. Cobb Douglas stochastic...
Integration of post-harvest management in agricultural policy and strategies to minimise post harvest losses in Lesotho
May 2020
Despite global efforts to increase food availability and curb high incidence of malnutrition in Africa, there are concerns with regard to high post-harvest losses in Africa. Lesotho like most countries in sub-Saharan Africa faces documented challenges with food insecurity and nutrition. Food availability could be increased by reduction of post-harvest losses without further exploitation of resources. Mitigation of...
Slash-and-burn agriculture, the major cropping system in the region of Faradje in Democratic Republic of Congo: Ecological and socio-economic consequences
March 2020
The present study aims to explore smallholder’s household living standard relevant to slash-and-burn agriculture, and determine trend of key crops grown with respect to their production and related generated average gross income in the region of Faradje, in the far northeastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Surveys were conducted on agronomic and social economic characteristics prevailing in...
Spatial price transmission between white maize grain markets in Mozambique and Malawi
March 2020
The objective of this study was to measure white maize grain price transmission among markets in Mozambique and Malawi. Our analysis included two major deficit markets (Maputo in Southern Mozambique and Blantyre in Southern Malawi) and two major surplus markets (Chimoio in Central Mozambique and Nampula in Northern Mozambique). We used monthly wholesale white maize grain prices covering the period 2000 through 2016 to...
Assessing the likelihood of adoption of orange-flesh sweet potato genotypes in Sierra Leone
March 2020
The adoption of research outputs to bring the desired impacts is a major factor of any research work. Based on this premise, adoption likelihood analysis was used to determine the maximum likelihood of adoption of orange flesh sweet potato (OFSP) in Sierra Leone. The study was conducted in Western Area, Moyamba, Bo, Kenema and Bombali districts. A multi-stage sampling procedure was employed to select the study samples....
Evaluation of technical efficiency of edible oil production: The case of canola production in Kieni West Constituency, Kenya
March 2020
Globally, the vegetable oil demand is growing due to rising food consumption in emerging countries such as China and due to the high demand for biofuels. The current world vegetable production estimates stand at 187 million tons for the year 2016/2017. Of the estimated vegetable oil production, 70.3 million tons (37.6%) comes from palm and palm kernel, 55 million tons (30%) arise from soybean while the remaining 32.5%...
Measuring rural poverty among rural households in Gedeo Zone, SNNP Region, Ethiopia
February 2020
Poverty is a phenomenon that is complex and has multidimensional features. It involves people experiencing various degrees of material deprivation; the concept is used to cover a wide ranging set of interrelated life chances. The purpose of this study was to measure poverty in rural Gedeo zone, southern Ethiopia with specific objectives of measuring poverty among the rural households. The research was undertaken using a...
Determinants of recommended agronomic practices adoption among wheat producing smallholder farmers in Sekela District of West Gojjam Zone, Ethiopia
February 2020
Development of the Ethiopian economy is directly related to the transformation of the agricultural sector which is manifested with low utilization of recommended agronomic practices, improved farm inputs, and dependency on traditional farming and rainfall. As a result, low production and productivity of agriculture were prevalent over the last years. This study aims to identify the factors influencing adoption of...
Notice of Retraction: Agricultural adjustment in flood-prone areas in Comilla of Bangladesh: A geographical study
January 2020
The editors of the Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics (JDAE) are retracting the article, “Agricultural adjustment in flood-prone areas in Comilla of Bangladesh: A geographical study” published in 2011 (Vol. 3(12), pp. 602-609, 26 October, 2011). This is due to a case of data falsification/manipulation by the author.
An efficiency assessment of irrigated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) production in the Upper East Region of Ghana
January 2020
This study employed the input-oriented DEA approach with variable returns to scale assumption to assess the technical, scale, allocative and economic efficiencies of 124 randomly selected tomato farmers under irrigation in the Upper East Region using data of the 2017/2018 production season. The mean technical efficiency and scale efficiency were 97.1 and 97% respectively with many farmers experiencing increasing returns...
Logistic regression analysis on factors influencing income-poverty among smallholder French bean farmers in Kirinyaga County, Kenya
December 2019
The study determined factors affecting income-poverty among French bean farmers in Kirinyaga County, Kenya. Results show that 72.6% of French bean farmers were poor. Relative to the poor households, non-poor had the highest net French bean income per acre (KES. 24,133), total net crop income (KES. 150,608), total net livestock income (KES. 21,674), and off-farm income (KES. 198,070). Aversion to risks (p=0.051 and...
Opportunities and determinants of rural non-agricultural activities in Ethiopia
November 2019
The main goal of this study is to investigate the characteristics and determinants of rural non-agricultural activities using country representative household survey. This study is based on 14,616 sampled households which was collected from the four main regions of Ethiopia, namely Tigray, Amhara, Oromia and SNNPR which represent more than 90% of the population of Ethiopia. Descriptive statistics and probit model were...
Livelihood impacts of Calliandra calothyrsus and Sesbania sesban: Supplementary feed in smallholder dairy farms in Kenya
October 2019
An agroforestry land use system aimed at improving the productivity of smallholder dairy farms using Calliandra calothyrsus and Sesbania sesban shrubs as feed supplements was introduced to semi-commercial SDFs in Meru, Kenya, as part of a field trial. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of using the C. calothyrsus and S. sesban on family income and livelihoods during the 16-month trial period. Eighty...
Micro-financing and rural poverty reduction: A case of Rima Microfinance Bank in Goronyo Local Government Area, Sokoto State, Nigeria
October 2019
Microfinance is proposed to be an efficient and viable means to poverty alleviation in the developing world, but there has been little empirical study on the impacts of microfinance banks. This study examines the impact of Rima Microfinance Bank on beneficiaries’ income and poverty in Goronyo Local Government Area of Sokoto State, Nigeria. A multistage-sampling technique was used to draw the sample and a...
Factors affecting the technical efficiency of oil palm fruit processing units in South-East Benin
October 2019
As the independent Benin's first export crop, oil palm continues to play an important role in the Beninese economy and society despite the decline in its production that has begun since the 1970s. It is present in most cropping systems throughout southern Benin. The objective of this article is, on the one hand, to assess the level of technical efficiency of oil palm fruit processing units in South-East Benin and,...
Impact of soil and water conservation technology adoption on smallholder farms in South-Western Uganda
September 2019
For countries where the agricultural sector supports a majority of the population as in Uganda, the link between poverty and land degradation is of great significance. Soil and water conservation technologies are a recommended means of reducing degradation rates. However, ex-ante and ex-post analyses of the impact of these technologies remain few. Using survey data collected from 338 randomly selected households in the...
Market channel options for smallholders in dual markets: A case of organic pineapple farmers in Uganda
August 2019
Following institutionalisation of certified organic agriculture in Uganda in 2002, more farmers have adopted organic pineapple farming to boost their economic livelihoods. However, farmers have continued to engage in the less profitable conventional market due to organic market’s limited capacity to absorb all their produce. This study seeks to examine organic pineapple farmers’ market choices, improve the...
Socio-economics characterization of agricultural farming system in Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia: Case of AGP-II districts participatory rural appraisal (PRA) model
August 2019
This paper presents the farming system dynamics in Agricultural Growth Project II and applied a PRA model. The objective was to characterize the farming systems of AGP-II districts and identify production constraints. We investigate how historical trends have influenced the farming system, using data from desk review surveys, semi-structured interviews, focus-group discussions; key informant discussions and...
Determinants of adoption of improved Jalenea potato variety: The case of Chencha Woreda, Southern Ethiopia
July 2019
This study was to examine factors affecting adoption of improved Jalenea potato variety in the study area in the year 2017. Primary data for the study were collected from respondents using structured interview schedule. Focus group discussions were conducted with farmer and stakeholders. The data were analyzed using mean, percentage, frequency, chi-square test, and T-test. Binary logistic regression analysis was...
Food and income diversification decisions as climate change adaptation strategies: Evidence from Kalfou and Tabalak local governments, Tahoua State, Niger Republic
July 2019
The purpose of this study is to evaluate rural household’s food and income diversification decisions in face of climate change adaptation strategies using advances in choice-based experiment. Several studies have focused on general and specific food values using the balanced incomplete block design; but fewer studies have been devoted to study rural household food and income diversification decisions via the lens...
Determinants of the choice of multi-governance structures by producers and processors of paddy in Benin
July 2019
This study aims to analyse the factors that influence the selection of governance structures by rice producers and processors in Benin. Unlike previous studies, the factors that influence the selection of governance structures are identified simultaneously for both producers and processors of paddy. Data were collected in Benin from about 300 producers and 140 processors of paddy randomly selected. The results indicate...
Economic burden of livestock disease and drought in Northern Tanzania
June 2019
Livestock-dependent communities face considerable livestock disease and drought risk, which can impact herd value, income and consumption. This paper summarizes economic data collected from 404 households in Arusha and Manyara regions of Northern Tanzania in 2016. They provide estimates for (i) herd loss due to disease and drought as a fraction of herd value and income, (ii) the relative risk of disease and drought in...
Determinants of household transition into and out of poverty in Benin
May 2019
This study tries to determine the differentiated factors of households’ transition to poverty in Benin. It was carried out on a sample of 6424 households making up data from the integrated modular survey on household living conditions. Descriptive analysis and econometric modeling as Stata 12 was used. From the results of this study, it appears that the geographical location of households in cotton and rice fields...
Value chain analysis of fruits: The case of mango and avocado producing smallholder farmers in Gurage Zone, Ethiopia
May 2019
The study was aimed to analyze avocado and mango value chains actors and identify factors that determine avocado and mango market supply in the selected area of Gurage zone. A total of 259 avocado and mango producers were selected through three-stage sampling technique and 151 traders from different level were used to collect primary data using questionnaire and semi-structured interview. Descriptive and econometrics...
Determinants of intensity of uptake of alternative pest control methods: A case of small- scale tomato farmers in Kenya
May 2019
Inappropriate use of chemical pesticide in horticultural production is an emerging problem causing undesirable human health and environmental effects in developing countries including Kenya. Thus, objective of this study is to evaluate the determinants of the intensity of uptake of alternative pest control methods among small-scale tomato farmers in Nakuru County, Kenya. Multistage sampling procedure was used to select...
The mobility of intergenerational income for rural residents: The case of China
April 2019
Based on the data of China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) from 1989 to 2015, this paper analyzes the mobility and transmission mechanism of rural residents' intergenerational income. The OLS estimation of father and son yields a value of 0.549. The results of quantile regressions show that in rural China, the intergenerational income elasticity (IGE) is higher at the high end but lower at the low end. The human...
Transportation infrastructure of Pakistan’s agricultural export
April 2019
Pakistan has the highest potential for agri-business development and global marketing. This study responded to standing views about the importance of infrastructure for agricultural trade in Pakistan. It raises the concern to investigate the basic trade facilitation for the transportation of agricultural commodities. This research focuses on transport infrastructure being basic distribution drives. A gravity model is...
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