Journal of
Engineering and Technology Research

  • Abbreviation: J. Eng. Technol. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9790
  • DOI: 10.5897/JETR
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 200

JETR Articles

Effect of immersion speed on the mechanical properties and micro-structure of oil quenched AISI 1020 steel

September 2014

Steel is one of the most important commodities in the engineering world due to its usefulness and availability. Its application is wider than any other metal, ranging from domestic use in the forms of utensils and many more to its use in construction and manufacturing industries. The wide range of application of steel in engineering practices has prompted the desire to increase certain mechanical properties to meet...

Author(s): Mudasiru L. O., Babatunde I. A., Raheem W. A. and Lasisi A. K.

Effect of battery effluent on plasticity and swelling characteristics of expansive soil

September 2014

Ground pollution is perpetuated by humans due to many reasons. Industrial activity is necessary for the socio-economic progress of a country, but at the same time, it generates large amount of solid and liquid wastes. Among various means available, disposal through land is simple and widely used. All types of pollution have either direct or indirect effect on soil properties. Behaviour of any contaminant in soil depends...

Author(s): S. Bali Reddy and A. V. Narashima Rao

Impact of industrial effluents on water quality of Kali river in different locations of Meerut, India

May 2014

Water covers approximately 70.9% of earth’s surface and is a vital source for all known forms of life. The study highlights the pernicious elements present in water of Kali River. Various physico-chemical parameters, like Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Total hardness, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), pH, Calcium, Magnesium, Chloride, and Sulphate were undertaken during present study. It...

Author(s): S. Sirohi, S. P. S. Sirohi and P. K. Tyagi

Mass and color kinetics of foamed and non foamed grape concentrate during convective drying process: A comparative study

May 2014

Experiments were conducted on drying of grape concentrate to form leather by using convective and foam mat drying process. Mass and color degradation kinetics of both non foamed and foamed grape concentrate were studied at selected temperatures (55, 65 and 75°C) at constant drying bed thickness of 5 mm. The results indicated that the drying took place in falling rate period where as higher drying rate was observed...

Author(s): Kalika Gupta and M. S. Alam

Parameter optimization of electrical discharge machining process by using Taguchi approach

April 2014

Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is one of the most extensively used non-traditional material removal processes for difficult-to-cut materials. The full potential of the EDM process has not yet been exploited due to its complicated discharge mechanism. Though a lot of research has been done to improve the process performance, optimal selection of process parameters for the best performance measures still remains a...

Author(s): Sameh S. Habib

Investigation of self-similar nature of video streaming traffic in corporate network

March 2014

In this work, a model of the corporate network had been developed, simulated and implemented using an optimized network engineering tool in a simulation area of 1.5 × 1.5 km enterprise topology network to stream video between each other. Total of 14,670 video traffic (traffic load) is streamed from different sources and destinations at random. The video streaming traffic is monitored, analyzed in view of...

Author(s): Shalangwa D. A. and Malgwi D. I.

Effect of Argon plasma and ion beam on the morphology and wettability of polyethylene terephthalate (PET)

March 2014

Plasma and ion beams are considered tools that can improve existing materials or create new materials. Their technology is widely used to alter the surface properties of polymers without affecting their bulk properties. The treated polymers have found various applications in microelectronics, biomedical and chemical industries. In this work, the use of Argon plasma and Argon ions produced from cold cathode ion source as...

Author(s): A. Atta, A. M. Abdel Reheem and M. M. Abdel Rahman

Evaluation of bandwidth performance in a corporate network by using simulation model

January 2014

In this work a corporate network model consists of two separate buildings with four departments on different virtual local area network (VLAN) for the security purpose had been developed. The implementation was achieved using OPNET technology which really helped to reveal the traffic characteristics of network just like in a real life network. The central idea of this work is focused on the choice of likely bandwidth...

Author(s): Shalangwa D. A.

Computational screening of ionic liquids as solvents for reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel

January 2014

COSMO-RS method was used in screening 2106 ionic liquids as alternate solvents to volatile n-dodecane used in PUREX. The distribution coefficients of uranylnitrate in ionic liquids/aqueous nitric acid biphasic system and the solubility of the ionic liquids in water were determined using COSMO-RS. Seventeen ionic liquids based on tetrafluoroborate BF4, were the most hydrophobic than others screened with...

Author(s): Yusuf A. Z., Zakir A., Mustapha S. I., Halima S. A. and Nuhu M.

A comparative study of meta-heuristics for identical parallel machines

September 2013

  This paper considers the scheduling problem of minimizing the weighted number of early and tardy jobs on identical parallel machines, Pm||∑wj(Uj + Vj). This problem is known to be NP complete and finding an optimal solution is unlikely. Six meta-heuristics including hybrids are proposed for solving the problem. The meta-heuristics considered are genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization and...

Author(s): M.O. Adamu and A. Adewunmi

Responses application to monitor and predict crude oil distillation rate using pneumatic control system on a furnace

September 2013

  In this paper, mathematical model were developed to evaluate the different types of responses for monitoring and predicting the furnace output temperature of crude oil at various time intervals. Result obtain reveals increase in furnace output temperature with increase in coefficient of time for different input signal at constant time. Similarly, as the time increases, it is observed that the furnace output...

Author(s): C. P. Ukpaka and B. Otabiri

Simulation of a sachet water processing plant using an analogous electrical model

July 2013

  This paper presents an electrical model for studying the process behaviour of a sachet water production plant. In this model, the mechanical components of the plant such as the connecting pipes, the water tanks and the water filter were represented by resistors, capacitors and an inductor, respectively. A state equation was developed as a mathematical model of the electrical circuit. In this equation,...

Author(s): Ani Vincent Anayochukwu

Performance of activated carbons in the catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO) of maleic acid

July 2013

  Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO) of maleic acid using palm fruit shell, peach stone and cashew nut shell as catalysts was investigated. Physical activation of pyrolised char with carbon dioxide was done at 900°C, 30 min holding time and heating rate of 20°C/min under nitrogen flowrate of 150 cm3/min. The activated carbons had maximum Brunauer Emmett-Teller (BET) surface areas of 389, 428 and...

Author(s): Lilian Daniel Kaale and Jamidu H. Y. Katima

Predictive modeling for an industrial naphtha reforming plant using a recurrent-layer artificial neural network

July 2013

  In this research, a layered-recurrent artificial neural network (ANN) using back-propagation method was developed for simulation of a fixed-bed industrial catalytic-reforming unit, called Platformer. Ninety-seven data points were gathered from the industrial catalytic naphtha reforming plant during the complete life cycle of the catalyst (about 919 days). A total of 80% of data were selected as past...

Author(s): Sepehr Sadighi and S. Reza Seif Mohaddecy

Application of nanotechnology in textile engineering: An overview

June 2013

  The use of nanotechnology in the textile industry has increased rapidly due to its unique and valuable properties. There is a considerable potential for profitable applications of nanotechnology in cotton and other textile industries. Its application can economically extend the properties and values of textile processing and products. The use of nanotechnology allows textiles to become multifunctional...

Author(s): J. K. PATRA and S. GOUDA

Flow characteristics of fluid and its effectiveness on orifice plate using pneumatic proportional control

June 2013

A number of studies on effect of temperature on the flow characteristics of various fluids have been carried out. The aim of this work was to examine the flow characteristics of hexane upon the influence of temperature as well as the effectiveness response of orifice plate using pneumatic proportional control. Knowledge of the past on temperature impact as one aspect of the information set held by various scientific and...

Author(s): C. P. Ukpaka and V. M. Ndor

Modeling the biosorption of crude oil in water using plantain pseudo stem as the adsorbent

June 2013

  Biosorption is a technique that can be used for the removal of pollutants from waters. A variety of biomaterials are known to bind these pollutants, including bacteria, fungi, algae, and industrial and agricultural wastes. In this work, the biosoption abilities of plantain pseudo stem towards crude oil are emphasized. Experimental and theoretical approach was used to monitor and predict the rate of...

Author(s): Okoromah Candy Ozioma and Ukpaka C. Peter

Performance evaluation of wireless multipath/shadowed G-distributed channel

June 2013

  In wireless communication the effect of multipath as well as shadowing takes place simultaneously over the channel and this phenomena leads to composite fading. G-distribution is frequently encountered distribution in wireless fading environment. Combination of multipath fading and shadowing model are used as composite fading model. This composite fading model is named as G-distribution. G-distribution...

Author(s): Govind Sharma, Ankit Agarawal and Vivek K. Dwivedi

Educational software for radial power system protection

June 2013

  This paper presents a set of analysis tools for self learning for radial power system protection training (Bouhenna 2010). It automates a radial feeder for an overcurrent protection that would include fault calculations, fuse-fuse co-ordination, current transformer, relay-relay and fuse-relay co-ordination, directional overcurrent protection, ground fault protection, automatic recloser and sectionalizer. The...

Author(s): Nasr-Eddine BOUHENNA

Formulation and characterization of self compacting concrete with silica fume

June 2013

  Self-compacting concrete (SCC) was elaborated using local materials and silica fume (SF) as admixture in 15% of cement quantity, two different Portland cements (PC) and two different superplasticizer that the chemical nature is polycarboxylate and plynaphtalene, the aggregates used are (AG 3/8 mm, AG 8/15 mm), coarse and fine sand (SC, SF) witch fineness modulus 3.2 and 1 in the order. The dosage of...

Author(s): Kennouche .S., Zerizer .A., Benmounah .A., Hami .B., Mahdad .M., Benouali .H.and Bedjou .S.

Implementation of neural network for monitoring and prediction of surface roughness in a virtual end milling process of a CNC vertical milling machine

May 2013

  This paper presents a real time simulation for virtual end milling process. Alyuda NeuroIntelligence was used to design and implement an artificial neural network. Artificial neural networks (ANN’s) is an approach to evolve an efficient model for estimation of surface roughness, based on a set of input cutting conditions. Neural network algorithms are developed for use as a direct modeling method, to...

Author(s): Hossam M. Abd El-rahman, R. M. El-Zahry and Y. B. Mahdy

Effects of viscosity on phase separation of liquid mixtures with a critical point of miscibility

May 2013

  After quenching a high-viscosity partially miscible critical liquid mixture to a temperature far below the critical point, we observed the formation of rapidly coalescing droplets, whose size grew linearly with time, indicating that phase separation process is driven byconvection. As predicted by the diffuse interface...

Author(s): Filomena Califano and Nicole James

Potential research of carbon (iv) oxide enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR) in Middle East

May 2013

  Anthropological carbon (iv) oxide (CO2) emissions to the atmosphere are identified as amajor driver for the global warming effect. Major CO2 emissions sources are locatedwithin power and industrial sectors where fossil fuels are consumed to generate...

Author(s): Meshal Algharaib

Bubble dynamics and interface phenomenon

March 2013

  The dispersion of gas into liquid is a complex part and it is depending on bubble size and its distribution including coalescence and breakup. The study of flow pattern, bubble size and its distribution and factors affecting the bubble size was reviewed by several authors. Various measurement techniques of bubble size are also reported in literature. In this paper we have made an attempt to show the...

Author(s): K. S. Agrawal

Modelling some ergonomic parameters with machine parameter using hand powered maize sheller

March 2013

  The economic situation in most developing countries have left farmers and processors operating at the small scale, hence the use of automated and electric power driven equipment is limited to the few large scale processors. The effect of the ergonomic parameters namely; weight, age, height and arm length in relation to the resulting efficiencies; shelling efficiency, cleaning efficiency, mechanical damage and...

Author(s): Ilori T. A., Raji A. O and O. Kilanko

Development of a realtime microcomputer-based logging system for diagnosis and research

March 2013

  In this research, a realtime temperature logging system that logs human temperature into the computer over a period was developed and the temperature chart produced is useful for diagnosis and research purposes. The graphical representation within the threshold temperature (36°C) depicts normal body temperature of a healthy person. An upshot beyond this temperature makes the logger to signal an audible...

Author(s): Ogidan O. K., Bamisaye, A. J. and Adeloye V. S. A.

An evolutionary programming embedded Tabu search method for hydro-thermal scheduling with cooling – banking constraints

February 2013

  This paper presents a new approach for solving the unit commitment problem (UCP) in hydro-thermal power system. The main objective of this paper is to find the generation scheduling by committing the generating units such that the total operating cost can be minimized by satisfying both the forecasted load demand and various operating constraints. It is a Global optimization technique for solving UCP,...

Author(s): Nimain Charan Nayak and C. Christober Asir Rajan

Design and simulation study of a simple ion injector

February 2013

  The stated purpose of this manuscript is to study the parameters of a single-gap accelerator system with a view to optimizing the transport of a beam of argon ions. A study is made for the main factors that must be considered on the design of an ion injector taking into account the appropriate design of the single gap accelerator column by doing such study both analytically and with ion beam simulation. These...

Author(s): M. M. Abdelrahman, N. I. Basal and S. G. Zakhary

Application of chemical injection on cooling treatment technology control of corrosion and fouling in petrochemical plant: Case study of Indorama Plc, Akpajo-Eleme

January 2013

  Corrosion and fouling has been a major menace to the operation, integrity and life expectancy of process equipment in the production line of refinery and petrochemical equipment. This research focuses on effective cooling water treatment technology by inhibitive and bio-remediative chemical injection to control fouling and minimizes corrosion in process equipment such as boiler, heat exchangers and heaters...

Author(s): C. P. Ukpaka

Design and construction of fish smoking kiln

January 2013

  The design and construction of fish smoking kiln was undertaken with the aim of improving the existing fish smoking kiln. The kiln consists of metal frame made of angle iron on which the entire component was assembled. The handle controls the speed of the ventilation fan through chain and sprocket. The charcoal housing is made of perforated metal sheet to allow for proper ventilation. The kiln is operated...

Author(s): ADAMU, I. G., KABRI, H. U., HUSSAINI, I. D. and MADA, A. D.

Trend in ground water fluctuation in Gidan Kwano Inland Valley of Niger State Nigeria

December 2012

  Trend in ground water table fluctuation was investigated on an experimental field of 18070.2 m2 between June and March of a following year. Five Piezometers were used to monitor the depth of water table at different locations. Findings indicated a depth of water table fluctuation between 0.4 cm above the soil surface and 200 cm below surface. Further analysis carried out on possible relationship between...

Author(s): O. S. Enokela, N. A. Egarevba and M. O. Isikwue

Sodium chloride concentration on the rheological and dynamic properties of aloe vera gel

December 2012

  Aloe vera gel is a highly medicinal gel which is in high demand in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry. Mathematical models were developed to simulate the rheological and dynamic properties of aloe vera gel in relation to the addition of sodium chloride (NaCl – common salt) at various concentrations. The result from the investigation shows the effect of sodium chloride concentration on the...

Author(s): Ukpaka C. P.

Improving Web Content Management System: Template personalization approach

December 2012

  Web Content Management System (WCMS) has been developed to facilitate different aspects of website development. However, up until now, designing of web pages is accomplished by the website developers. Even though WCMS might suggest a number of templates, but it does not consider the nature of the website that will be developed. Many designers have complained about designing the right structure, and different...

Author(s): Hebah ElGibreen and Samir El-Masri

Brain fingerprinting

November 2012

  Brain finger printing is based on finding that the brain generates a unique brain wave pattern when a person encounters a familiar stimulus. Use of functional magnetic resonance imaging in lie detection derives from studies suggesting that persons asked to lie show different patterns of brain activity than they do when being truthful. Issues related to the use of such evidence in courts are discussed. In the...

Author(s): Dhiraj Ahuja and Bharat Singh

Dielectric relaxation, electrical conductivity and impedance response of Barium titanate (BT) and Strontium titanate (ST) doped Ba(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3 ceramics

November 2012

  Lead-free polycrystalline ceramics of Ba(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3 and its solid solutions 0.91Ba(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3-0.09BaTiO3 (BFN-BT) and 0.91Ba(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3-0.09SrTiO3 (BFN-ST) were fabricated by a solid-state reaction process, and their electrical properties were characterized in a broad frequency range (100 Hz to 1 MHz) at a temperature range from 30 to 385°C. The prepared ceramics are single...

Author(s): N. K. Singh, Pritam Kumar, A. Kumar and S. Sharma

Experimental determination of damping ratios at higher modes for use in modal superposition

November 2012

  While carrying out the transient analysis, the major challenge is to provide accurate damping ratio data for higher modes as this is not reported. Hence an attempt is made to find out the damping ratios experimentally in this paper. Two approaches of experimental evaluation of damping ratios are discussed, for free and forced vibration, with four different materials namely: mild steel, aluminum, cast iron and...

Author(s): V. Ramamurti, S. Mithun, N. Prabhakar and T. Sukumar

Using structured analysis for the control of real-time systems

October 2012

After a presentation of the real time system analysis and design, we present the Structured Analysis for Real Time Systems, or SA-RT. This graphical design notation is focusing on analyzing the functional behaviour and information flow through a system. In fact, the modeling of the real time systems helps us to understand its working, without eliminating its complexity. Then, we present the graphic and textual formalism...

Author(s): M. N. LAKHOUA

Numerical study of heat transfer in pulsating turbulent air flow

October 2012

  A numerical investigation of heat transfer characteristics of pulsating turbulent flow in a circular tube is carried out. The flow is thermally and hydrodynamically fully developed and the tube wall is subjected to a uniform heat flux. The flow inlet to the pipe consists of fixed component and pulsating component that varies sinusoidally with time. The flow and temperature fields are computed numerically...

Author(s): E. A. M. Elshafei, M. Safwat Mohamed, H. Mansour and M. Sakr

Heat flux and plasma parameters in plasma welding by means of velocity shear instability

April 2012

  Industrial applications of plasma welding technology are in spot light in many industries. The flexibility of coupling electric field, magnetic field and parameters in plasma heat flux has been demonstrated in selected pilot scale and plasma welding for metallurgical and parametallurgical purpose. This paper present effect of different parameters: magnetic field, homogenous Direct Current electric field (DC),...

Author(s): R. K. Tyagi, A. Kumar and R. S. Pandey

Sliding mode application in speed control of an induction machine coupled in a hydraulic system

April 2012

  In this paper, a nonlinear control of an induction motor (IM) supplied with a photovoltaic generator to assure the level control of two coupled tanks is designed. The global system is decomposed into two separate models thus, coupled are assured by discontinuous command. In the first step, we propose a sliding mode technique to make the speed and the flux control of the IM robust to parameter variations....

Author(s): Mahmoud Ellouze, Riadh Gamoudi and Abdelkader Mami,

An optimal parametric design to improve pool boiling heat transfer of sintered surfaces

February 2012

  This study investigated the effect of design parameters on pool boiling heat transfer on the sintered surfaces of a tube. The pool boiling experiments were conducted in saturated, deionized and degassed water. Data were taken at an atmospherical pressure and a fixed heat flux of 41,000.In the experimentation, the effects of the sintering pressure, sintering time, sintering temperature, heating rate, and...

Author(s): Mao-Yu Wen, Ching-Yen Ho and Kuen-Jang Jang

Liquid crystal-reconfigurable conformal monopole antennas structures for microwave applications

February 2012

  In this article, the design of conformal monopole antennas on a very thin layer of flexible liquid crystals (LCs) is introduced. The flexible LC substrate can be bent and folded over the module case, resulting in a tight integration of the antenna with the frontend module. Firstly, a meander monopole antenna, designed for single band operation, is presented with details of the structure, simulation and...

Author(s): S. Missaoui and M. Kaddour

Recent advances of distributed optical fiber Raman amplifiers in ultra wide wavelength division multiplexing telecommunication networks

February 2012

  Recently, many research works have been focused on the fiber optic devices for optical communication systems. One of the main interests is on the optical amplifiers to boost a weak signal in the communication systems. In order to overcome the limitations imposed by electrical regeneration, a means of optical amplification was sought. The competing technology emerged: the first was Raman amplification. One...

Author(s): Abd El–Naser A. Mohamed, Ahmed Nabih Zaki Rashed and Mahmoud M. A. Eid

Investigation into the kinetics of biodegradation of crude oil in different soils

February 2012

  An experimental study was conducted to examine crude oil degradation in different soil (clay, sandy loamy and swampy soil) of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 ml × 10 kg-1 pollution. The polluted crude oil and soil samples were obtained from Niger Delta area of Nigeria and microbial analysis were conducted on the samples for the purpose of identification, isolation and characterization of possible microbes with a...

Author(s): C. P. Ukpaka

High speed performance of semiconductor electrooptic modulators for multi Gigahertz communication systems operation

January 2012

  The effects of electrodes geometry and temperature on high frequency radio frequency transmission characteristics are deeply investigated against semiconductor material based electro optic modulator devices such as aluminum gallium arsenide (AlGaAs) and optical waveguide parameters. On the other hand, we have developed the optimization of the electro-optic modulator parameters where the effective index plays...

Author(s):   Abd El–Naser A. Mohamed, Ahmed Nabih Zaki Rashed, Mohammed A. Metwae&#;e and Amira I. M. Bendary

Digital very-large-scale integration (VLSI) Hopfield neural network implementation on field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) for solving constraint satisfaction problems

January 2012

  This paper discusses the implementation of Hopfield neural networks for solving constraint satisfaction problems using field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). It discusses techniques for formulating such problems as discrete neural networks, and then it describes the N-Queen problem using this formulation. Finally results will be presented which compare the computation times for the custom computer against...

Author(s): A. Srinivasulu

Facial feature units’ localization using horizontal information of most significant bit planes

December 2011

  We present here an approach to find the exact position of some feature units related to human face images. We use the horizontal information in most significant bit planes of images to accomplish the task. Finding location of facial feature units is of importance as most human face recognition approaches take it as initial point. The prominent feature units in a face are eyes, nostrils and lips which are...

Author(s): Asif Khan, Khalilullah, Ihtesham-Ul-Islam and Mohammad A. U. Khan

N and P resorption efficiency and proficiency from leaves under different forest management systems of deciduous woody species

December 2011

  Leaf N and P resorption efficiency and proficiency were explored in three permanent (non–tiled) and unfertilised plots: a Castanea sativa mill. paraclimax coppice (CC), a chestnut orchard (CO), and Quercus pyrenaica Wild. climax forest (Oak), adjacent to the CO plot, all located in central western Spain. To estimate the seasonal variation of the nutrients contained in the leaves, 9,...

Author(s): S. Salazar, L. E. Sánchez, P. Galindo and I. Santa-Regina

Social aspects of engineering

December 2011

  This article discusses the relationships and linkages between the extended engineering profession and other intangible facets of human society. While describing how basic human needs, which engineers were used to satisfy, had transformed in the 21st century into a milieu of almost unlimited desires, the author emphasizes the new challenges engineering faces today. One of outcomes resulting from this change of...

Author(s): Amos Avny

The effect of mesophilic and thermophilic temperature on bonny light crude oil degradation in Niger Delta Area of Nigeria using Pseudomonas sp.

December 2011

  In this study the effect of mesophilic and thermophilic temperature on Bonny light crude oil degradation was tested on the freshwater and salt water media. To this end the pH, optical density, refractor index, specific gravity, density, microbial population and viscosity were determined using experiment analysis. Experiments were performed using environmentally relevant concentrations of the test substances...

Author(s): Ukpaka C. P.

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