Full Length Research Paper
This study aimed to evaluate the potential development of golden flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) under the influence of the application of sources and rates of nitrogen. The experiment was conducted in the field Unioeste, Campus Cascavel, State of Paraná, using the factorial design (2×5) randomized, two nitrogen sources (urea and ammonium sulphate) and five rates of nitrogen (0, 50 , 100, 150 and 200 kg ha-1). We evaluated the following characteristics: plant height, fresh (FWP) and dry weight (DWP) of plants, number of stems, number of capsules (NC), fresh and dry weight of capsules (FWC; DWC), 100-grain weight and yield (kg ha-1). The urea as nitrogen source had a positive influence on the productivity of flax, which was only influenced depending on the nitrogen source. Nitrogen rates influenced some production components, but not the crop.
Key words: Linum usitatissimum, nitrogen, fertilization, nutrition.
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