Full Length Research Paper
Insect infestation has a direct impact on agricultural food production and stored products, resulting in 20 to 30% product loss, and in severe cases, total loss. A laboratory study was conducted to determine the response of maize and bean weevils treated with different dosages and exposure times pyrethrum extract. The pyrethrum extracts were prepared at six dosage levels (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0% w/v) and mixed with 20 g of disinfested maize and bean grains in 750 ml plastic containers. The effect on insect mortality and grain damage was assessed. The result of the study revealed that all botanical extracts at all concentrations tested caused mortality in weevils with less lethal time than the untreated control. The untreated control resulted in no mortality of maize and bean weevils, while the botanicals caused a maximum mortality of 100% (higher doses) to a minimum mortality of 88.33% (low doses) 72 h after exposure. The pyrethrum extracts have the potential for controlling maize and bean grain weevils by killing adults and preventing them from using the grains as a food source.
Key words: Maize grains, bean grains, chemical control, pyrethrum extracts, maize weevils, bean weevil.
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