Full Length Research Paper
A survey was undertaken in eight districts (Parbhani, Nanded, Hingoli, Beed, Osmanabad, Jalna, Latur and Aurangabad) of Marathwada region during June to August in Kharif, 2009 to 2010. In all, 69 soybean fields were surveyed (roving survey) for recording the severity and incidence of soybean blight. The most serious poddisease was noticed on the soybean field of Parbhani district, followed by Hingoli, Nanded, Latur and Beed. The variety JS-335 showed the maximum pod blight severity in all surveyed districts. The average disease incidence was 14.5% in Marathwada region. The highest disease incidence (23%) was noticed in Parbhani district, followed by Hingoli (20%), Nanded (17%), Latur (15%) and Beed (13%). The lowest disease incidence (7%) was noticed in Jalna district. The pathogen was isolated and purified. Its pathogenicity was proven in pot culture. Further, on the basis of morphological, cultural characteristics of the pathogen and symptomatology, the fungal (Pseudomonas syringae is bacteria) pathogen was identified as Pseudomonas syringae.
Key words: Survey, bacterial blight, soybean, Pseudomonas syringae.
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