Despite the promulgation of various forest and wildlife policies aimed at ensuring the sustainability and conservation of the environment since 1874, Ghana continues to trail in issues regarding environmental control, especially in mitigating the upfront menace of deforestation and pollution of the environment. The desk review study, driven by qualitative research approach with document analysis, was undertaken to unearth the recurring challenges that have been the obstacles to achieving sustainability and conservation of the Ghanaian environment and resources. The study revealed that the main recurring challenges to the sustainability of Ghana’s forest and wildlife policies are lack of stakeholder participation of local people, factorization of cultural practices, strong implementation strategies, proper documentation for equitable distribution of resources to the local people, and provision of sustainable alternative sources of livelihood for local residents. The study suggested pragmatic ways through which conservation planners could ensure the sustainability of Ghana’s forest and wildlife policies for optimum environmental protection.
Key words: Environmental sustainability, ecosystem conservation, biodiversity, wildlife, policies.
CBD, Convention on Biological Diversity; CFC, Community Forest Committee; CFMU, Collaborative Forest Management Unit; EPA, Environmental Protection Agency; FRMP, Forest Resource Management Project; FPP, Forest Preservation Programme; GFDMP, Ghana Forestry Development Master Plan; GFIP, Ghana Forest Investment Plan; GFW, Ghana Forest Watch; GFWP, Ghana Forest and Wildlife Policy; GNA, Ghana News Agency; GSS, Ghana Statistical Service; ITPC, Indigenous and Tribal People’s Convention; MLF, Ministry of Lands and Forestry; MLNR, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources; MSE, Ministry of Science and Environment; NBS, National Biodiversity Strategy; TUC, Timber Utilisation Contract; UNCED, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development; UNDRIP, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People.
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