Full Length Research Paper
Three field sites were selected during the raining season (July to October) of 2004, 2005 and 2006 at the Institute for Agricultural Research, Ahmadu Bello University, in Samaru, Zaria, Nigeria to determine the effect of scab on the yield of cowpea variety (Ife brown) intercrop with cereals. This variety (Ife Brown) selected was highly susceptible to scab. Any reduction in yield is attributed to the disease since it affects all the above ground parts of the plant. Pod abortion was observed and pods were deformed and transformed into mummies. The yields obtained from the different cropping patterns were calculated using land equivalent ratio (LER) to compare the yield from the different cropping patterns with the yield of sole cowpea. Sole cropped cowpea had a higher yield than the other cropping patterns. Improved practices yielded more for both cowpea and cereals than farmers’ practices. Strip cropping proved better for improved practices and inter-row for farmers’ practices. Cowpea grain yield from farmers’ practices were lower in quantity and of poor quality (being wrinkled) than yield from the other cropping patterns.
Key words: Scab, cowpea, intercrop, maize, sorghum.
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