Full Length Research Paper
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of temperate climate plant species and two different types of fertilizer on the yield components related to summer maize crop productivity in an area with a history of 5 years of soybean/black oat succession cropping in a no-tillage system in ArenitoCaiua, Northwestern Paraná State, Brazil. The experiment was conducted in split blocks, with 6 blocks and 16 treatments (8 winter crops and 2 types of fertilizer). The maize hybrid used was DKB 390PRO. The following yield components were evaluated: plant height and height of first-ear insertion; final plant population; ear length and diameter; number of rows per ear, number of grains per row and number of grains per ear; weight of 100 grains and yield. It can be concluded that all succession systems are agronomically viable for maize production in the ArenitoCaiua region, in conjunction with adequate crop nutrition management, especially the winter common vetch/summer maize succession system fertilized with poultry litter which produced the best maize yield.
Key words: Potato, yield component, fertilizer.
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