Organically managed agricultural land surface is widely increasing all over the world and organic olive farming in suitable environments as well. Both olive oil and pickled olive fruits demand is rising and organic products register an increasing tendency, mainly in the northern European and American markets. Scientific literature reports several studies about organic olive farming, but a comprehensive summary is lacking. Economic social implication represents a pivotal aspect in the passage from conventional to organic farming in olive and the price perception of organic productions in the market is a strong physiological threshold. Soil fertility maintenance through minimal soil disturbance, permanent soil cover and organic matter application helps to prevent soil erosion, increase organic matter availability and biodiversity reducing external input supply with higher autonomy for the ecosystem. A good organic matter cycle management allows a more efficient use of minimal amounts of organic fertilizers and an improved possibility to integrate plant nutrition with fertigation or foliar applications so that to reduce the leaching and the environmental pollution. As well, the use of olive oil by-products as amendment and source of nutrients has been studied and is advisable. The study and the selection of more resistant cultivars improve the effectiveness of the organic approach for pest and disease management in the vision of an integrated approach of the whole factors involved in the production process.
Key words: Olea europaea L., soil fertility, conservative farming, nutrition, biodiversity.
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