Full Length Research Paper
Between the varieties of Cactus Pear Forage resistant to Cochineal Carmine, the Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (OEM), Baiana (BA) and Miúda (MI) were found. The adoption of these varieties and dissemination in the areas damaged by this plague are directly related to provision of seeds cladodes. The method of propagation through fractionation of cladode is an alternative in cases where this availability is deficient. The experiment is aimed at analyzing the development of varieties of Cactus Pear Forage through propagation by fractionation of cladode. The experiment was conducted in randomized design blocks factorial 3×5 with three repetitions, corresponding to three varieties of Cactus Pear and five fractions of cladode (whole, 1/2 cladode, 1/4 cladode, 1/2 cladode inferior and 1/2 cladode superior). The ways of propagation did not affect the survival of the plant and number of cladodes. Major heights and widths of plants were obtained with whole cladodes. The whole cladode proportioned higher productivity in green and dry mass. The content of dry matter was superior in variety MI and the major productivity in OEM and BA. It was concluded that fractionation of cladode is mostly indicated in OEM but was absent in MI.
Key words: Cochineal carmine, nopalea, opuntia, resistant varieties.
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