Full Length Research Paper
Mineral nutrition has a major influence on growth and, consequently, on the production and quality of fruits. However, little is known about the effect of fertilization with micronutrients on pineapple, especially under tropical conditions. So, the goal of the present study was to evaluate the effects of soil and leaf fertilization with micronutrients on the postharvest and sensory quality of pineapple cv. Vitória produced under two different soil covers. The physical (weight and length) and chemical (total sugars and ratio soluble solid/titratable acidity-SS/TA) characteristics of the fruits were determined. A sensory analysis was performed to evaluate the acceptability of the external appearance of the whole fruit and slices (color, flavor and overall acceptability). The purchase intent and intensity of acid taste were also assessed. Application of micronutrients increased sugar content and SS/TA ratio, especially when applied on leaves, and caused higher weight and length of the fruits. Therefore, these positive effects of micronutrients can be contributed to the good market acceptability of pineapple cv. Vitória, evidenced by sensory analysis. Fruits of Vitória pineapple mulched with black plastic showed higher total sugars concentrations, which may have contributed to a sweeter taste and, consequently, better consumer acceptance.
Key words: Ananas comosus, fertilization, soil cover, fruit quality, sensory analysis.
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