Full Length Research Paper
The poor plantain output problem in Anambra centers on the efficiency with which farmers use resources on their plantain farm. It also borders on how the various factors that affect plantain production can be examined, so as to improve plantain production in the country. The inefficiency problem is attributed to factors such as use of low input technologies, lack of knowledge of high input technologies, amongst others. The study therefore examined farmers’ productivity of improved plantain technologies in Anambra State, Nigeria. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, productivity indices, multiple regression and gross margin analysis. Analysis of productivity indices based on resource use efficiency shows that the farmers are highly efficient in the use of planting materials and labor. The results of the multiple regression analysis revealed that farmers’ age, farm size, household size, educational status, planting materials, extension contact and labor are the main determinants of plantain productivity in the state. Gross margin per hectare of plantain averaged N988750 while net farm income averaged N980250. Rate of returns on capital invested is N2.3 implying that plantain production is a profitable and viable venture. The study therefore recommends the organization of field days and farmers’ training on the use of high yielding planting materials. Procurement and distribution of improved varieties to farmers by Anambra State Agricultural Development Programme at the right time and at affordable prices are effective strategies for stimulating plantain productivity in the area.
Key words: Gross margin, plantain production technologies, productivity, resource-use.
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