Full Length Research Paper
There is a growing concern in many developing countries of sub-Saharan Africa on the harmful effects of synthetic herbicide usage on the agro-ecology, as well as food crop production. Therefore, this study focused on analyzing the factors that influence the adoption of bio-herbicide technology as an alternative to the chemical herbicides used by rural farmers in the North-Eastern region of Nigeria. Multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 330 small-holder farmers in the study area using structured questionnaires. The data obtained were analyzed using Probit Regression Model. The results of Probit Regression identified the farmers’ age, educational status, farm-size, access to extension services, farming experience, and membership in cooperative society as the factors which influenced adoption of the bio-herbicide technology by farmers in the study area. It was recommended that an awareness campaign on the new bio-herbicide technology among farmers in the area should be intensified. The farmers’ access to education and extension services should be improved to enhance adoption of bio-herbicides technology which will impact significantly on the food production in the area. Also, farmers should be encouraged to be part of cooperative societies as a way to improving the adoption of Bio-herbicides for increased productivity.
Key words: Adoption, bio-herbicides, sustainable, food, Probit Model.
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