Full Length Research Paper
Yield is the characteristic by which a cultivar is commonly judge. A cultivar may be considered satisfactory only if it is able to produce a good yield in comparison to others at various times and in various situations. Trials were conducted in the rainy seasons of 2007 and 2008 at the Kogi State University Teaching and Research Farm (Longitude 07°061 N; 43°E), Anyigba, Kogi State, Nigeria to investigate the response of seven cultivars of upland (NERICA 1-7) rice sown by three sowing methods: broadcasting, dibbling and drilling. Treatments consisted of three sowing methods (drilling at 20 cm apart, dibbling at 20 × 20 cm and even broadcasting of seeds) of seven NERICA varieties. Results of statistical analysis revealed that crop establishment responded significantly to sowing method and cultivar. Significant influence of cultivar was also observed on final plant height and paddy yield. Significant interactions (sowing method × cultivar) were observed on establishment count and paddy yield/ha. The combined results of both seasons show that NERICA 5 gave the highest paddy yield. However, considering the individual years, the most consistent cultivar was NERICA 6. Thus, it is recommended for the experimental area.
Key words: Sowing method, establishment count, plant height, tiller formation, paddy yield.
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