Full Length Research Paper
Invasive alien weed species; are non-indigenous species that have adverse economic, environment and ecological effects on habitats where they have been introduced, either accidentally or deliberately, outside their normal past or present distribution. The objective of this study was to determine the distribution and abundance of emerging invasive weeds in West Shewa and East Wollega Zones of Western Oromia. The biophysical survey was conducted by stopping along main and sub-roads accessible for, vehicle at 8 to10km interval. At each stop a 20m by 20m area was used to determine distribution and abundance of the invasive weeds. Five major emerging invasive weeds i.e Senna occidentalis, Senna didymobotrya, Xanthium spinosum and Carduus spp, Cirsium spp were identified as, important emerging invader species in the study area. Infestation of these weeds was mostly observed on roadsides, around human habitations, in pasture and waste lands and even crop fields. The extent of distribution varied among habitat and locations surveyed, ranging from none to abundant infestation of the alien weed species.
Key words: Ethiopia, emerging weeds, invasive weeds, weed abundance, weed distributions, weeds.
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