Full Length Research Paper
This study evaluated the presence of integument dormancy in Melanoxylon brauna seeds by testing the influence of nine pre-germination treatments on seed germination compared to a control (no pre-germination) treatment. Pre-germination treatments include; immersion in sulfuric acid for 5 min, 10 min, 15 min and 30 min, hot water at 80°C without soaking, hot water at 80°C with soaking for 30 min, 90 min, 24 h, and mechanical scarification. The experiment consisted of a completely randomized design, with four replicates and 25 seeds per experimental unit. Percentage germination, germination speed, number of normal and abnormal seedlings, and mortality rate were evaluated. Seeds began to germinate at four days, and germination varied from 33 to 89%, with the highest percentage found in hot water with or without soaking for 30 min, which not differed statiscally from control. Immersion in sulfuric acid for longer than 10 min reduced seed germination and increased mortality rate. We conclude that M. brauna seeds do not undergo seed dormancy, and there is no need to apply pre-germinating treatments to its seeds.
Key words: Dormancy, seed technology, Leguminosae.
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