Full Length Research Paper
To analyze genetic variability of 48 brinjal genotypes by Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers, four primers named smSSR01, smSSR03, smSSR11 and smSSR14 were selected for analyze the data. Four primers generated clear bands and a total of 44 alleles were detected among the 48 brinjal genotypes (9.0 to 14.0 alleles per locus with a mean of 11.0 alleles per locus). According to Nei’s (1973), the highest level of gene diversity value 0.8672 was observed in loci smSSR11 and the lowest level of gene diversity value 0.6580 was observed in the loci smSSR14 with a mean diversity of 0.7847. As a measure of the informativeness of microsatellites, the PIC value ranges from a low of 0.6413 (smSSR14) to a high of 0.8536 (smSSR11) and averaged 0.7660. The genetic distance (GD) between genotypes was computed from combined data for the four primers, ranging from 0.250 to 1.000. The highest genetic distance (1.000) was observed between Morich Begun (Small) vs. Laffa (Long, Violet), Morich Begun (Small) vs. BARI Begun -1 and many other genotype pairs and also the lowest genetic distance (0.250) was found in Morich Begun (Small) vs. Pahoza-2, Morich Begun (Small) vs. BAU Begun-1, Singnath (Long, Violet) vs. Laffa BAU (Long, Violet), Borka (Long, Green) vs. Purple Long and many other genotype pairs. The Unweighed Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Means (UPGMA) cluster tree analysis lead to the grouping of the 48 genotypes into seven major clusters and the genotypes that are derivatives of genetically similar type form cluster together. Maximum brinjal genotypes include cluster IV. The SSR markers used in the present study were able to differentiate forty eight brinjal genotypes genetically. The results of the study suggested that SSR can be used as a suitable genetic marker to identify the brinjal genotypes. However, further studies involving large number of genotypes and primers need to be conducted to get more precise information and help enhance the knowledge of students and researchers relating to molecular characterization of other solanaceious crops.
Key words: Brinjal, SSR, Genetic Diversity
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