Full Length Research Paper
This study aimed to analyze food production and verify the purpose of production in rural settlements, in different mesoregions of the state of Alagoas. Semi-structured interviews were used, with 245 families from six settlements distributed in the three mesoregions: East, Agreste, and Sertão, resulting in a diversity of crops in regions with water availability, and the main crops, such as corn and beans, occuring only during the rainy season. Livestock farming stood out in semi-arid regions, and it was discovered that production is intended for sale and consumption. Livestock farming is uncommon in the eastern region, and the focus is on self-sufficiency. It is concluded that plant and animal production in the six settlements is primarily for self-sufficiency. Low productivity was prevalent in the families of the three mesoregions studied. Obstacles included edaphoclimatic conditions and the absence of public policies that allow for increased production.
Key words: Agriculture, production for self-consumption, public policy.
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