Full Length Research Paper
This study aimed to characterize cropping systems of greater nightshade (Solanum macrocarpon) in the market garden areas located along the coastal zone in the South. Socio-economic profile of producers, soil fertility management practices, constraints and nuisances related to the use of organic fertilizers, as well as the endogenous solutions desired by producers were collected from 120 producers in the communes of Grand-Popo and Sèmè-Kpodji. The data collected were subjected to descriptive statistics and the quantitative data was subjected to the Student's t-test. Similarly, the typology of producers was carried out through a bottom-up numerical classification followed by a principal component analysis (PCA) and the determinants of fertilization practice through a binary logic regression. The results reveal that the main organic fertilizers used are poultry droppings (85%), cattle manure (45%), and household waste. The main associated mineral fertilizers are urea (95.8%) and NPK in order to improve soil fertility, and therefore yields. According to cultivation practices, there are five groups of market gardeners. The mode of application of mineral fertilizers, the number of farmworkers in the household, and the availability of poultry droppings (p<0.01 to p<0.001) are the main factors that determine the application of fertilizers by market gardeners.
Key words: Horticulture, greater nightshade, soil conservation, organic matter, mineral fertilizers.
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