October 2013
Effects of nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) on canola (Brassica napus L.) vegetative and reproductive growth under controlled conditions
Canola is becoming a major source of vegetable oil with increasing demand in South Africa, yet low yields are presently experienced in production areas of the Western Cape Province. Crop response to fertiliser applications in field trials under rainfed conditions are often poor, because of a large number of growth factors that may limit growth and yield. To determine how canola responds to nitrogen (N) with...
October 2013
Changes in soil physical properties under yam production on a degraded soil amended with organomineral fertilizers
Low crop yield has been attributed to soil degradation. Degraded soils require amendments for optimum crop performance. Research has shown that organomineral fertilizer (OMF) has higher potential manorial value for soil amendment. Therefore, a field experiment was carried out between 2007 and 2008 using OMF to improve physically degraded soil and consequently increasing the yields of yam. Organomineral...
October 2013
Nitrogen rates descendant from slow release fertilizers in maize top-dressing fertilization
Maize (Zea mays L.) is a very important cultivation for Brazilian agriculture and throughout the years it has been enlarged in the country. It is cultivated in two seasons, the summer plantation and the winter-maize which happens after the soy harvesting. Brazil is one of the biggest maize producers and in order to increase this production it is necessary to use certain practices such as nitrogen...
October 2013
Shear parameters associated with compaction states and degrees of water saturation in two Hapludox
The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of three states of compaction and two degrees of initial water saturation in direct shear parameters in two Hapludox. We studied a Hapludox-LVd (0.55 kg kg-1 clay) and a Hapludox-LVdf (0.62 kg kg-1 de argila), in Brazil. We made a map of isolines of soil resistance to of the 0.07-0.12 m layer, which had a higher compaction state and, along with the soil...
October 2013
Energy savings, cogeneration of electricity and water use in rural areas: Case study of Algarrobo irrigation community
This study analyzed the effects of irrigation modernization on energy savings, cogeneration of electricity and water conservation, using the Algarrobo irrigation community (Spain) as a case study. Traditional surface irrigation systems and modern sprinkler systems occupy 73 and 27% of the irrigated area, respectively. Virtually all the irrigated area is devoted to field crops. Nowadays, farmers are investing...
October 2013
Application of ordinal logistic regression model for evaluation of skin quality grading data in Sheep
This study was conducted to compare and evaluate skin quality grading of two indigenous (Blackhead Ogaden [B1] and Hararghe Highland [B2]) with two crossbreds (½Dorper½Blackhead Ogaden [B3] and ½Dorper½Haraghe Highland [B4] lambs. Following a 90 days feeding trial period, 6 lambs from each breed, a total of 24 lambs were randomly selected and...
October 2013
Study on abomasal nematodes of sheep and goats: Comparison and characterization of vulvar morphology of Haemonchus in Hawassa, Ethiopia
The study was conducted from November, 2011 to April, 2012. Two hundred and twenty two sheep and 174 goats’ abomasum were examined according to the standard procedures. The overall prevalence of abomasal nematode was 82% for sheep and 76.4% for goats. The parasitic species specific prevalence was 80.6, 25.7 and 14.8% for Haemonchus species, Trichostrongylus axei and Teladorsagia...
October 2013
Economics analysis of minor millets in Bastar district of Chhattisgarh
Paddy is main crop of Chhattisgarh, however, millets are important food for sustaining tribal population in Bastar region of Chhattisgarh, India. Keeping in view of livelihood importance of minor millets for Bastar tribes, the present enquiry related to its production, marketing and processing was proposed to undertaken in Bastar district of Chhattisgarh. Out of total millets grower farmers, 10% farmers were...
October 2013
Soil macro- and micro- nutrient status of Senapati district, Manipur (India)
A study of the macro- and micro-nutrients of some soils of Senapati district, Manipur (India) was carried out to study the soil fertility and micro- nutrient status and their relationship with each other. Surface soil (0 to 30 cm) was investigated for diethylene-triaminepentaacetate (DTPA)- extractable Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe and hot water extractable B in relation to some chemical properties in 20...
October 2013
Evaluation for allelopathic impact of Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) wight and arn bark against Cassia sophera
Allelopathic performance of the aqueous extract of bark of Terminalia arjuna on Cassia sophera was evaluated under laboratory conditions. Aqueous extract of bark were prepared at different concentrations of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10%. Ten seeds of test plant were kept for germination in sterilized Petri dishes of 9 cm diameter lined double with double layer of blotting paper moistened with...
October 2013
Chlorophyll a fluorescence in two varieties of sugar cane subjected to aluminum and water stress
Soils of open pasture in the Cerrado (brazilian savanna) have farming limitations related to the high content of aluminum and water restrictions in the superficial horizons, due to easy drainage and large exposure to high levels of irradiance. Aiming to assess chlorophyll a fluorescence’s responses in two varieties of sugar cane in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul subjected to water...
October 2013
Character association and path analysis in hip rose (Rosa sp.) genotypes collected from North Western Himalayan region of Kashmir
Thirty six genotypes of hip rose (Rosa sp.) collected from different areas of Kashmir valley and studied for nine polygenic characters. These revealed higher PCV than corresponding genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) for plant height, fruit yield, fruit weight, fruit diameter, fruit length, pulp content, pulp to seed ratio, TSS and number of seeds. High heritability accompanied by moderate to high...
October 2013
Genetic variability for quantitative and qualitative characters in Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)
In Brinjal significant variability is available in the land races and hybrids. They have several matchless characteristics of plant breeding significance with sufficient scope for added improvement to outfit the traditional growing conditions. Many land races also display heritable resistance and/or tolerance to some biotic stresses. The present study which consisted of 14 parents (10 land races, 4 commercial...
October 2013
Effect of fungicides, botanicals, bioagents and Indigenous Technology Knowledge (ITK’s) on germination of urediniospores of Puccinia sorghi in vitro
Tebuconazole 250 EC (4.78% urediniospores germination) was found to be significantly superior among the eight systemic fungicides evaluated in vitro condition against Puccinia sorghi at different concentrations. Among the non-systemic fungicides Mancozeb + Phyton (7.24% urediniospores germination) was found to be significantly superior followed by Mancozeb (24.44% urediniospores...
October 2013
Effects of different light-emitting diode (LEDs) on fruit yield of greenhouse cucumber
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus cv Delstar) was grown in greenhouse under different light-emitting diode (LEDs) to investigate the effects of different light waves on yield forms. Three treatments (red, Blue, and White) were conduct from 4 March 2008 to 24 June 2008. Results showed that, Blue light treatment got highest marketable production and marketable fruit ratio per plant, the value was 2309 g and 0.81...