April 2013
Overview of pepper (Capsicum spp.) breeding in West Africa
The genus Capsicum (sweet and hot pepper) harbors an incredible intra and inter-specific diversity in fruit type, color, shape, taste, and biochemical content. Its potential uses and benefits to mankind cover many areas such as food and nutrition, medicine, cosmetic, plant based insecticides (PBI), and income. The cash income potential combined with the fact that peppers are easy to grow, harvest, and process...
April 2013
A review of regeneration and genetic transformation in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp)
Biotechnology techniques including plant tissue culture and recombinant DNA technologies are important tools that can complement traditional breeding. Progress has been slow in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.), mainly due to its recalcitrant in plant regeneration and genetic transformation. Despite this, some achievements have been obtained. This review presents a consolidated account of explants used, mode of...
April 2013
Study on productive performances and egg quality traits of exotic chickens under village production system in East Shewa, Ethiopia
The study was conducted to determine productive performances and egg quality traits of Isa Brown (IB), Bovan Brown (BB) and Potchefstroom Koekoek (PK) under village production system in Ada’a and Lume districts of East Shewa, Ethiopia. A total of 180 randomly selected smallholder farmers were included in the study from six purposively selected Peasant Associations (PAs) from the two districts. Information was...
April 2013
Nutrient, benthic algae relationships in the Sinop Karagol-Aksaz Marsh, Turkey
Investigation of nutrient and composition of benthic algae from chosen random sampling station on Karagöl-Aksaz Marsh were researched between November 2005 and November 2006. In addition, some physical and chemical parameters (soluble reactive phosphorus, total phosphorus, NH4, NO3, Cl, chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), carotenoid, pH, O2) were measured. Benthic...
April 2013
Elimination of lime causing clogging in emitters by chemical methods in drip irrigation
Emitter clogging is one of the most serious problems facing users of drip irrigation systems using poor irrigation water and groundwater. It can affect negatively irrigation system performance and crop yield. The objectives of this study were to to determine the appropriate HCl amount (2.5, 5, 10, 500 and 1000 ppm) and whether these acid rates could open the clogged emitters (25, 50 and 100%) with additional...
April 2013
Deficit irrigation scheduling for potato production in North Gondar, Ethiopia
Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) is one of the important and popular fruits in the temperate countries of the world due to its fragrance, taste and nutritional properties. Due to its popularity and increasing demand in Bangladesh, an experiment was conducted to establish a rapid in vitro clonal propagation of seven strawberry genotypes and their field evaluation under Bangladesh condition....
April 2013
Evaluation of brown seaweed (Padina pavonica) as biostimulant of plant growth and development
An innovative horticulture nutrient and biodegradable support is described in this paper for replacing plastic culture pots. This support is prepared with Luffa aegyptica, plant having a water holding capacity higher than that of the regular soil and that is also biodegradable. Brown seaweed Padina pavonica was incorporated as an organic fertilizer of plant growth. Chemical analysis of the aqueous...
April 2013
Biomass allocation and nitrogen distribution of Pinus wallichiana Jackson seedlings under different nitrogen fertigation levels
Pinus wallichiana seeds were sown in polybags filled with sterilized riverbed sand in 2010. Seedlings were thinned out to one seedling per polybag, which were treated weekly with Ingestad pretreatment nutrientsolution for 4 weeks and then were fertigated with nitrogen levels of 0.99, 1.98, 2.97, 3.96, 4.95, 5.94, 6.93, 7.92, 8.91 and 9.90 mg and fixed levels of phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium...
April 2013
Natural parasitism of agromyzid leafminer, Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) on field pea
The leafminer, Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau), (Diptera: Agromyzidae) which infests field pea, is exposed to various parasitoids. Observations were made on the seasonal incidence and parasitization of agromyzid leafminer, C.horticola in Pea crop fields at Pantnagar, Uttarakhand (India) during cropping season of the year 2009 to 2010, 2010 to 2011. Leafminer infested leaves were randomly...
April 2013
Effect of seaweed saps on growth and yield improvement of green gram
A field experiment was conducted during the pre-kharif season at Uttar Chandamari village in 2012 to study the effects of seaweed saps on growth, yield and quality improvement of green gram in new alluvial soil of West Bengal. The foliar spray was applied twice at different concentrations (0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 and 15.0% v/v) of seaweed extracts (namely Kappaphycus and Gracilaria). Foliar...
April 2013
Economic analysis of sheep farming activities in Turkey
In this study, economic analysis of agricultural farming that also involves sheep farming in Konya Province in Turkey was done and then the effective factors in sheep farming activities were determined. The average household size of farms was 3.97 people and the average size of farms was 137.95 ha. The value of the total assets was composed of 57.44% fixed capital and 42.56% operating capital in farms. The average gross...
April 2013
Micropropagation and field evaluation of seven strawberry genotypes suitable for agro-climatic condition of Bangladesh
Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) is one of the important and popular fruits in the temperate countries of the world due to its fragrance, taste and nutritional properties. Due to its popularity and increasing demand in Bangladesh, an experiment was conducted to establish a rapid in vitro clonal propagation of seven strawberry genotypes and their field evaluation under Bangladesh condition....