African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6915

Table of Content: 15 May 2014; 9(20)

May 2014

An evaluation of mango (Mangifera indica L.) germplasm for future breeding programme

Evaluation of physical and chemical characteristics of fruit crops has been successfully used for selection of improved cultivars for breeding programs. The study was conducted at typical subtropical conditions in North-West India for evaluating the variability of mango germplasm to conserve the elite ones and identify the superior genotypes based on fruit quality for multiplication and for future crop improvement....

Author(s): Manveen Kaur, J. S. Bal, L. K. Sharma and S. K. Bali

May 2014

Effects of soaking on moisture: Dependent mechanical properties of some selected grains essential to design of grain drinks processing machine

The effects of soaking on moisture - dependent mechanical properties of some selected grains essential to design of an automatic continuous grain drinks processing machine was studied. Three grain types were used for the study, they are white maize, white sorghum and large seeded soya beans. The  white maize and white guinea corn were soaked for  36 h, while large seeded soya beans was soaked for 12 h in...

Author(s): Gana, I. M., Peter, A. I., Gbabo, A. and Anuonye, J. C.

May 2014

Response of tomato (Lycopersicium lycopersicun, CV UC82B) to drip irrigation and planting conditions

Studies were conducted in 2007/2008 cropping seasons under a tropical greenhouse (GH) and open field (OF) of the National Horticultural Research Institute (NIHORT) experimental farm. Seeds were sown into the nursery in October, 2007 and January, 2008 for the GH and OF after soil sterilization. Soil samples were analyzed for micro and macro nutrients. Organic manure: Poultry (PM) and horse (HM) wastes and irrigation...

Author(s): S. O. Afolayan, K. Ogedengbe, S. A. Lateef, O. A. Akintola and O. J. Oladele

May 2014

Physiological and biochemical performance of Pouteria ramiflora (Mart.) Radlk. seeds harvested at different maturation stages and subjected to drying

This study aimed to evaluate alterations in the physiological and biochemical performance of Pouteria ramiflora (Mart.) Radlk. seeds at different maturation stages when subjected to drying. The seeds were harvested at two maturation stages (unripe and ripe). A sample of seeds at each maturation stage was not subjected to drying (control), and another sample was subjected to drying in a convection oven at 35°C until...

Author(s): Lílian Abadia da Silva, Juliana de Fátima Sales, João Almir Oliveira, Heloisa Oliveira dos Santos, Túlio Silva Lara and Marcos Antônio Soares

May 2014

A concise scheme of vegetation boundary terms in subtropical high mountains

There are numerous terms used to describe the vegetation boundary in high mountains. It is essential to define and agree on a unified usage for these terms. The literature review method had been used in this paper to clarify the vegetation boundary terms and their scopes. The result revealed that these terms were much diversified and ambiguous, and more or less related and infringed with each other in...

Author(s): Ching-An Chiu, Mei-Fen Lee, Hsy-Yu Tzeng, Min-Chun Liao,

May 2014

Evaluation of organic and inorganic amendments on nutrient uptake, phosphorus use efficiency and yield of maize in Kisii County, Kenya

Soil phosphorous and nitrogen are the major constraints to maize production in Nyanza Province of Kenya. The yields are typical of low input systems ranging below 1.0 t ha-1 against a potential of 5.0 t ha-1 per season. This study was conducted at Bototo, Kisii County in Nyanza Province, Kenya, during the long and short rains seasons in 2007. The aim was to determine the effects of phosphatic fertilizers and manure on...

Author(s): Jacob S. Ademba, Johnson K. Kwach, Silas M. Ngari   Anthony O. Esilaba and Nelson L. Kidula

May 2014

Impact of differential storage conditions on seed germination and viability of some medicinal plants

The present study describes the impact of different storage comportments on germination and viability of seven plant species of ethno-medicinal importance in Chhattisgarh state of India. Seeds were subjected to various storage environments (room and low temperature); storage types (polythene bag, cloth bag, aluminum foil, paper bag) and storage durations (3, 6 and 9 months). Observation on germination percentage clearly...

Author(s): R. K. S. Tiwari and Kuntal Das

May 2014

Less oil but more money! Artisanal palm oil milling in Cameroon

The present study was carried out in four of the seven oil palm production basins generated during the Fonader-sponsored smallholder development scheme in the late Seventies and Eighties. The four basins include: Eseka, Dibombari, Muyuka, and Lobe. The objective of our study was to understand why oil palm smallholders prefer to mill their fresh fruit bunches (FFB) despite the low extraction rates of the artisanal mills...

Author(s): Raymond N. NKONGHO, Yvonne NCHANJI, Ofundem TATAW and Patrice LEVANG,

May 2014

Occurrence of green lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) in two coffee cropping systems

The aim of this study was to explore the diversity of lacewings in two coffee (Coffea arabica L.) cropping systems, located in the southwestern region of Bahia State, Brazil, and to study the structure of their communities and the seasonal occurrence of the species. These studies were conducted from December 2003 to November 2004, with coffee plants that were either shaded or unshaded by silky oak trees (Grevillea...

Author(s): Ana Elizabete Lopes Ribeiro, Maria Aparecida Castellani, Raquel Pérez-Maluf, Aldenise Alves Moreira, Suzany Aguiar Leite and Daniela Ribeiro da Costa

May 2014

Impact of entrepreneurship training on rural poultry farmers adoption of improved management practices in Enugu State, Nigeria

The study examined the impact of entrepreneurship training on rural poultry farmers’ adoption of improved management practices in Enugu State, Nigeria. Data were collected from two hundreds randomly selected rural poultry farmers that were trained on entrepreneurship by use of questionnaire. Data were analyzed with both descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed that before the training, majority (70%)...

Author(s): Ezeibe A. B. C., Okorji E. C., Chah J. M. and Abudei R. N.

May 2014

Productivity of maize-legume intercropping systems under rainfed situation

The present experiment was carried out to study the intercropping effect of green gram, black gram, soybean, groundnut and red gram with maize during kharif season of 2009 and 2010. Treatments consisted of sole crop of maize [rows spaced 60 cm apart (M1) and paired rows (30 cm apart) spaced at 90 cm apart (M2)], green gram (GG), black gram (BG), soybean (SB), groundnut (GN), and red gram (RG); intercropping of M1+GG,...

Author(s): S. Kheroar and B. C. Patra