July 2014
Productivity of improved plantain technologies in Anambra State, Nigeria
The poor plantain output problem in Anambra centers on the efficiency with which farmers use resources on their plantain farm. It also borders on how the various factors that affect plantain production can be examined, so as to improve plantain production in the country. The inefficiency problem is attributed to factors such as use of low input technologies, lack of knowledge of high input technologies, amongst others....
July 2014
Markov chain analysis of dry, wet weeks and statistical analysis of weekly rainfall for agricultural planning at Dhera, Central Rift Valley Region of Ethiopia
Knowledge of rainfall pattern is very important for making decision on crop planning and water management. In the present study, Markov Chain probability model was performed to explain the long term frequency behavior of wet or dry weather spells during the main rainy season at Dhera, Central Rift Valley Region of Ethiopia. The study used 24 years (1984-2010) of rainfall data and weekly rainfall data was considered as...
July 2014
Increasing efficiency of seed inoculation with bio-fertilizers through application of micronutrients in irrigated chickpea
The present study was aimed to determine the efficiency of different combinations of seed inoculation with micronutrients [Ammonium Molybdate: (NH4)6Mo7O24) and cobalt sulphate: CoSO4] on chickpea plant height, nodule count and seed yield. The experiment was carried out for three consecutive winter seasons from 2010 - 2011 to 2012 - 2013 in Gujarat State of India. The inoculation treatments influenced significantly the...
July 2014
Mechanization, fertilization and staking options for environmentally sound yam production
An on-station study at Fumesua and Ejura in Ghana with two yam varieties (Pona and Dente), seedbed option (ridge and mound) and NPK fertilizer rates (0, 45-45-60, 60-60-60 and 60-60-80 kg ha-1 N-P205-K20) revealed significant (p < 0.05) increases in soil carbon and phosphorus with fertilizer application to yam. Fertilized yam had acceptable culinary qualities. Another study on staking options using a promising...
July 2014
Association of statistical methods used to explore genotype × environment interaction (GEI) and cultivar stability
This study aims to acquaint breeders of the need to use statistical tools that will help resolve the identification of consistently better performing genotypes across various environmental conditions. It also aim to reveal the relationship among the various statistical methods used to describe genotype × environment interaction (GEI) and cultivar stability. A mixed model with fixed genotypes and random...
July 2014
Genetic improvement of Gossypium arboreum L. using molecular markers: Status and development needs
The genus Gossypium has 45-50 species, of which only four (two allotetraploids and two diploids) enjoy the status of cultivated cotton. Among the four cultivated ones, Gossypium arboreum holds a special place because of the inherent ability to withstand drought, salinity and remarkable resistance to sucking pests and leaf curl virus. However, the species suffer with poor fiber quality traits, low yield and has certain...
July 2014
Productivity of transplanted rice as influenced by weed control methods
Rigorous research efforts are being made by scientists around the world to evolve different strategies for improving rice yield. Most of the improved crop management practices in rice cultivation failed due to poor and improper practices for containing weeds. At present, no single approach, that is, uses of herbicides or manual or mechanical weeding is effective in containing the weed menace. Hence, the present...
July 2014
Parasitism of plum tree (Dacryodes edulis, Burseraceae) by Loranthaceae in the locality of Fotetsa-Dschang (West-Cameroon)
Plum tree (Dacryodes edulis) in Cameroon is a fruiting and shading tree in agro ecosystems. It is of nutritional, medicinal and economical values to local population. Its productivity is reduced partially in some localities by the Loranthaceae parasites. These parasites were censured on plum trees in all the nine villages of the locality Fotetsa (West Region of Cameroon) where they are mainly shading plants in coffee...
July 2014
Role of trap colors and exposure time of pheromone on trapping efficacy of males of the tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) (Lepidoptera:Gelechiidae)
Field studies were conducted in two sites (Saheline and Chott-Mariem) in the Centre-East of Tunisia in 2012 and 2013 to evaluate the influence of different colors of pan water traps and age of pheromone dispenser on capture of males of the tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta. Three experiments were setup using colored traps (white, yellow, orange, red and green) in a randomized block design with four replicates. The first...
July 2014
Effects of limiting frequency of free access to milk on growth and intake of holstein calves during pre- and early post-weaning period
New born (male and female) calves (n = 26) weighing 33.3 ± 0.71 kg were used to evaluate effects of restricting frequency of free access to milk before and 2 weeks after weaning. Calves were randomly assigned at birth to 1 of 2 treatments being free access to whole milk twice daily (2X) or free access to whole milk once a day (1X). Milk and starter intakes were recorded daily, body weight (BW) was recorded weekly...
July 2014
Genetic variability, correlation and path analysis among different traits in desi cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.)
Genetic variability, correlations and path coefficients were studied in desi (Indian) cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.) taking 20 phenotypically diverse genotypes along with two viz., PA- 402 and PA- 255, one NH-615 and one hybrid check NHH-44. A wide range of variation was found for almost all the characters. All the characters showed very small difference between genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) and...