December 2013
An assessment of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) current status and future prospect
Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is among the oldest crops in the world. Globally, it is third most important feed grain legume. Currently, 58 countries produce this bean on large scale. Probably faba beans are one of the best performing crops under global warming and climate change scenario because of its unique ability to excel under all most all type of climatic conditions coupled with its wide adoptability to range of soil...
December 2013
Agriculture as a tool for development in Angola
After a long period of war in Angola, agriculture can contribute significantly to achieving higher sustainable economic growth and greater rural development in all 18 provinces. The Minister of Agriculture in Angola manages Ministry of Agriculture and Development Rural (MADR) including the Forest Sector, which is designated as the Institute of Development Forest (IDF). The most important is the recuperation of...
December 2013
An econometric analysis of agriculture-growth nexus in the Gambia: 1966 to 2009, it is more people per acre and fewer yields per acre, and the reverse should have been the case
Agriculture is a major engine for the economic well-being of the Gambia. The successive governments from the colonial periods to the present have all recognized this importance of the agricultural sector. But most of their policies could not bear any fruit, because they were working against natural laws. They, in many instances encouraged slash and burn technology and putting increasingly more people onto the land...
December 2013
Does low yield heterosis limit commercial hybrids in wheat?
Heterosis has contributed to productivity gains in several crops like maize, rice, sorghum, cotton etc. Wheat breeders have largely been unsuccessful to take advantage from this technology at commercial level. Lack of commercial level yield heterosis is regarded as a major reason for this failure as compared to other technical barriers like difficult pollination control and seed production. The allopolyploidy nature of...
December 2013
Status of genetic research for resistance to Ug99 race of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici: A review of current research and implications
Stem rust, caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt), is one of the most serious diseases of bread (Triticum aestivum L.) and durum (Triticum durum Desf.) wheat worldwide. The discovery of new Pgt races in Africa, Ug99 and its variants, brings a new threat to global wheat production. Currently, the research of stem rust in wheat is focusing on identifying further resistance genes to control Ug99 and its...
December 2013
Zinc deficiency in Indian soils with special focus to enrich zinc in peanut
In India, zinc (Zn) is now considered as fourth most important yield limiting nutrient in agricultural crops. Zn deficiency in Indian soils is likely to increase from 49 to 63% by 2025. India is leading in groundnut acreage but behind the China in production due to less productivity. Apart from rain-dependant cultivation and mineral nutrition play a vital role in groundnut productivity. Among the nutrients, Zn...