African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Table of Content: 27 June, 2019; 14(26)

June 2019

Organic production and its market support policies

Populations around the world, especially in developed countries, have adopted a more conscious food consumption than that practiced conventionally, in their search for a better quality of life. In this scenario of concern about food, the organic products market is highlighted in the face of the high consumption of food produced with agrochemicals and agricultural inputs. In the last few years, there has been a...

Author(s): Gabriela Oshiro Reynaldo, Paula Martin de Moraes, Leandro Skowronski, Gabriel Paes Herrera, Rildo Vieira de Araújo, Michel Constantino, and Reginaldo Brito Costa,  

June 2019

Integration of tree crops and pastures: Literature review

Sustainable rural development, integration, and interaction of the livestock, agricultural and forestry components can contribute to reducing the impacts of the productive sector in the environment. In forest environments, plant biomass (mainly of trees) is the main reservoir of mineral nutrients. The forest presence contributes to the elevation of mineral nutrient concentrations in the soil, through leaf deposition....

Author(s): Hammarstrom Dobler Guilherme and Bianchi Vidica  

June 2019

Yam (Dioscorea spp.) production trends in Cameroon: A review

Yam (Dioscorea spp.) cultivation has the potentials to greatly contribute to poverty alleviation and food security, in Cameroon. The full production potentials of yams have not been exploited, leaving Cameroon with an annual production of 648,407 metric tons (MT) at the sixth position, among the six countries of the West African yam zone, with 67.3 million MT. This review highlights research gaps in the yam production...

Author(s): Ignatius Nkendem Azeteh, Rachid Hanna, Pierre Nekongo Sakwe, Achiangia Patrick Njukeng and P. Lava Kumar  

June 2019

Sensory profile of coffees of different cultivars, plant exposure and post-harvest

The processes of maturation, harvest and post-harvest coffee of are strictly related to the physical and chemical modifications that can affect the sensorial quality of the coffee, being decisive factors in the choice of the appropriate management to reach the desired quality standard. The objective of this research was to identify the sensorial attributes of the Coffee Association of American (SCAA) protocol of coffee...

Author(s): Bruno Batista Ribeiro, Alex Mendonça de Carvalho, Marcelo Ângelo Cirillo, Francisco Mickael de Medeiros Câmara and Fernanda Faria Montanari  

June 2019

Tenure security, investment and the productivity of agricultural farms in the communal area of Kavango West Region of Namibia: Any evidence of causality

The study determines whether there are causal influences amongst the decision to apply for leasehold land right, investment, and livestock farm productivity in the Kavango West Region of Namibia. Various econometrics models have been used to model these relationships in the literature. However, there is a growing concern that methods which do not explicitly account for the endogeneity of regressors and which are used to...

Author(s): Uchezuba, D, Amaambo, P. and Mbai, S