African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

Table of Content: December, 2022; 18(12)

December 2022

Development and testing of a vertical-spikes shelling machine for bambara groundnuts

This paper aim to develop a low-cost Bambara groundnuts sheller that uses vertical spikes as the shelling mechanism. A vertical spike shelling machine was designed, constructed and evaluated. The Bambara groundnut shelling machine consisted of a hopper, shelling system, frame, motor and power transmission system. The Bambara groundnut sheller used a low-cost shelling mechanism of spikes and shaft system, as it has...

Author(s): Nkambule S., Workneh T., Kassim A., Sibanda S. and Lagerwall G.  

December 2022

Assessing the host status of banana and other plant species to the enset root mealybug Paraputo ensete (Williams & Matile-Ferrero) (Hem.: Pseudococcidae) in Ethiopia

Ninety backyard gardens in the south-eastern Ethiopian highlands with enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman), banana and various annual crops were assessed for the presence of enset root mealybugs (Paraputo ensete (Williams & Matile-Ferrero)). This study presents the first observation of enset root mealybugs on banana. This pest has until now been exclusively recorded on enset in Ethiopia. In the Dilla Zuria...

Author(s): Fikadu Erenso, Guy Blomme, Mitiku Muanenda, Elizabeth Kearsley, Georg Goergen and Temesgen Addis

December 2022

Heavy metals levels and adult health risk assessment in horticultural systems in Mbare Musika and Mutoko, Zimbabwe

Levels of cadmium, chromium, cobalt, nickel and lead were determined in cabbages, tsunga (mustard), green beans and tomatoes from Mbare Musika vegetable market in Harare and one of its major supplier, Mutoko. Cabbages and tsunga exceeded the stipulated safe limit for lead levels whereas the tomatoes and sugar beans went above the 0.02 ppm threshold for cadmium. Hazard Quotients (HQ) of the vegetables showed adult health...

Author(s): Samuel Kodani, Elias Chipunza and Stanislaus Zvarimwa  

December 2022

Growth performance and economic analysis of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fed on black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens)

The depletion of fish stocks in Lake Victoria is putting severe strain on fish supplies for human consumption and aquaculture feed formulation. Due to the fish stocks high demand and limited supply, fishmeal prices are rising, increasing the cost of feed for aquaculture. As a result, up to 70% of variable aquaculture expenditures are related to feed. Alternative feed sources, such as insect meals, have been heavily...

Author(s): Florien Amondi Odhiambo, Elijah Museve, Millicent Ndong’a and Julius Manyala  

December 2022

Estimation of genetic variability, interrelationships and path analysis for yield and yield related traits in NERICAs upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) in White Nile State, Sudan

The yield of rice landraces in the Sudan has been low due to genetic ceiling in the existing varieties. It is necessary to carry out breeding programs that deal with the production of high yielding, adaptable new varieties. Therefore, this study aimed to estimate genetic variability, heritability, genotypic performance and interrelationships among the traits. 18 upland rice genotypes and two checks evaluated at White...

Author(s): Sara M. Abdalla, Khalid A. Osman, Sarrah M. Hamid, Abu Elhassan S. Ibrahim and Abbas M. Suliman

December 2022

Assessment of health hazards and risk perceptions of market garden producers towards the effects of pesticides in Western Region Cameroon

The increased health effect of pesticides on the agrarian population in Africa, particularly in Cameroon is a challenging concern. Therefore, this study aims to assess the health risks and risk perceptions of market garden producers towards the effects of pesticides in Cameroon. Using a multi-stage sampling technique, a sample of 560 producers in the Noun Division, Western Region of Cameroon was obtained and an ordered...

Author(s): Kaldjob Mbeh Christian Bernard, Tata Ngome Ijang Precillia, Douya Emmanuel, Nso Ngang Andre, Bamou Tankoua Lydie and Simo Brice Herman

December 2022

Estimating crop water requirements for irrigation scheduling of tomato using Aquacrop 5.0 and Cropwat 8.0 models under scarcity and unreliability of rainfall in Harare

In the face of increased competition for water resources, optimal irrigation scheduling is necessary for sustainable development of irrigated agriculture. However, the most favourable irrigation scheduling has many constraints and conflicting objectives and deals with an environment which has a lot of uncertainty. In this study, a comparative approach was undertaken for irrigation scheduling using Aquacrop 5.0 and the...

Author(s): Godfrey Singano Muroyiwa, Emmanuel Mashonjowa, Teddious Mhizha, Maud Muchuweti and Peter George Raeth  

December 2022

Effects of sodium chloride on seed germination and seedling establishment of sorghum genotypes

Salinity and climate change are major threats that affect crop productivity in arid and semi-arid fields globally. Sorghum is a climate smart crop but wide range of sorghum genotypes grown is sensitive to salt. Sorghum was screened for salt tolerance using sodium chloride (NaCl) at different concentrations. There were 250 evaluated sorghum genotypes using factorial arrangement in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD)...

Author(s): Nelly Chebet, Erick K. Cheruiyot and Samuel Mwonga  

December 2022

Effect of applying low rates of lime and manure on bean growth and yield on Ferralsols of Lake Victoria crescent agro-ecological Zone-Central Uganda

An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of applying low rates of lime and chicken manure on bean (var. NABE 15) growth and yield on Ferralsols. Using split plot factorial randomized complete block design, lime (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 t ha-1) as the main plot and chicken manure (0.0, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 t ha-1) as sub plot, were replicated three times. The experiment was conducted for three rainy seasons,...

Author(s): Freddie Kabango, Byalebeka John, Semalulu Onesimus, Andrew W. Lenssen, Majaliwa M. J. G and Kyebogola Stewart

December 2022

Phenotypic expressions of diverse Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench genotypes exposed to cold and warm temperatures

Low temperatures at the reproductive stages of sorghum limit its performance and promotion in the dry highlands of Kenya. Two hundred and fifty sorghum genotypes were evaluated in 2020 and 2021 on a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications in two sites. Egerton University a cool highland region and Marigat a warm lowland. The daily temperature range at Egerton was recorded as 20/9?C while that of...

Author(s): Rachael Muthoni Kamau, Erick K Cheruiyot and Stephen Mbuthia Karori