How to cite this article
Tiebu, L., Mohammed, R. A., & Lamptey, S. (2021). Effects of soil amendments and weeding regimes on growth and yield potential of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under different water sources in the Guinea Savanna. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 17(3), 472-478.
Chicago /
Louis Tiebu, Rashad Awal Mohammed and Shirley Lamptey
. "Effects of soil amendments and weeding regimes on growth and yield potential of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under different water sources in the Guinea Savanna." African Journal of Agricultural Research 17, no. 3 (2021): 472-478.
Louis Tiebu, Rashad Awal Mohammed and Shirley Lamptey
. "Effects of soil amendments and weeding regimes on growth and yield potential of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under different water sources in the Guinea Savanna." African Journal of Agricultural Research 17.3 (2021): 472-478.