How to cite this article
Gemiyo, D., Abebe, G., Ganga, G., Tera, A., & Gemeda, B. S. (2017). Early growth and survival rates of crossbred lambs (Dorper x indigenous) under semi-intensive management at Areka, Southern Ethiopia: Effects of non-genetic factors. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 12(23), 2008-2016.
Chicago /
Deribe Gemiyo, Girma Abebe, Gebeyehu Ganga, Asrat Tera and Belete S. Gemeda. "Early growth and survival rates of crossbred lambs (Dorper x indigenous) under semi-intensive management at Areka, Southern Ethiopia: Effects of non-genetic factors." African Journal of Agricultural Research 12, no. 23 (2017): 2008-2016.
Deribe Gemiyo, et al. "Early growth and survival rates of crossbred lambs (Dorper x indigenous) under semi-intensive management at Areka, Southern Ethiopia: Effects of non-genetic factors." African Journal of Agricultural Research 12.23 (2017): 2008-2016.