Full Length Research Paper
The removal of Cu(II) and Ni(II) from aqueous solution by physically pretreated (boiled, heated and autoclaved) Rosa centifolia distillation waste biomass was conducted in batch conditions. The obtained results revealed that initial metal ion concentration, kinetics, and temperature affected the adsorption capacity of the physically pretreated R. centifolia distillation waste biomass. The Cu(II) and Ni(II) equilibrium sorption data agreed well to Langmuir isotherm model and the sorption kinetics were accurately described by pseudo second order kinetic model. The Cu(II) and Ni(II) uptake capacities (mg g-1) of physical pretreated R. centifoliadistillation waste biomass were in following order: boiled (66.91) > heated (52.51) > autoclaved (49.82) > native (42.68) and boiled (67.55) > heated (65.19) > autoclaved (58.09) > native (45.19), respectively. The nature of R. centifoliadistillation waste biomass surface functionalities was analyzed by FTIR spectroscopy.
Key words: Cu(II), Ni(II), isotherms, kinetics, pretreatment, Rosa centifolia.
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