Full Length Research Paper
The study was carried out with six Chinese kale lines as materials. Complete diallel crossing was designed with 6 × 6 to calculate the combining ability and the main genetic parameters. The results are as follows: The GCA effect of P1, P2 and P5was excellent. They were used as parants to get hybrids, the heterosis of anti-cancer glucosinolates of their hybrid was very high. By analyzing the SCA effects, 1 × 2 was an outstanding hybrid. The broad sense heritability of the main GSs were relatively higher, and the narrow sense heritability were lower, so the potential of heterosis was bigger.
Key words: Chinese kale, glucosinolate, combining ability, heritability, heterosis.
Abbreviations: GCA , General combining ability; SCA, specific combining ability; GS, glucosinolate; PRO, progoitrin; RAA, glucoraphanin; SIN, sinigrin; NAP, gluconapin; 4OH, 4-hydroxyglucobrassicin; GBN, glucobrassicanpin; GBC, glucobrassicin; 4ME, 4-methoxyglucobrassicin; NEO, neoglucobrassicin; HPLC, high performance liquid chromatography.
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