Full Length Research Paper
Parentage of a stock of mixed milt produced progeny in current artificial breeding protocol of endangered Caspian brown trout, Salmo trutta caspius, was determinedusing three microsatellite loci chosen after a primary analysis of genetic diversity at nine microsatellite loci in the eight used breeder individuals. Overall, 98.8% of progeny were assigned to their parents using Family Assignment Program (FAP).Selection of hyper-variable microsatellites in Caspian brown trout to identify unique alleles was effective for unambiguous parentage determination and estimation of genetic diversity in this study. Effective population size of breeder individuals (Ne) was lower than the number of breeder individuals used (Nb) indicating unbalanced contribution of breeder individuals to progeny. Indeed, one of the four male breeder individuals produced about 70 % and the other three produced only from 4.86 % to 18.83 % of progeny. The average observed and expected heterozygosity of progeny (0.723 ± 0.011 and 0.684 ± 0.009, respectively) was significantly lower than that of their parents (0.833 and 0.800, respectively). Our data indicate that the current breeding protocol of Caspian brown trout may not provide equal opportunity for all the breeder individuals to contribute equally to progeny. Therefore, appropriate fertilization designs in the hatchery should be established in order to equalize the genetic contribution of different breeder individuals.
Key words: Parentage assignment, effective population size, genetic diversity,Salmo trutta caspius.
FAP, Family assignment program; PCR, polymerase chain reaction;Excl 1, unknown parents; Excl 2, one parent known.
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