Full Length Research Paper
This study describes genetic variation among samples of Iranian Holstein cattle (Bos taurus) by using microsatellite markers. Semen samples of individuals were taken followed by DNA extraction. A panel of 13 microsatellites was used for evaluation of 13 loci in 68 Holstein proofed bulls. Mean value for allele per locus detected is 6.615, ranging from 10 (SPS115) to 4 (ETH3). All the microsatellite DNA markers showed high polymorphism and displayed a relatively high level of genetic variation as estimated by allelic diversity and heterozygosity. Estimated heterozygosities ranged from 1.000 (BM2113, TGLA122, TGLA126, ETH3, MGTG4B, SPS115, TGLA227 and INRAO23) to 0.633 (SPS113) with mean value of 0.946. All the loci showed deviation from Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium (p < 0.001), polymorphism information content (PIC) calculated for each marker exceeded 0.6 and the mean value of Shannon information index was estimated to be 1.606. Obtained results showing heterozygousity can be useful for the development of breeding strategies for genetic improvement in Iranian Holstein cattle.
Key words: Genetic variability, polymorphism, microsatellite loci, Bos taurus, Iranian Holstein cattle, DNA.
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