April 2019
In silico prediction and segregation analysis of putative virus defense genes based on SSR markers in sweet potato F1 progenies of cultivars ‘New Kawogo’ and ‘Resisto’
In sweet potato, an anti-virus defense mechanism termed reversion has been postulated to lead to virus freedom from once infected plants. The objectives of this study were to identify anti-virus defense genes and evaluate their segregation in progenies. Reference genes from different plant species were used to assemble transcript sequences of each sweet potato defense gene in silico. Sequences were used for evaluate...
April 2019
Early selection in Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. progenies in Savanna, Brazil
Genetic parameters were assessed and correlated to evaluate the feasibility of early selection for diameter at breast height (DBH) and total height (TH) in a half-sib progenies test of Eucalyptus camaldulensis. The test is established in the Santo Antônio do Leverger municipality, Mato Grosso State, Brazil, with 132 progenies, five blocks and three plants per plot at 3 x 2 m spacing. REML/BLUP procedure was...