African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12496

Table of Content: 20 March, 2019; 18(12)

March 2019

Phytochemical analysis and antinociceptive activity of bitter ginger (Zingiber zerumbet) cultivated in Manaus/Amazonas

The present work concerns the analgesic effects of zerumbona, obtained from Zingiber zerumbet L. Smith cultivated in Manaus/Amazonas. The compound has been studied for decades because it has potent cytotoxic activity against liver and prostate tumor cells, colon, and breast. The plant is rich in sesquiterpenes, glycosylated flavonoids that present important pharmacological activities; standing out cytotoxic activity...

Author(s): Carlos Cleomir de Pinheiro, Daniely Pinheiro Machado, Marcia Seixas de Castro, Carlos Danniel Freitas Pinheiro, Francisco Amadis Batista Ferreira, Élisson de Souza Leite, Isac Tayah and Alex Panizza  Jalkh  

March 2019

Study of oxygen transfer processes improvement for domestic wastewaters treatment

In aerated processes, the oxygen transfer was limited by the presence of the suspended matter as colloid and the dissolved matter, which might decrease the biological degradation effectiveness. In this publication, three series of tests were conducted to study possibilities to reduce these matters: bacterial adaptation which was conducted in a biological aerated filter, adsorption/biosorption conducted on a biological...

Author(s): Stenelvie Dajeavine NGALA, Ahmed SALIM, Sarah JERROUMI, Brahim LEKHLIF, and El Hassan MALIL