February 2019
Improvement of nutritional, sanitary and organoleptic qualities of liquid zoom-koom and instant flour zoom-koom using Lactobacillus fermentum starter culture
Traditional fermented beverages occupy an important place in the diet of populations in Burkina Faso. Zoom-koom in particular remains one of the most consumed cereal-based drinks in cities like Ouagadougou. The drink zoom-koom is consumed primarily in the liquid form and to short scale in the reconstituted form called instant flour zoom-koom. Being able to diversify zoom-koom taste and aroma and to improve the...
February 2019
Stem bark of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloïdes a possible substitute of root bark for the conservation of the species in Burkina Faso
Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloïdes (Lam.) is used for some health purposes in Burkina Faso. However, human action threatened this species in its native environment and its regeneration is difficult by the way of population. The main focus of this study is to discriminate samples of zanthoxyloïdes from different plant populations in order to find good specimens for traditional medicine and thus contribute to the...