African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: February 2003; 2(2)

February 2003

The molecular initiation and subsequent acquisition of disease resistance in plants

  Interactions between disease resistance (R) genes in plants and their corresponding pathogen avirulence (Avr) genes are the key determinants of whether a plant is susceptible or resistance to a pathogen attack. Evidence has emerged that these gene-for-gene interactions in the perception of pathogenic invasions and development of acquired resistance in plants involve different molecular and hormonal...

Author(s): Emma Wanjiru Gachomo, Olusola Olusoji Shonukan and Simeon Oloni Kotchoni

February 2003

Variations in fatty acid proportions during desiccation of Telfairia occidentalis seeds harvested at physiological and agronomic maturity

  The effect of desiccation on lipid content, fatty acid composition and the antioxidative enzymic capacity was investigated in seeds of Telfairia occidentalis, harvested at physiological and agronomic maturity. Seeds were dried at 5 and 28 oC, environments that induced different drying and metabolic rates. Desiccation of seeds was associated with decreased antioxidative enzymic capacity (of...

Author(s): Nkang A, Omokaro D, Egbe A and Amanke, G 

February 2003

The use of a novel phage-based technology as a practical tool for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in Africa

  Sub-Saharan Africa has experienced a significant increase in tuberculosis cases in recent years, fuelled by high rates of TB-HIV co-infection in the region.  The diagnosis of tuberculosis is based largely on clinical assessment, sputum smear microscopy and chest radiography. Although smear microscopy is useful for detecting the most infectious cases, a significant portion of cases are negative on sputum...

Author(s): Tracy Seaman, Andre Trollip, Richard Mole and Heidi Albert

February 2003

Relationship between genetic similarity and some productive traits in local chicken strains

  Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was applied to detect genetic similarity between five local chicken strains that have been selected for eggs and meat production in Egypt. Based on six oligonucleotide primers, the genetic similarity between the egg-producing strains (Anshas, Silver Montazah and Mandarah) ranged from 72.4 to 85.4%.  While the genetic similarity between the two chicken...

Author(s): Bahy Ahmed Ali, Mohamed Morsy Mohamed Ahmed, Osama Mahmoud Aly

February 2003

Genetic diversity in cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] varieties determined by ARA and RAPD techniques

  Cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. presents phenotypical variabilities and in order to study the genetic diversity of cultivated Senegalese varieties, two experimental approaches were used. First, a physiological characterization based on nitrogen fixation was used to assess cowpea breeding lines. Inoculation with two Bradyrhizobiumstrains (NGR234 and ISRA312), showed a difference in nitrogen...

Author(s): Laïty Fall, Diaga Diouf, Mame Arama Fall-Ndiaye , François Abaye Badiane and Mamadou Gueye