How to cite this article
Budakçi, M., Korkut, D. S., & Esen, R. (2010). The color changes on varnish layers after accelerated aging through the hot and cold-check test. African Journal of Biotechnology , 9(24), 3595-3602.
Chicago /
Mehmet Budakçı, Derya Sevim Korkut and RaÅŸit Esen. "The color changes on varnish layers after accelerated aging through the hot and cold-check test." African Journal of Biotechnology 9, no. 24 (2010): 3595-3602.
Mehmet Budakçı, Derya Sevim Korkut and RaÅŸit Esen. "The color changes on varnish layers after accelerated aging through the hot and cold-check test." African Journal of Biotechnology 9.24 (2010): 3595-3602.