Full Length Research Paper
In the recent period, commercial banks have witnessed parity in performance and rapid growth in mobile banking services. Consequently, mobile banking services are considered pillars of bank performance by regulators and practitioners alike. Basel has set values for effective financial oversight, and central banks have issued roadmaps on mobile banking services to ensure a sound financial system that aligns with stakeholders' interests. The objective of the study was to establish the relationship between mobile banking services and performance. Constructs were derived to meet these objectives. The model includes a rating system that analyzes capital adequacy, asset quality, management capacity, earnings, and bank liquidity to establish overall soundness. The study adopted a positivist research philosophy and utilized a specific research design. The population consisted of 43 banks. Regression analysis was employed to establish the relationship between mobile banking services and performance. Descriptive statistics and diagnostic tests were conducted on the data, followed by correlation and regression analyses to test the hypotheses. The study's results (H01) indicate a relevant relationship between account-to-account transfers, mobile money, and performance.
Key words: Mobile banking, performance, services.
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