African Journal of
Business Management

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1993-8233
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJBM
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 4188

Article in Press

Performance of Avocado value chain in Kenya: An exploratory study based on actors’ perceptions


  •  Received: 04 July 2015
  •  Accepted: 23 August 2018
Avocado is one of the pillars of the Kenyan horticultural sector. Despite its importance, avocado production and marketing is still saddled with numerous problems. In order to address some of these bottlenecks, the Kenyan government together with its development partners has introduced many interventions in the avocado sector. Regardless of these interventions, not much is known about their effectiveness. In particular, the performance of the chain has not been assessed comprehensively leading to limited information on how well the chain can further be developed. This articles aims to fill the gap in the literature. We use primary data collected from focus group discussions and key informants interviews together with secondary data published by government institutions. A conceptual framework for assessing value chain performance was used to assess the performance of various actors in the chain, based on the actor’s perception on a set of performance indicators. The results indicated that avocado producers rated the performance in terms of profitability and return to scale as moderate while they rated their competitiveness as low. On the other hand, exporters and processors rated the quality of the fruits between low and moderate, while large and small producer rated the quality as high. Availability of Hass variety and its reliability was rated between low and moderate by all categories of buyers. Availability of Fuerte variety was rated high by all the buyers and its dependability as moderate. The government in collaboration with the private sector should put more efforts in providing useful resources to the producers to implement the international market requirements to increase the quality, competitiveness and profits of their fruits. Collective action also deserves high priority in order to develop a large array of innovative strategies that will enhance sustainable group marketing, training, credit access and market information flow.