African Journal of
Business Management

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1993-8233
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJBM
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 4188

Table of Content: June 2007; 1(3)

June 2007

A review of the literature on employee turnover

“Employee turnover” as a term is widely used in business circles. Although several studies have been conducted on this topic, most of the researchers focus on the causes of employee turnover but little has been done on the examining the sources of employee turnover, effects and advising various strategies which can be used by managers in various organisations to ensure that there is employee continuity in...

Author(s): Henry Ongori

June 2007

Unity and division: the dialectics of the Nigerian trade union movement

This paper takes cursory look at the development of the Nigerian trade union movement. Using the historical approach, it is argued that a combination of ideological, political, structural and personal factors has made it virtually impossible for the movement to attain a level of unity needed to secure concessions from the Nigerian state and the owners of capitalist industry. The paper then concludes that given the...

Author(s): Funmi Adewumi

June 2007

Peer influence on young adults’ products purchase decisions

There are some people that an individual keeps in mind when making a purchase. Usually, such people disseminate opinions and other individuals are pressured into following their trend, becoming associated with them and using them as a standard of their purchase decisions. Such people are known as reference groups and they include entertainment figures, sports heroes, political leaders, parents, co-workers, teachers and...

Author(s): R Makgosa and K Mohube