African Journal of
Biochemistry Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biochem. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0778
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJBR
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 427

Table of Content: January-March 2025; 19(1)

January 2025

Impact of sickle cell trait on glycated hemoglobin levels in Abidjan

Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is a marker for glycemic control and diagnosis in diabetic patients. Sickle cell trait (SCT), characterized by the presence of hemoglobin S (HbS), may interfere with HbA1c formation. This study aimed to determine the impact of sickle cell trait (AS) on HbA1c levels. This cross-sectional analytical study included 94 patients and 76 control subjects over a 12-month period. HbA1c was measured...

Author(s): Kouzahon Colombe Jeannine LOHORE, Chibrou Bénédicte YAPO-KEE AKE, Louise MOKE, Yann Christian ECRABEY, Benita BOUBERI-NIAVA, Boni Guy-Martial KOUAME, Youssouf Ben Soualiho BAMBA, Foua Jonas VANIE BI, Germaine NIAMKE, Konan Gervais KOFFI, Massara CAMARA-CISSE, Youzan Ferdinand DJOHAN, and Aké Absalome MONDE,